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Posts posted by MARL_Mk1

  1. 25 minutes ago, 610yesnolovely said:

    I also supplied a "Where Can I Go?" config for KSRSS Reborn which is now included, that's a mod that shows you all the delta-V for everywhere in game in a table, in the editor. I find it a great first pass "this design might get there". (Basically the delta-V map, but the computer does the maths for you).

    I'd still recommend final checks of actual Delta-V map and KRASH simulations :-)



    Oh wow, I had no idea this existed. Thank you so much!

  2. 18 minutes ago, DeadJohn said:

    TLDR: KSRSS used to be natively stock size with a patch to scale up. Newer KSRSS is now natively scaled up with a patch to scale down near stock.

    Your question has different answers depending on which version of KSRSS. Are you using v0.7 (installed from gitHUB) or the newer Reborn (installed from gitLAB)?

    KSRSS v0.7 that started this thread was native stock scale. That's 1x stock (or 1/10 real). There was a patch to make it 2.7x. The 2 DV maps at different scales in the OP are for v0.7.

    More recently, KSRSS Reborn replaces v0.7. It flips the scales by being natively 2.5x. There's a patch to make that close to 1x (real 1/9 so not exactly 1x).


    Using Reborn. And according to what I know, Reborn is natively 2.7x, not 2.5x.

    Ultimately went to the Discord and asked Tony himself, who provided me with the 2.7x and stock size (1.2x) DV maps

  3. 7 hours ago, DA299 said:

    The native is 2.7X stock scale, I believe there's a patch for 1/9th scale. There's no dV map that I know of for 1/9th scale, but you can use the 1/4th scale(2.7X stock) dV map and multiply all values by roughly (4/9)^2 = 0.64 to get a reasonably accurate number for the dV.

    So, native KSRSS is 2.7x (same as JNSQ)? That's what I'm trying to understand, not sure if I worded my original message wrong.

    I was trying to use this dV Map shown in the first post for native KSRSS.

  4. Can someone help me out real quick? I'm super confused.

    Originally I thought normal KSRSS was 1/10 scale like stock, but then I read around the thread that it's actually 1/9. 

    Does this mean that the Delta V Map on the first post is not accurate anymore? Is there a more accurate Delta V Map around?

    No wonder I wasn't able to put any of the stock vessels in orbit :P

  5. 7 minutes ago, whatsEJstandfor said:

    I'm sure everyone's said this a lot in the last 3 years, but I wanted to say again how lucky we are that @Nate Simpson is leading this project. Someone who appears to truly get what made KSP1 so appealing. Even with the delays and everything, I always get comforted knowing that Nate and his team have poured passion into KSP2. Imagine what mediocrity was dodged by T2/PD not giving this project to a studio that didn't have their hearts in it. I fully believe that whatever form KSP2 ends up taking after EA is done and it's feature-complete, it will be the best it can be, because it's being made by the best possible people for it.

    Every game that gets handed over to someone that once was a player/modder ends up evolving magically well. It is key that the people leading a game project knows first hand how the community feels.

    I really hope that having the game itself becoming their work and obligation doesn't get rid of their passion for playing and enjoying it once calmer times come after EA and 1.0 releases :)

  6. PC Gamer just posted the full interview


    Inverviewer: "What kind of performance should we expect?"

    Nate: There have been significant advances in multithreading over the last ten years and we are utilizing a lot of those tools Unity gives us to paralelize these processes so that they can take place all at once in a way that doesn't impact framerate. There's Unity jobs, there's compute jobs, rigid body physics uses a job system, the PQS system uses both CPU and GPU optimization, there's a huge amount of highly technical stuff I can't say, but really what it boils down to is: we expect the experience on mid tier machines to improve because we want people to be able to build vehicles with high part counts. That's in fact necessary when we get to the interstellar part of the progression, but of course, everytime we make that sort of improvement there will be a commensurate improvement with the people with the very high-end machine, so if you got the fancy equipment it will have a multiplicative effect on the performance of the game. But yes, overall this is the area where we're seeing the biggest gains week on week in the lead up to Early Access, the game just gets more performant every day and we just keep, you know, raising our targets in terms of what kinds of part counts we want to support, so if you've been watching the footage we've been releasing over the last few months, you've probably noticed footage from three months ago so it can be a little bit herky-jerky in terms of frame rate but we're seeing big improvements there.

    Those are indeed encouraging words for what expectations many have got for the game's initial performance upon Early Access release. I'm still keeping my own expectations leveled, but if KSP2's first month of EA can keep up to Nate's words here, it will be huge news :)


  7. Shame, was expecting to see some more gameplay that wasn't trashed by such an awful bitrate. Some of my takes, focusing on the things I didn't like / would like to see improvements on. Keep in mind, this is extremely subjective.

    -I extremely dislike how many of the UI elements (specially in the VAB) are not snapped to the border of the screen

    -I'd like some (or most) of the in-flight UI elements to be movable, or at least have the modding capabilities to do so. For instance, I'd love to freely move the navball around, or have the staging to my left like it is on KSP1.

    -Navball is unnecessarily cluttered. The ball itself is too small compared to the space of the UI element itself, and the altitude, velocity and heading indicators should be shrinked 30-40% to increase navball visualization (literally, you can't even read the degrees on it. Atmo density, V-vel and throttle should be snapped to the main circle. 

    -Really hope SOI visualization has got a toggle in settings. Same goes for the unnecessary  huge GO button. Spacebar works just fine. It takes zero effort.
    (And same goes again for the Kerbals miniature. I don't need to see all 22 of my kerbals's face all the time. Do like KSP1 and have you move through them with an arrow to avoid screen clutter.)

