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JoE Smash

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Everything posted by JoE Smash

  1. I dug around in the cfg files of his mod until I found the damn thing (It would be nice if the guy maybe named his part files a little closer to what the actual part names are in game), and according to the part file that probe seems to have TWO? built in antennas one with a power of 5000.....and another with 62.5K...but that one says it's not combine-able. Unless I'm reading it wrong. I'm not a modder or anything....so I don't necessarily know how the stuff written in a cfg functions exactly.... Maybe it's defaulting to the 5K internal antenna and it should be deleted.....or change antennacombinable to = True instead of False and maybe that would "fix" the part..... I bolded the antenna bits for you.
  2. Yay I was helpful! Kinda....lol. So I unlocked the non-boom solar wind science part too....the one that just does that. I'll try that one instead and see if it works. I wasn't asking for a wall of text, and I like funny descriptions and wouldn't change them. I meant add literally the bit I had in quotes maybe after the funny description in brackets or something. Or even on the right side after you right click. TBH I don't fully understand the stock Kerbnet scanning functionality. A lot of parts say things like "biome"...like probe parts, rover parts, etc....but they don't have an altitude or anything....so I have no idea what it means or how they work. The reason I prefer ScanSAT is because at least it clear. Each part does a thing and has an ideal range, so I understand what it does and where to put it. The way I see it is getting crap into space how you want it is hard enough to do on it's own. Having to guess what part does what, or having to do stuff all over again because you were wrong and sent the wrong thing up just adds insult to injury.... I didn't mean that about your parts specifically, I mean in general with any part either stock or from another mod. This game is tricky enough on it's own, just getting stuff done. I REALLY hate it when I get something in orbit only to find out the crap I sent doesn't do what I thought it did, or what I need it to do.
  3. I appreciate you getting back to me m8.... So the first SAR I unlocked....the one with the comms dish is like the M700....but it is NOT also a high altitude radar? See I thought it was both....oh well... The other SAR clearly is but it's exactly the same price as the stock one and has the same stats....so it's basically another model.... I really wish I knew about the KLIR earlier....I would have used it....so it's a biome scanner AND an ore scanner? So like the high definition ore scanner. Not like the M700, it like the M4435 narrow band one? If so I REALLY wish I knew that. It does say 60,000 instead of 600,000 so that also really confused me as how the hell to use it. That's kinda what I was explaining in my prior post....instead of making a pdf guide or a wiki....if you just added text in the tool tip right click menu stating what stock part it is a copy of, that would really help a lot. Like for the CA-KLIR if it said in the tool tip (Combo of Multispectral Biome Scanner and M4435 Narrow Band Ore Scanner), I would have understood exactly what it was and how to use it....well except for the altitude typo being problematic. Lastly I tried running "solar wind science" from the Xihe Science Boom in orbit of Kerbin, but it said "this cannot be completed at this time" and I didn't understand why. Do I have to orbit the sun to use it, or that was a bug? Or maybe I was still sub orbital and hadn't circularized it yet....I can't remember really I guess. I know it didn't work on the surface, so I tried it in space and it still didn't work, so I was like what does this do and HOW do I do it? I mean if I have to orbit the sun to use it, that's fine, I just need to know because at some point I'll be making a SUN probe for the stock SENTINEL Infared Telescope. I can attach any other solar science on that probe. I don't know how contract packs work, or how to program, but I do know that whenever I unlock a new ScanSAT scanner I instantly get contracts to use it to scan each planet I have visited so far at least once. It would be really cool if your part copies triggered the quests as well....or instead of, because in most cases your parts are unlocked earlier in the tech tree....
  4. So the M4435 narrow band scanner through ScanSAT will generate a permanent more accurate scan map, where as through stock it only provides a temporary map of its current overhead position? Do I have to "disable all stock scanning" in settings for this to be possible, or is it always possible by using the ScanSAT maps and putting it in a polar orbit at the correct altitude and letting it scan for several days? Also I know I have to do the general scan with the M700 first as well. I have biome lock off, and insta scanning off, but I have "need narrow band scanning" on and I have NOT disabled stock scanning....yet. I was unclear if I had to....after reading the wiki and FAQ. The Wiki and FAQ listed that the narrow band scanner through scansat can provide a persistent higher accuracy resource map, but it was unclear on exactly what settings were required to make that happen. (In my opinion....as I am still confused) I also have absolutely no idea what the "been there done that" thing is for at all.....it's not even mentioned really....
  5. Yeah I deleted MM and the copy pasted it back and restarted the game and the button reappeared.... After my last crash I tried another one of your mods for the first time....MemGraph....to see if it helped with crashing since texture compression mods are obsolete as KSP now compresses textures by default and I already force openGL and have decent RAM. Maybe hitting alt-end with MemGraph open a bunch of times during the loading screen/mm patching caused some crap to get skipped.....lol. That's the only new thing it could have been.... I noticed spam pressing alt-end with MemGraph open creates red lines on the graph....
