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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. JUBABA BRAVOSOS CCXVIII coming up with new misspells for your user name is becoming a harder and harder task. Also @JB182 you just hit 150 rep.
  2. I like Sputnik, but my most favourite prove was probably the Luna probes.
  3. Well: Yes is rocket. It’s a metal tube. V-2 = rocket.
  4. Did not make a wish. So I will. I wish for a massive bowl of ice cream.
  5. Added extension to SSIII, the new part on the left (fuel tank and two crew compartments) is new: If you have any ideas for more extensions, I'm open to Ideas. Also now that I notice this, It made no sense for me to dock the extra part to the side with the fuel tank than the part with the crew compartment (on the right).
  6. Ok now I’m just scared. You get so much Coco water that you drown yourself and die. I wish for my computer to actually work more than 50% of the time.
  7. Granted. He accidentally activates a nuke and makes your house/ town go big blammo kblammo bomm boom kablooey! I wish for more Calvin and Hobbes strips from Bill Watterson.
  8. Thank you for making this. Time to go make a rover to add to this thread!
  9. Rocket: noun a cylindrical projectile that can be propelled to a great height or distance by the combustion of its contents, used typically as a firework or signal. V-2 is technically a rocket.
  10. Almost at 400 rep!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stormpilot


      Yay! Thanks guys!

      Allmost at 500! Which is halfway to rep grand!

    3. peridoot
  11. Make a space shuttle but optimize it’s delta V by adding nuclear engines.
  12. I did. @Spaceman.Spiff Please help.
  13. Has not visited since 2018? Where did @SQUAD go?

    1. Starhelperdude


      but strangely he/she/it posted something in the chinese international subforum thing about a tencent ksp edition or smth.

    2. AtomicTech


      Actually that's kind of cool, would it run on web browser via the cloud?

    3. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      And the account often posts the KSP Loadings. 

  14. @Wizard Kerbalnow imagine having to listen to 12 of the Nerv atomic motors for some of my 5 minuet half escape burns. The sure had 10 000 m/s of delta V but the TWR was something like 0.15 in space (Kerbin gravity). I wonder which of the engines is the worst sounding...
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