    -In-flight staging UI seems to take a LOT of space because they decided to space every single stage item and have 50% of it's size be the Stage number itself, which could be definitely smaller. Just want to prevent having to scroll 6km when building actual big rockets/ships.

    -Some of the clips showed awful FPS in atmosphere on crafts with low part counts

    -Upcoming EVE-Redux volumetric clouds made me feel weird about KSP2's clouds.
    I'm sure they could do infinitely better and have different quality presets in graphics config. I'm hoping that is the case and that what we've seen so far are just low settings for the sake of dev testing

  8. 15 hours ago, cezo said:

    You guys got no shame, you've been announcing all those features since 2019 and none of those will be coming anytime soon, we dont even have science and tech trees so you're telling me this Game Will have less content than ksp1 and you guys selling It for 50 bucks, bruh, corporations have no shame nowadays, release your Game unfinished and dont regret It because the community already accepts this behaviour.

    People told you to take your time and release a good Game and now people defend this, its crazy how have we forgot cyberpunk or no man's Sky, not to say that your Game Will be bad but It seems that releasing unfinished products is the way It goes now. 0 shame for this, you guys killed the hype for me

    They can only take their time for so long. Money rules after all. Would you rather have KSP2 be cancelled because it spent too much time without the project having income?


    Many of the huge projects hundreds of thousands of players enjoy every single day started as Early Access titles, including the ones with a very rough and long road (which doesn't seem the case for KSP2).


    I think people are overreacting about something when the fact is that this decision was likely taken TO KEEP KSP2 FROM BEING CANCELLED.


    I love how passionate Nate and the entire team are about rebuilding KSP from scratch the way it was meant to be instead of the laggy buggy mess KSP1 ended being, and anyone that shares that passion won't hesitate on buying day one and providing their thoughts on what is right and what is wrong in order to shape KSP2 to the vision of the community, just like 1 was.


    Hell, even +80% of those saying "hurr durr I wont touch it until release" will be among the ones paying for it the second it's out on EA even if they won't admit it :D


  9. 9 minutes ago, ShadowZone said:

    Yes that's pretty much what was said. Original quote at 8:43 here: https://youtu.be/Jw42iC-mlZM?t=523

    And I agree with you on the faster workflow. Even KSP1 was able to get major releases out of the door every 6 months (roughly) from about 1.8 until 1.12 (not counting bugfix releases). So that was already pretty predictable and I'm pretty sure the KSP2 team already has some kind of major release cadence already planned. The main thing that's missing is what's really going to be in those releases, but that will also be up to us by supporting the developers in fine tuning the experience and prioritizing what really matters. Also something I highlighted in the video I released today.

    I also had a chance to chat with Nate about the Early Access and what will be in it. Those infos are going into a video I'll release on Sunday. Had a bit of a hell week and barely was able to get my early access announce video out. I recorded my talking head until 2:20am ... But I'm highly motivated to get more details out by Sunday :D


    Looking forward to those :)

  10. 24 minutes ago, Redneck said:

    How do you know its been implemented? Show me

    Back in 2019-2020 during a @ShadowZone (I think it was?) with Nate Simpson, he mentioned something along the lines of "We've been trying multiplayer internally and I've never seen anyone laugh so loudly".

    ShadowZone might be able to correct that quote word by word, but all in all goes to say that their internal builds already have most of those features already implemented, just not in a release-ready state.

    Yo are just acting like they are scamming people by promising things that will never come, when it's a fact that they are not.
    This is not Star Citizen, or any of the trillions of Early Access survival games that scammed people by paying youtubers like FrankieOnPc back in the day.

    Matt Lowne already said in his video that during his talk with Nate, he mentioned Early Access won't be pre-Alpha, or Alpha, or Beta, so we can take from that that they are literally using the Early Access program as it was meant to-- A pre-release access for the community to shape the bigger features of the game by providing feedback. There is a huge dev team in KSP2 compared to what Squad was during most of KSP1's life, so it's likely that their workflow and update schedule will be much smoother and faster than what we got used to back in the day.

    But in short, yes, multiplayer being on the works internally for a very long time is a known fact. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Redneck said:

    NO MULTIPLAYER NO MONEY! Multiplayer should be released with the game and developed in parallel or its just hacks! Was lied to with KSP 1 not falling for it again! Look at the roadmap! Multiplayer coming way down the road. NOPE!!!! not doing it!

    You are right. That's why Early Access =/ Release.

    1.0 is full release. Early Access is not.

    Nobody is forcing you to participate on a Beta-like program that allows the community to shape the game with active feedback. Multiplayer is already implemented internally. And I'm starting to wonder if your message is sarcasm or straight out ignorance.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Gargamel said:

    How would this differ from turning off the screen overlay and taking a screen shot?    Cinematics and photo style shots are already fairly easy to do.  

    A small tool that provides free cam positioning, FOV, lens focus, filters...

    The fact that they are fairly easy to do in current KSP doesn't mean it can't be vastly improved on with a tiny addition.

  13. 15 minutes ago, CEO of China said:

    got a question and some feedback

    will there be a way to turn down the glowyness of stuff
    because i like the first pic for how it looks

    but here it feels like i am looking through a glass or something cause of the glowyness/shinyness

    That just looks like lens dirt and maxed out bloom. Just some visual post-process effects that will likely have a toggle at the settings, no biggie

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