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Everything posted by KerballingSmasher

  1. It ain't dead, just retired. It's going to live out the rest of its life in the fine grassy plains of Kerbin's Lowlands.
  2. Woot woot! New chapter! okay, I gotta admit... I love Aisling's perky personality! I can understand why her enthusiasm would be infectious!
  3. *splat* nice. I can visualize the sound effects. now to add some *quack*s and some *fzzzt*s
  4. the OH NO NOT AGAIN and 42... those are Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy references aren't they? Can I suggest that the next one be named Ford?
  5. Me, personally, I think it's exactly what we need right now. We need someone to point out exactly how *GOSH DANG STUPID* our country is for electing that *GOSH DANG IDIOT* to be President. No, I'm not a Democrat. I just... no...
  6. It's ion-powered @Norcalplanner it's all fine those things have too much dV as is
  7. Hey, long live potato computers! ;D I have one too, so I know your problem. 1.8 runs SOOOO much better now!
  8. Does the Hercules Crew Capsule have Super-Herc thrusters, just like Dragon has the Super-Dracos?
  9. Oh, congratulations!!!!!! *confetti* On the kid, not the lack of sleep. Anyways, good luck on finishing the next chapter, but enjoy being a parent for now!
  10. Bravo, @Darkspace! You have found the Joolian Black Hole! *ACHIEVEMENT GET!*
  11. The sheer lack of logic by most of the populous causes the "one" to regrow itself into a hill. PHysiCZ Mine Hill.
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