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Everything posted by KerballingSmasher

  1. Wait, I thought you said you weren't gonna do crewed missions to the Outer Planets! What changed?
  2. I'd probably like to see the James Webb Space Telescope launch. KIDDING! I'm ready for Artemis to launch and anything involving SpaceX.
  3. Well, actually, I've never gotten far enough in a save to unlock it! XD
  4. 10/10 IM IN THERE! Also, this too is a shameless Voyage: The Animated Series plug.
  5. Well, best wishes, friend. I hope you return! Safe skies and following winds!
  6. Ah yes, I am the same way. Good luck with the new series! And is there any chance I could ask for a reboot/revival/new KABOOM Chronicle?
  7. I've never used nukes period, I can't stand the low TWR XD
  8. If anyone here has friends who do animation or knows anyone who does, can you send them to us?
  9. Wow, three years in and going strong! Keep it up!
  10. That's what I've always done in this kind of a scenario with needing an inclined orbit. There is one exception to this, though, and that's launching into a polar or a nearly-polar orbit. Instead of doing my gravity turn to the east, I do it to the north (or south). I think you could probably do the same with any degree, but since I usually only launch within about 10° of either polar, for scanning satellites around Kerbin, or equatorial, for easier transfers to the Mun and Minimus, I have yet to expirement with that.
  11. Try using RSS sandbox for a new Apollo 11 challenge?
  12. Yes, like the lörge expandable radiators. Make sure you have a high periapsis, though, if you attempt it so that you're not spending too much time down next to Kerbol.
  13. Bring enough heat shields if you're gonna try that, and lots of SCIENCE
  14. Cupola? Big distance? Sounds like you went *ZOOM* to get there. ZOOM STATION
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