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Everything posted by NiL

  1. I mean not KIS stuff, but a holding container module with B9 part switcher for ore, supplies, fertilizer, machenery, snacks and that stuff
  2. Please-please-please make a patch for it to be a holding container like the cargo modules in Nert's SSPRX, it'd add so much more functionality!
  3. I think Ariane-style SRBs can use a little retexturing to match new KSP style, but otherwise yay Phoenix!
  4. Wow, AFAIK there isn't any. Could you please uploas your patch as a mod when and if you would make it?
  5. Can I remove stock textures if I have ReStock and also no intent to remove it? Are there a plugin or mod which does it?
  6. Wow, those parts in the part selection menu look super interesting! Can you please provide a list of mods you are using or a GameData screenshot?
  7. Oh, great! And could we possibly see a real imaging capability in those cameras like in Hullcam... CactEye? Or TST parts? And/or science experiments with that parts to add even more functionality?
  8. There's an optional patch somewhere in Tweakscale's folder (examples.cfg, i believe) in which you can remove some // to make all parts tweakable. It's intuitively explained in the .cfg itself.
  9. Ну, если ты собрался его переводить - наверняка знание языка хотя бы с Гуглом спросить позволит в теме мода. Хз, может там изначально нет кода локализации, может нужно что-то дописывать. Это не детальки, где локализация просто файлом лежит, это плагин, с его кодом, думаю, тут немного кто знаком и лучше спросить на англоязычной части форума. Плюс разработчики иногда принимают помощь в переводе от участников форума, может можно как-то так договориться...
  10. Could you please release a quick-taped-together-barely-working-not-supported-very-unstable .dll recompile for 1.7.3? Please? Pleease? I mean I'm already using a not compatrible 1.8.1 mod in 1.7.3, it wouldn't get worse anyway.
  11. Why? If one satellite would consist of a probe core, battery, antenna, solar panel, argon tank and ion engine it will be only 6 parts, 70 sats+70 decouplers = 490 parts. Not great, not quite terrible - stock replicas can have thousands of parts. If battery+probe core+tank+decoupler would be integrated (panels are difficult to integrate, at least i heard so, and Tundra have a wonderful phased array antenna), it will be just 4 parts per sat and 280 parts in total - i mean 300 parts is not bad? And you don't need to make exact replicas and put 70 sats in a stack. 30-40 would still leave the impression of a huge stack and won't explode even potato computers with 120-160 parts. I suggest to launch them in one pile of 20 sats - it would still look like a lot, but will have only 80 parts in total (totally fine), also for gameplay reasons you simply don't need 70 commsats, 20 would be enough, a couple of launches will put a hundred of them in LKO (poor little Tracking Station...). And because you already have a couple of mods as dependencies, it's likely that most Tundra users also have NF set installed, so you can make only the probe core part. I even drew a Paint picture of all that lol. My sat is le ugly, but i think the general idea is clear.
  12. You can use a centrifuge to get a bit of that sweet gravity for your cookies to get flat (optionaly lol)
  13. Oh, i'm so *displeased* that the final version is using TU. I unerstand that this is because of reasons and most players are probably fine with OpenGl, but is there a chance that in the future you could start using stock shaders? Maybe if the new Unity would prove to be better at that things (i assume that you tested stock shaders mostly with old 1.7.* and buggy 1.8)? Edit: Forum's autocorrection changed the word to "liquified" lol. English is not my native language, didn't know that it's a swearword O_o
  14. What, did i? I don't remember sending anything, perhaps you misquoted or it was a typo. Or I just forgot, of course, this is also possible
  15. I thought Contres one was a lot smaller and more elongated, but maybe it's just me or TweakScale was applied
  16. Strange, charming, up, down, top and bottom? Luten is OK IMO
  17. Sounds a lot like russian "Sukhari", which means "hard chuck" (at least Google translated so). In fact, if it reads "Su-ka-ree", like was said, difference is only in that in "Sukhari" "k" is slightly muted.
  18. I think RT is just lying, it's reputation is not too good back here (but again, i'm ukrainian, my opinion about russian's officials and government-controlled news sources reputation can be somewhat unobjective lol). A lot of articles was talking about "explosion on a Nenoks rocket test site", "fire on a Nenoks rocket test site". Cosidering there are a real rocket test site in Nenoks... but it can also be a media's mistake, because there were a high radiation levels in Nenoks and a test site, so if the rocket really exploded on a platform in the sea near Nenoks and the radioactive particles was carried to it by the wind - they could be thinking that the explosion was on the test site, russian officials are not very loud about all that situation. We should check the wind direction at that day/time: if it blew from the sea, than version with platform is more probable, if from land - the explosion was on the test site. I should maybe state clearly that Ненокса is Nenoks in russian for avoiding possible misunderstanding
  19. Sounds very realistic to me You basically have it. The city (actually rather a big village) labeled "Ненокса" just under the closed zone is, i believe, where the test site is located.
  20. You are suggesting to do the same thing with rockets. I lack the english words to say it properly, but by saying «I'll use heating to add energy into the system» you are saying «I'll invite my friend and we would grab each other's hair and would try to pull each other up. Because i'm adding momentum to my friend and he is adding monentum to me, it's not a cheat drive and we'll fly upwards, pulling each other by hair». The inner momentum of a closed system is always 0. When you are expelling propellant, you are making it into another system, so "engine system" and "propellant system" can have differet momentum relative to each other. Without permanently dividing engine and propellant into two systems you cannot give momentum, because inner momentum of a system is always 0.
  21. You don't get momentum by heating something. You get it by pushing off something. In case of rockets they are pushing off expelled propellant (~~~). Do you understand why you cannot lift youself in the air by grabing your own hair and pulling?
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