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Everything posted by KerballingSmasher

  1. ooooooooh I love how you've turned what was originally a request for Eeloo lander designs into now this whole HUGE series stretching over several threads! Very cool! Also... Bring. Them. Home.
  2. Wow. So we finally get to see the continuation of the exploration of the Outer Planets. Urlum is cool looking! No pun intended.
  3. Hmm... do we know when they'll be back? Somebody's probably already asked this but I'm too lazy to read through it!
  4. Without running out of propellant THIS TIME???? Do I sense some F9 action happening here or am I forgetting something?
  5. @5thHorsemanthose were some of the videos that inspired me to buy the game! In fact, somehow I'd nearly forgotten them...
  6. Man, someday I'm gonna do that and post a picture of it! (once I get awarded one, that is...)
  7. You mean disabled for everyone except the moderators? Don't think we can't see you guys stealthily liking each other's posts! ;D
  8. Was that sarcastic like I think it is or...?
  9. Granted. You still do terribly. GO STUDY! I wish that my computer wouldn't die.
  10. 46 (+) CHEE HOO EVERYBODY! @Ho Lam Kerman @TeslaPenguin1 @FahmiRBLXian
  11. BANNED BECAUSE THAT'S TOO DANG FUNNY! Banned because it is always spooktober.
  12. 9/10 I still like the old December of last year one better! *cough same for you @The_Cat_In_Space cough*
  13. That's the only true kind of incrimination--self-incrimination! Way to step up and be a... man(dog?)
  14. Chee-hoo! Yeah, as most of the guys above said, we're all a pretty dang friendly bunch here! Plus, you might make some real friendships here, like that between me and @Lo Var Lachland (sorry I've been gone from the Discord for so long, too, buddy)
  15. I'm not the only person wanting a sequel! *cheers, mate!*
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