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Everything posted by acr_8133

  1. Hello, first of all I know this mod is still buggy. I am wondering if unstable orbits are a known thing? My ships changes orbits by whenever I enter time warp. I am currently at version 1.10.1, I also have OPM and 3.2x RESCALE installed. I will send logs if needed. Thanks
  2. they look fine on height but sometimes the clouds still disappear, im pretty sure i installed everything correctly
  3. ok I have changed them and now it looks like they are on a fine height, new problem is when I go inside the clouds they tend to go very dark.
  4. I just tested the regular EVE and the problem still persist can you walk me through your suggestions?
  5. Does this work with Rescaled systems? The clouds can only be seen when on Map View , above a certain altitude, or when I'm zoomed far out of my ship. Do you need my logs? Edit: Im on KSP 1.10.1, stock EVE configs.
  6. I found a bug I think. When I remove the shelves on the 1.875 Service Bay while the shroud is on, my fps on the VAB plummets way down. I will send logs when I get to my PC.
  7. almost everything is off balanced.. Ghidorah has TWR of 4.45 (7 tons payload), Mothra has TWR of 3.13 (1.8 tons payload)
  8. ok I just tested the patch and the parts are resized.. but apparently my rockets have a TWR of 4.45??
  9. Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot.. that mod Edit: although that seems not to be the issue, instead I believe that it is TextureReplacer that's causing the problem
  10. no compatibility with RLA_Reborn and Restock+?
  11. haven't seen any mention of this in this forum but the Radial In and Radial Out that are broken from the old version still persist on the current version.. are there any workarounds? (like changing config)
  12. Tested it on 1.9.1 and it's kind of broken, the screen flashes black while I am doing an excursion on the Mun. I have TURD installed, I will test the mod again without TURD and report back. I really hope this fixes it because I really want to try a game of KSP on a first person perspective . EDIT: Removing custom skins on Texture Replacer seemed to fix the problem.
  13. so I did some testing on other bodies and this transparency issue is only happening on Duna.. Here are some pics https://imgur.com/a/8KVg7Qq
  14. yep, already tried that.. only happening when with KS3P on
  15. @clusta I'm having troubles with your release, the planets I'm landed to always seems to be transparent (for example: bottom half of rock scatters can be seen from above ground, ladders that go beneath the surface can also be seen from above). Mind helping me? It's always ruining my shots
  16. My PC cant really handle that kind of mods, thus I only use EVE with the base config. SVE was manageable but it glitches the hell out of my skybox and it was gettig on my nerves. I like how base configs make the other planets beautiful but I want the Laythe-like clouds on Kerbin since it has a bit more. Are there really no any work arounds? Edit: when I say it glitches the skybox, it is because the SVE mod makes the whole skybox white (can only be fixed with restarting the game,no F5s and F9s) and messes with the scatterer atmosphere.
  17. Is there anyway to make the clouds more thicker? I really find them a bit lacking.
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