  6. Yeah I understand how to change if the resources scan instantly or not in the settings for scanSAT and changing it. I wanted to know if the setting affects the parts in this mod as well, or only the stock scanners. I'm aware of scanSAT settings, I didn't know if they affect the mod parts in this mod or not. I also understand about reading the tool tips, but they are unclear. What I'm saying is it would be better if the parts for this mod said in brackets in the tool tip what parts they are a copy of....like (same as narrow band scanner or same as high definition altimeter) Despite the tool tips I still don't understand what the CA-KLIR Infrared Spectrometer does.... I also still don't know where to use run solar wind science? High orbit of Kerbin? Orbit the sun? Or where do you go to use the Gravity Wave Detector.....to log gravity data? Lastly I don't know how to do things with module manager.....I'm not a modder for that reason. I know how to install it and that's about it. I really depend on modders like linuxgurugamer to write good mods that utilize module manager efficiently to do things like what you were saying about scanSAT contracts....
  7. No....I can try reinstalling though in a while. I'm full and tired...
  8. I noticed the button you added to the decouplers is gone now....
  9. Cool. I did a search for the error at the end of the output log and apparently that is a Unity error when unity can't tell what is wrong. I typically run the game with only CKAN open in the background. I force OpenGL now and have 16 GB ram on an Asus ROG gaming laptop with an NVIDIA card.... Obviously I run the game in 64bit. My biggest mod is OPT spaceplanes at like 94mb. Everything else is smaller. I'm not running anything big like a planet pack, or increased textures with any galileo mods.....mostly because I don't want to crash because of memory issues.... My CPU is at 30% and memory is at 52% according to task manager. Most of my crashes happen when changing scenes....like going into or leaving the VAB or switching to map view. Occasionally when trying to load a save. The going into or out of the VAB and crashing is pretty common from what I've read after searching about this....
  10. Got an error and a crash after about 5 minutes of playing. I'm sure it's not your fault.....just a coincidence. I have been getting crashes in general. I'm sure I have an issue somewhere, but I am too dumb to understand crash logs, or output logs so I have just been suffering in silence. I created a RAR and sent it to Dropbox if you have time to look at it though.... https://www.dropbox.com/s/9qerxd2b2tcbhlt/Help.rar?dl=0
  11. Okies....I guess I'll go smoke while KSP loads for 10 minutes.... I'll fork your branch with a spork (Me using lingo I no comprendo) Still loading, but mod manager patch part finished.....no errors now
  12. Where do you have to go to run solar wind science? High orbit of Kerbin? Orbit the sun? Where do you go to use the Gravity Wave Detector.....to log gravity data? Ok I just unlocked ANOTHER HIgh definition radar sensor....is that basically the same as the CAE-SAR15 that I just asked about in the prior post except it has no comms dish and no resource scanner......but it's ANOTHER SAR?
  13. Ok so there is an issue with my decouple with control cfg file. I'm assuming deleting the folder and reinstalling it should remedy it....?
  14. I suppose I cheat because when anything like this annoys me I find the respective part configs and tweak them myself. I'd just tweak the arm's temp value to like 3000 or 4000 and then find the lights lower both their drag and angular drag to 0.1 or 0.0 and call it good.....lol. Little lights shouldn't be causing huge drag and robotic arms shouldn't be melting in the first place as far as I'm concerned....lol.
  15. Sorry didn't see this when I did my own investigation into my save file and tech tree getting additional copies of this cockpit. At least you name your cfg files in a rational way....making this an easy file search to track down the duplicate issue.... I wish everyone named their cfg files after the part name instead of something stupid....
  16. Oh sorry m8. I was too busy to back read....I need to go to bed not post or play KSP lol....
  17. What exactly is the SAR 15 synthetic aperture radar altimeter? It has a direct antenna...? It is the same as the high definition radar altimeter from ScanSAT? (The higher 750 kilometer altitude one?) It is also like the stock big resource scanner...like the M700? So if I have the ScanSAT settings set to "not do the instant resource scan (I like to scan over time....I think the insta scan is OP) will this obey that setting? Or does it only insta-scan? We really need a parts manual....or in brackets in the part description what stock or mod parts your parts are copies of....I can't keep everything straight in my head. I just put a satelite around Minmus yesterday with just the M700 because I didn't realize you provided a copy of the SAR with a built in M700.... Also your parts don't trigger the ScanSAT contracts to do the associated scans when your parts are unlocked....that would help and be a nice addition. What's the point of putting a satelite up with the SAR if I haven't gotten the contracts to scan each planet I have discovered with the SAR....because I haven't unlocked the ScanSAT SAR yet to trigger the contracts....? I have no idea what the CA-KLIR Infrared Spectrometer does.... It says resource scanner but a max altitude of 60000 meters so that won't work on Kerbin or Eve with atmosphere. Is it like a narrow band scanner or the surface scanner? It says surface.....but when on the surface you aern't at 60000 meters.....that would be a REALLY high mountain....I'M SOOOO CONFUSED!
