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Posts posted by MARL_Mk1

  1. On 12/18/2022 at 2:32 AM, Minmus Taster said:

    If Scott's doing the tutorials in KSP2 then I'm never going to question anything about the game again, it's automatically a masterpiece in my book.

    God I'd love this so much. It's not just "oh wow I like Scott and he's in the game I love!". KSP experienced a boom in YouTube in the early days thanks to him, and still to this day you are learning new cool stuff about spaceflight in a channel of his that took off thanks to KSP, so ever since it started, both his platform and the game grew together. Many of his KSP videos revolve around IRL things the game doesn't cover, or things that occur IRL that the game illustrates pretty well, and videos from many years ago are still relevant when trying to prove a point or clear someone's doubt, like a 101 encyclopedia of sorts.

    I'd say, it would have been a shame if Scott didn't show in the game in some sort of way just for his entire contribution alone. Having his voice immortalized as the teaching voice for newcomers would be legit one of the best features of this game alone.

    FLY SAFE :)

  2. 14 hours ago, G'th said:

    It will have icecaps, by there will be underlying continents/islands under them. In stock the caps are actually just straight ice; no real land under them.  I'm changing that primarily because for how I'm generating the new height map I needed the poles to be empty. 


    And its being designed natively at 2.5/2.7x scale, and I think we're still going to do a patch to squeeze it down to stock for those that want it. 

    Can't wait... :) Take your time, it looks awesome so far

  3. 14 hours ago, septemberWaves said:

    The colour is a Kopernicus issue. There's a patch called "colourfix" that you can download separately from Kopernicus releases on Github, and put in your GameData folder.

    Also, what version of Parallax were you using when you tested the JNSQ patch? I'm trying to figure out why it's not loading for me, and I don't know how to diagnose issues from log files so I'm basically just dependent on guesswork at this point until someone can provide me with a concrete answer.

    Was the latest one, don't remember messing with Parallax's configs too much.

    Given that KSRSS Reborn is here already and has proper configs for Prallax, and having it being the same size as JNSQ on it's default scale, it's a better alternative than JNSQ nowadays

  4. On 12/1/2022 at 10:35 PM, G'th said:

    Instead, I'm going to remove the ice caps as we know them (which are just huge sheets of ice in both instances, similar to Earth's North Pole), and replace them with new continents.  

    So Kerbin will have no ice caps at all, just a normal continent on them? Will the biome count as Ice caps still?

    On a side note, will we be able to resize this system over the normal stock size?

  5. 27 minutes ago, septemberWaves said:

    What other things were broken? I've had no trouble with JNSQ itself on 1.12. If planets look wrong or you're getting a weird lingering motion blur effect (both issues I've had recently), you're using the wrong version of Scatterer and need to revert back to 0.772.

    Did the game load for you at all with these Parallax configs for JNSQ? The reason I ask that is because it doesn't load at all for me, it gets stuck forever on a loading screen after mods and patches are loaded but before reaching the title screen.

    It did load yes, but didn't have the chance to see it they worked properly.

    For starters, kerbin was an awful vibrant greenish color, after that terrain detail reset itself to some "New Text" or whatever name the option had,  and a few more after which I just said "screw it".

  6. 2 hours ago, septemberWaves said:

    This doesn't seem to work. The game gets stuck loading the title screen forever. Here's the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h9bnb5r3ycxwggj/KSP.log?dl=0

    Does this work for you? If so, what did you do to make it function?

    Ended up dropping my attempt at rebuilding a JNSQ install in 1.12.3, so couldn't even test it.

    Many other stuff was completely broken and needed to look around for alternative patches for them all over the forum. Got tired and ran back to stock instead. Shame, cause I really liked JNSQ back then.

  7. 11 minutes ago, WarriorSabe said:

    And if you have a lower-tier card like me you're probably used to low framerates so it might still work there too as long as you're a little more generous with your definition of working

    I'm guessing there will be multiple presets (I think I read blackrack mention these?), so there might be some low ones for those of us still rocking low 1000's.

