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The Dressian Exploder

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Everything posted by The Dressian Exploder

  1. Thanks @Foozle! Archtagon Aerospace was the mod I was looking for. The forums have been amazing once again!
  2. So. I'm looking for a mod that I once saw on a (probably very old) kottabos mod review. It was a mod that added some very old-style rocket parts for early game. There's very little I remember about it apart from that the mod used a resource called Kethanol, as a kind of early alcohol-based rocket fuel. This mod may be long gone, but if anyone knows what it is, I'd greatly appreciate any pointers. Thanks for your time!
  3. Let's see how this goes! I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines
  4. Banned for saying ninjaing rather than ninjing, which is what Ninjas™ do.
  5. Well, you can just fly by IVA yourself for now. As for the cameras, here's the obligatory There's A Mod For That™: Hullcam VDS.
  6. It makes me wonder... have they already finished porting it to 1.8 and are just waiting for the weeks to go by? *chuckles quietly*
  7. I was just launching a tiny little mission to Dres. Y'know, just for fun... Thought I might drop a picture of the LV. It's called the A.B.S.U.R.D. Abominable, Brilliant Stupidly Under-designed Rocket for Dres
  8. Today I launched my first probe into the Joolian system! It's now orbiting Laythe.
  9. So, we had 17 milestones by day 175 (So fast, am i right? *cough cough*)
  10. Dressian National Rocketry Association This might be a little complicated, but do we really worry about over-complicatedness?
  11. The mun sandcastle looks great with the new terrain shaders!
  12. Everything here's been solved. Thanks once again people!
  13. Yes. Lots. Here's a Screenshot of my GameData folder I have just deleted EVE and Chatterer though.
  14. Time for the 'There's a mod for that' cliche! I'd throw my lot in with RLA reborn.
  15. So, I've got the 1.8 update fresh. I've landed on the Mun and not been able to see any difference. Anyone know how I get to the new textures? One more thing: My altimeter is completely broken. It's not displaying a thing. I've had to track my altitudes from the map screen, but it gets pretty darn annoying after a bit.
  16. 9/10 very good but I have no idea who susie from kirby is so I'll join your side.
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