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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. thank you. saved me a spell of time. I have written part upgrades in the past, and have really wanted (low priority) to do a more expansive set. this will make a great tool to start/continue that toolbox.
  2. thank you . that makes sense. doesn't matter the size of the hammer, or how much you try to whack it - if it doesn't exist.
  3. True - and I can write that - but that might be another step later on. Would prefer to use a patch..." "I usually don't ask if it is possible, rather I hit it with a big enough hammer to make it work. — Jeb
  4. am attempting to write a patch that puts SAS into a part, but limits it due to the techtree. pseudocode: this should work - just need help on the :NEEDS statement - how to reference the techtree for a specific tech?
  5. fixed. I always do, don't know what happened.
  6. hmmm... when will someone post a MM patch that changes suit color based upon class and rank?
  7. SCANSat - will see if I can fit this in over the weekend or so.Maybe KAS.KIS - will have to see. Am also working on finishing my efforts on the MK2 Landing Can.
  8. SO - cleaned up the disaster of a mess of my GitHub fork... 0.16 is being updated now on github: All nodes should be in place on all eight parts with full B9 switch support. All nodes *should* be orientated correctly. All nodes have been renamed to reflect where they are. Will post changelog in next post Will push end of this weekend, if that works for you @linuxgurugamer Will now work on KAS Think I have worked out the intent of the winch on the grapplerJr (space tether) Comment on Engines: After our discussion I started thinking and distinctly remember a note somewhere about these specific engines being higher than normal thrust/ISP due to being 'dirty' aka running hot like a WWII diesel being fed napalm or whisky. 'Dirty' as in very little radioactivity shielding. Images showing another possibility (120 degree nodes* on grapplerJr and additional nodes on engineonArm) as always, comments and suggestions are strongly solicited and appreciated. * 120 degree nodes are precisely 120° apart with the 0° on the dorsal line; are also on the CoG, and since the engineonArm attachment point is also on its CoG, all balanced (I hope).
  9. @Snark thank you for this mod. activated the TerrierPartVarient patch and ModuleManager said this: displayName = LFO // #$/MODULE[ModulePartVariants]/VARIANT[Shroud]/displayName$ fixes it, but rather prefer the dynamic style of original patch. Also: is there a simple way to expand that patch to all engines with shroud varients and base the amount added by part mass - only if there is no LF/LFO present? (and how)
  10. I want to try this. It is exactly what I am looking for. One question and one request: Does CKAN work with this (and how)? I have one folder where I keep my personal patches and stuff, is there a way to have it static between the different saves? So when I would switch to a different save, this folder GameData/Goo/* would stay put?
  11. well blow me up out of an airlock and call me Jeb....hotdiggitydarn and Jiminy Crickets! can't wait to see the patch now.
  12. just tried the powered landing (unmanned) to the monolith. worked great, just had to use MJ to limit thrust to <.30 because used more powerful engines. Didn't like the TWR >2.
  13. so something like : @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric]:HAS[name=this]{} @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric]:HAS[name=that]{} was thinking the same.
  14. the only feature I can think of right now is a boolean checkbox to filter 'unbuildable' or 'unavailable do to...'
  15. thank you. isn't there a way to add a module index in MM patches? like: MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric][0] {} MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric][1]{}
  16. thank you. I am thinking that it is, as you say, not all that much work - it is my skill level in blender/unity that I question. I've tried making one part, a battery that looks like a fuel tank - and well, that still doesn't look like anything except a Jeb creation. could make a great tutorial since not a complex or large space.
  17. *chuckle* will help if I can figure out how. love your answer - must be sleepforuming.
  18. thank you, would love to, however way above my ability with blender/unity. I can and do parts and MM patches reasonably competently at a little above novice beginner level. will keep it in mind for the near future(ish).
  19. nice, did Interkosmos (brand new mod by @Well) also get added?
  20. yes, thank you. I should be able to handle the AYA rotateThrust patch and will put up shortly. Get some sleep. Okay, probably can't handle it since the last couple of entries befuddle me:
  21. like the AYA patch, is it possible to also do the same for rotateThrust?
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