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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. Just because you are playing with ScanSat - there is a KOS-scansat.dll you might look for. Allow integration of ScanSat with KOS. written in 2016 by Christian Bronk. Find it here Reddit thread. Looking forward to #8.
  2. Simple question: what is best for you the mod maker? Everything else is moot. So if you choose to change to main-sub style, just give notice and some time, then do it. If people like the mods (which they do) they will adapt. Just my two burnt bolts worth.
  3. Continue to enjoy this mod. The button to reset key binding is great! Have another suggestion, could we have an option in settings to make 'fine adjust' mode on all the time without needed the 'fine adjust' window open? yes, shift key is nice, but I just like using the fine adjust all the time. maybe a hotkey to toggle? In any case, have a successful day!
  4. *chuckle* which came first, the oven roasted or freeze dried chicken, or the Easter Egg? Nertea - love the mods and appreciate all the work you do. Have a request - I think KSPi has a heat managment window that you can activate to see in the editor and in flight well, the heat and so on. Any way to have similar in one of your mods? Would be most excellent.
  5. I like, and rather have this as part of an existing, widely used mod instead of having yet another mod (like you). In fact - so many mods could be married together.... would be nice.
  6. This has to be the closest I've seen anyone write a 'ballistic jump' script.

    Challenge: make it complete - so it integrates with waypoint manager or navigation from map so it will do exactly what you did for the monolith from any landed point on the same body, including an initial check for sufficient ∆V to perform the jump. So would end up being a function bjump(coordinates). Would have to take into consideration terrain height between current position and expected end position. ;P Would probably need two versions - one for atmos and one for vacuum.

    Why? Biome hopping for fun and profit. :)

    Have been enjoying this series so far. Keep it up!

    1. SpinkAkron
    2. SpinkAkron


      I have a hopper script for going to different biomes on the Mun. I'll update and demonstrate that when we get to the Mun. I think that's pretty close to what you're suggesting.   

    3. zer0Kerbal


      Should be fun!

  7. Glad to hear. You are welcome. Thank you for futzing and putzing so now I don't have to. *chuckle*
  8. I had to futz with color to get it to work, had to include a space after the < and before the > or something like that. I also tried for linebreaks - but got distracted. Somebody has to know. Am curious myself.
  9. could possibly try: <br> <p><p> - since <color=><color> works could possibly try: <br> <p><p> - since <color=><color> works
  10. Well - c'est la kerbal..... it seemingly works just fine in 1.7 (with the above recompile).
  11. @Ericwi thank you - any chance at another recompile for 1.7? or possibly an Angel Modder like @linuxgurugamer? Thank you in advance!
  12. Would be nice for an update to 1.7 - any chance for an Angel Modder to take this over like maybe @linuxgurugamer? Asking for a friend, his name is Bob.
  13. Restock and Restock+ are what Kerbals dream of when they aren't dreaming of Space and Explosions (not in that order).
  14. your English is just fine. since you are already planning on including a drill, why not use SimpleConstruction so you can expand your base if you need or want to?
  15. Glad to see you hunted down and eliminated that gremlin.
  16. did and I like. The KISO (Kerbal Intergalactic Safety Organization) has now made it mandatory (at least in my games) to have every Pod automatically ship with one of these, right next to the Kilwaukee Electric-screwdriver and helium filled balloon. nicely done!
  17. Here is the MM patch to add to every (new) pod's inventory: Issue had was that the part name didn't seem to want to work with the patch, so I ended up renaming the part.
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