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  1. pretty much the title, what do you think a (realistic) future of ksp1 modding is?
  2. tried this challenge, got 48103m/s hope the video of it embeds properly
  3. switches the built in asteroid spawner to its own that supports planet packs. in the space center view you can use the K symbol to switch it back to the stock one after a game restart (symbol may be different I dont remember)
  4. I think this would be great for the community but an absolutely awful business decision
  5. it appears you forgot to post the mod, if the mod isnt finished then it would go into add on development.
  6. I have wanted to try my hand at mod that makes a clone of the ant engine (copied over from the old model) and switches its name, thrust, isp, description to all fit one of a cold gas thruster. I have placed the part in its own folder inside a parts folder and as well, the mod has a "flags" folder to determine if it is loaded. the flag works fine but the part itself is not loading. a copy of the "mod" is here https://www.mediafire.com/file/8u4z1jp0oi6jw2v/modtest.zip/file now there is a 99% chance I have made some unwise choice in the "development" of this monstrosity and have accidentally hit the break everything button but nonetheless I would still appreciate assistance. if there is a thread that I have missed that has asked this exact same question I apologize in advance
  7. Pain Eccentric orbit, getting close to the parent star, thick atmosphere of a high temperature that will roast anything that gets too close, lava oceans with only small mountainous islands covered with deadly spikes. thick clouds encircling the entire planet preventing anybody from seeing what lies inside, moons that will try to knock you out of an encounter, somewhat like ike, orbits backwards.
  8. how to get infinite money step 1:download mod step 2:make rocket with empty fuel tank step 3:launch step 4:fill tank with fuel step 5:sell rocket step 6:repeat
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