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Everything posted by KerballingSmasher

  1. Nice. Good ol' Photoshop!
  2. well, not always miserable. Kerbfleet being one example, the Saga of Emiko Station... etc.
  3. 2. Man vs Self. I procrastinate waaaaaaay too much.
  4. When you accidentally put laser guns on one of your communications satellites.
  5. So you hook Seperatrons up to the vehicle, and activate them (you might need to tone down the Seperatrons for maximum comedic effect). It's simple as it sounds, and funny.
  6. Geez do I have a story to tell... SO! Part 1: HNL to DEN Sitting in the airport lobby at Honolulu, we hear our flight to Denver got delayed 35 minutes. Not a big deal, right? WRONG. Somehow, we had gotten a 40 minute layover in Denver, so we would have to sprint to the gate when we get there. Part 2: DEN Now in Denver, got stuck behind people getting off of plane, pretty sure my wallet fell out of my pocket running to the gate (haven't seen it since... that was about 2.5 weeks ago... had my military ID, cash, debit card... still haven't told my mom...) and were the last people on the plane. SO! Flash forward 13 days to the return trip. Orlando to Denver leg goes fine, then in Denver... trouble strikes again... Part 3: Also DEN Now back in Denver, we see our flight to San Francisco (our last connection on our way home) got delayed... two hours. Guess how long our connection was in SFO... two hours. Heck. Now, we're panicking. Part 4: SFO So, plane lands, we run to gate... and we missed the flight. Crud. So, we're stuck in San Francisco with no luggage in shorts and short-sleeve shirts in 60 degree weather (Fahrenheit, just BTW). Anyway, customer service people are great there and book us a hotel (at no cost to us) for the night before our new flight leaves the next morning. Part 5: SFO, DAY 14 And we have to catch the 6:30 shuttle out of the hotel. It's freezing cold outside (50 F) and the shuttle's running late. We end up having to eat at the airport, but we make the flight...and arrive home 14 hours after we were scheduled to. Part 6: And my wallet... I still haven't found my wallet, BTW. If anyone in the Denver airport on the forums found a brown trifold wallet with a military ID in it on the 16th of September, please DM me... You have no idea how grateful I'd be if someone got back to me. So yeah. Not sure how to generalize this absolute CHONK of a rant, but if anyone could please help at least calm me down, i'd be very much obliged. Thanks!
  7. Yes, but on that topic, he also received the helm for The Rise of Skywalker since the Last Jedi was so baaaaaaaaaaaad omg it was so bad. Also, cool car!
  8. not bad lore! It would make sense that this could be very similar, hence the similar names of the Moon and the Mun.
  9. Hawaiian-Aleutian Standard here
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