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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. I think Val is getting fed up with @Angel-125 serendipitously snatching and snagging her snacks! (just couldn't resist B) )
  2. With a slight tweak, I added it to my games (it adds both if TST present)
  3. Yep - that patch puts a stock science container in that part if TST isn't installed, and if TST is installed, then it puts a TST SSD. Happy flying!
  4. @Friznit easy enough to write patch to add science - so something like this: (haven't tried it yet) might also want to adjust @TechRequired = basicScience
  5. So am I understanding this right: Unblur + Toolbar + ClickThroughBlocker will be dependencies (ie required) going forward? I see the advantage and (not that you require it) approve. Just looking ahead.
  6. so - add a SSD (Science Storage Device) like from Tarsier Space Technology? that's an easy +PART MM patch. Just tell me which part you want the patch for.
  7. Yes, but the patch originates from ChopShop, which has a LED 'headlight' for its roverbodies.
  8. Restock I know there are others - just not remembering.
  9. UBIO welder - some caveats. but yes, you could just go Jeb*SMASH* to the part.cfg and make it work. hard part would be making the b part show up (model) where you want.
  10. I thought the base game allowed one to click on a command pod with a science container and there was a 'collect' button present, thought that anything with a science container had that same button on the right click menu.
  11. am the same way. is part of the reason I just created a cck for OrbitalTug for its 8 parts.
  12. ever consider using Janitor's Closet?
  13. could try the following variant patch
  14. Okay - first attempt at updating KAS/KIS successful. Winch working with supplied model. Placement a little off, but working. Am debating about leaving old KAS modules in, so will work with older KAS versions. am thinking should remove patch from part.cfg and make separate patch file. Restock light patch. First attempt working. issue for manned cab - two separate lights, now one control. lights not bright enough on 0.4 setting, so am bumping to 0.6 adding CCK patch and icons patch to correct attach nodes on adapters done. am debating about adding attach nodes to engines and symmetrical attach nodes to core (x4) comments? Will supply here until completely correct then will do as @linuxgurugamer asks and do a PR on github. KAS KIS Lights CCK - PR attempted to add files / patch. Adapter attach nodes Engine Attach Nodes/Core Attach Nodes
  15. maybe DDS4KSP? https://github.com/Telanor/DDS4KSP
  16. @CoriW Here is a MM patch I use to 'ghost' parts: I take it [Cherry?Light] has a space in the part name? @PART[Cherry?Light|KAL9000|KR-2042|kOSMachine*]:NEEDS[kOS]:FINAL I would suggest dividing up different mod parts into separate patches. also - add -mm-dump to the KSP Command line - creates a directory ( Game/_MMCfgOutput ) that has all the resulting part.cfg files (resulting means after all MM patches applied). If you use CKAN there is an option for it (Settings/KSP Command-line). Once it dumps you can see exactly how your patches have been applied.
  17. what a great release note/change log item! personally - MohoBBQ... extra sauce.
  18. it was worth a try. *sigh* yes, I was just thinking of - Kerbal Electric -
  19. I suspect that for simple welds an ambitious player could just use the .craft file and copy and paste part data coupled with model/texture data from part.cfg. lot more work than this glorious mod, but hey, it could work. Just think of the bragging rights!
  20. @AmpCat maybe a MM patch to add the AviationLights Module (sic)? thanks for reminding me - I need to update the slimer lights.
  21. added benefit - can attach (really) attach mini/micro grabbing unit to the winch in the VAB unlike the magnet/anchor/harpoon/hook.
  22. @kcs123 code, like spaghetti, is best after you throw it against a wall and see what sticks. I will play around with this concept when I install kOS again.
  23. next step is to right click one plug and a popup menu with a 'link' button will appear. Click <link> and then left click the other plug. That should be all. Screwdriver / Electric Screwdriver / That other neon pink electric powered screwdriver (and a scientist if possible) (or at least use a scientist to calibrate (see SEP OP). I do not know if you can walk a distance (or how far) to link them like the old one. guess I should try. This should be enough - ask if it isn't. PS - also suggest making your own folder under GameData (like zzzMMPatches) for all those loose MM patches you have collected/will collect. the z puts the folder last, which will help make sure your personal patches are applied last-laster-last.
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