    And if not I don't care, 15 fps it is.

  8. 51 minutes ago, DeadJohn said:

    Here are a few packs that I like:

    1. Bases and Station Reborn: A better set of contracts for building/expanding orbital stations and surface bases.
    2. Tourism Plus: A set of contracts that progresses as far as building a space casino to accommodate dozens of tourists. An excellent pack if you need repeatable contracts to farm funds if you play at hard difficulty.
    3. Bluedog Design Bureau: If you use BDB parts, there's a good set of bundled contracts that are specifically tailored to build and fly missions inspired by historic missions. The satellite contract text recommends specific probe cores but you can improvise your own designs if you want. Some contracts are repeatable if you need to farm science or funds. This pack is a great excuse to use some of BDB's obscure parts and learn more about USA space history.
    4. KSRSS Reborn: Progression contracts bundled with the beta KSRSS Reborn planet pack.
    5. GAP for JNSQ: Only works with the JNSQ planet pack. Contracts encourages flying planes around Kerbin to discover and unlock many airfields. It's a great contract pack if you like planes and want to explore JNSQ's homeworld.

    My current career playthrough is using the first 4 packs (plus another I can't immediately recall) with the Skyhawk Science System. Skyhawk is my favorite tech  tree in the game because it adds the flexibility of additional fuel types without excessive complexity, but it requires BDB.

    I'm using Bases and Stations, Tourism Plus and stock GAP already. Wish they were stock.

    That said, I'd love to play with BDB, but I personally only see it as a part pack to be played exclusively on RSS/RO for best results, but that's just me :) 


  9. 8 hours ago, 610yesnolovely said:

    I pretty much (in non-RO/RSS/RP-1) use these:

    Must Have: Career Evolution, History of Spaceflight Pocket Edition (recommend with BDB), GAP (Stock/JSNQ), KerbsideRemasteredXXX (Stock/JNSQ).

    Others I use and do work: Anomaly Surveyor (Stock only), Field Research, CommNetRelays, CleverSats, KerbinSpaceStation, Tourism Plus, InterplanetaryMountainer (Stock only), GrandTours (Stock only).

    I didn't know about Anomaly Surveyor and Interplanetary Mountainer, thanks!

  10. On 11/25/2022 at 3:44 PM, septemberWaves said:

    I was trying to find an answer to this myself. The Near Future forum thread says that it's incompatible, but I'm not sure whether or not that's been edited since NFEx was released. I did, however, find this issue on the RemoteTech Github, and it appears that the code to add NFEx compatibility has been added. I've not checked whether it's in the current release, but it's definitely in the dev branch on Github, so if you're still wondering this, there's your answer.

    I have not tested this, so I don't know how well it works, but it looks like it should work somehow.

    Came here looking exactly for this. as only extra antennas I'm using are Near Future's. Hopefully they work fine :)

  11. I'm on a constant conflict when it comes to the way I want to play KSP.

    I love the idea of Career, yet the stock career contract system is a steaming hot pile of s#$*%, and I know there are a bunch of good Contrack Packs around, but many of them are outdated, or do not play well with eachother, or are unbalanced... you name it.

    What is, in your opinion, the best and definitive Contract Pack combination for an definitive Career Mode?

  12. 14 hours ago, septemberWaves said:

    What kind of skill set is needed to make a Parallax config for a planet pack (specifically for JNSQ)?

    I would love to play JNSQ with Parallax. And if I had the knowledge and skills I'd be working on it already. I'm patiently waiting for a good samaritan within the community to do it instead to be honest.

    Parallax is so good that at the moment I only contemplate on playing planet packs that have configs for it.

    On 11/22/2022 at 4:44 PM, xendelaar said:

    Pardon me if this is a dumb question. But I've seen pictures floating about the internet where KSRSS and Parallax are combined. Is it possible for a mere mortal like me to install this wonderful mod as well in my KSRSS  install?

    I currently got an install of KSRSS Reborn and it has configs for Parallax 2.0, so I guess if you are using Reborn, it should work.


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