  18. My decision to finally buy this on sale on Steam a couple months ago was actually heavily influenced by the number of available mods to the game. KSP IS pretty fortunate that is so easily mod-able and is fortunate that it has such a strong modding community. I'm not sure I would have been as happy with the stock game as I am with the heavily modded version that I play. I'm pretty sure I would have totally lost interest in playing it by now if it wasn't for all the mods. Like linuxgurugamer and probably others I typically install around 100 mods through CKAN. (Actually I think linuxgurugamer probably runs closer to 200 mods than 100) From big mods like texture and planet packs to little mods like better burn time and improved chase camera, this game is made much better by the mods that are available.
  19. Hey @JadeOfMaar, I noticed my save game was propagating numerous copies of part = i.4m.cockpit.isp. I was having the same issue with this happening with part = fueltank, because the T.R.A.P. engines mod from kerbalstarkerman added another copy of a .cfg file for the Fuel Tank 400. My save file would keep filling up with hundreds of copies of part = fueltank. I would prune/delete the copies and they would keep coming back.....until I found and deleted his extra copy of the fueltank.cfg..... it seems that when a mod adds a part that has the same exact part name as another part already in the game or added by another mod the part keeps getting copied over and over in the parts section of the persistent save file. Also a picture of the part gets copied over and over in the tech tree....so my tech tree keeps getting hundreds of thumb nail images of fuel tank 400 and this OPT cockpit in their respective nodes when I look at them in game.... It seems like deleting the superfluous .cfg file with the exact same part name rectifies the problem.... You have a cfg called "OPT_i_4m_cockpit_isp" in GameData/OPT_Legacy/parts/miscparts/size_2. Inside the cfg it says "name=i_4m_cockpit_isp." Maybe in your next update you should rename that part to part =OPT.i.4m.cockpit.isp.......because there is ALSO a cfg called "i_4m_cockpit_isp" located in GameData/OPT/Parts/Main where the first line is name=i_4m_cockpit_isp (well the first line after the kyeon disclaimer I mean technically). I don't think the game knows what to do when there are two SEPARATE parts provided to the game with two IDENTICAL part names.... Not that I know anything about modding. I figure if you change the part name to name =OPT.i.4m.cockpit.isp, you'll then have to go back and fiddle with the .mu file or the texture file or something too....
  20. I haven't experienced anthing game breaking with the new update you created. I did notice a few things that were different though.... While starting the game mod manager found like 43 errors relating to "decouplewithcontrol.cfg" that needed to be "patched." Also once in the game most of my inline stack decouplers now have information written in orange text that I had never noticed about "crossfeed" of fuel. I'm seeing when I right click on my decouplers now that there is a toggle about enabling or disabling crossfeed and a toggle for making the part "disposable" or "not disposable." Obviously that last bit is pertaining to the State Funding mod. Was the crossfeed bit always like that and I just never noticed before, or did you fiddle with that too? Lastly whem mod manager detects errors and "patches" them.....what does that mean exactly? I ask because that happened for a while back in my old install that I deleted with InlineBalutes relating to realchute.cfg. It said the thing about errors every time I started the game. It seemed to go away after my clean install.... So when mod manager finds "errors" and "patches" them what does that mean? When I think of a "patch" I think of a fix....once applied it should be fixed. With mod manager if it's fixing something....it doesn't seem to do a very good job if it has to be "fixed" every time you load the game until you delete everything and start over.....lol. Oh....I also noticed through KSP-AVC that the version of decouple with control being offered through CKAN isn't the most recent version. It looks like he must have submitted his mod to CKAN incorrectly last time or something.....as there are files included with the most recent version's zip folder pertaining to CKAN....I'm thinking he did something not quite correct....
  21. Will try this out soon, been up all night....I will probably sleep soon. I'll let you know if anything else goes boom after I play again.....
  22. Wow, relax. I was just passing along that someone made a mod to do what was requested in the thread. I found this thread while trying to find out what the range of a 1g relay antenna looked like. Someone basically asked if there was a way to see the range of an antenna on ship vs the range of the tracking station, etc. The answer from a dev here is, "this has been asked and it's hard to impliment. If it was easy they would have implimented it." Then suggested alt tabbing the game and doing math.... Well someone took the time to make a mod to basically do what was requested in this thread like a year ago. I was updating the thread with the information that the request has been fufulled by someone.... In the event the interested party was still interested, or so future people looking for information like this (like I was) could now get it. Versus coming across threads saying it's too hard, so it isn't happening Code is code....writing code for a mod vs for the stock game isn't very different. The ability to visualize the range of an antenna SHOULD be stock. Your argument of disliking mods because they add dialog boxes is laughable. If it's cluttering the screen then you press a button to close the box....the boxes are not intended to all be left open. I open boxes I need when I need them, and then close them when they are no longer needed....
  23. I have always used this mod since when I started playing......HOWEVER since I started playing I have had an issue with my save files getting filled with hundreds of copies of part = fuelTank in the section where it lists the parts you have unlocked with science. Also my tech tree slowly gets filled with hundreds of copies of the picture of the Fuel Tank 400 which is the part you have for some reason duplicate added with this mod. I know next to nothing about modding or programming, but even so I'm not sure that it is a good idea to offer copies of stock parts with mods and leave them with the same part name. I think this is what is causing my save game to get filled with numerous copies of the fuel tank 400 part.....
  24. Apparently a modder did the impossible....
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