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Everything posted by LTQ90

  1. Hi Alex Starlight. Thanks for this one. Now, I will have more time to crash my vessels Have a nice day !
  2. Well time to start at the beginning : Ask for someone to analyse your ksp.log as i m not qualifyied for that.
  3. Maybe, if you have install other mods since it may be usefull to delete the cache In gamedata folder there is file called modulemanager.configcache. So you can delete it as it will be rebuild in the next launch of the game. It happens sometime to me (at least 2 times) something was wrong with it and game doesn't work as intented. Plz keep informing us about your issues.
  4. Sorry i have no clue. EVA engineer is for MKS ( i right click a part and i can recycle it). Why do you detach them ?
  5. Quick suggest : Do you use an EVA enginner to recycle the boosters ? Have you storage for the material kit ? As i use MKS it s the way i proceed to recycle some useless parts.
  6. No problem. Long learning curve sometime. Even if it doesn't help it s always better to have some answers on the forum. Have a good game.
  7. I suggest you to try something else than 0. For me it s 10 meters and no issue. BUT i always activate invulnerable vehicule in the cheat option.
  8. Have you try to use ISRU converers. By default i think you have 2 models 125 and 2.50 meters. Check in the part list in the vab for convertotron or something like this. so you ll need to mine some ore and convert it to material kit. It s a long process and if you are at the beginning of the game you ll have to send material kit before you can pretend to produce it locally (ISRU) you can modify you playgame with some mods like Rational Ressource (from JadeOfMars i think) or USI from RoverDude. But it s usually another hard (very hard) way to achieve this goal. I m pretty sure there are others options but i don't know them. In resume if you want to start producing Material Kits, get miners, processors, storages, energy and cooler system. Having experienced engineers speed up the process. check the video called : Ground Construction 2 - Independence Day! (fist page of this thread). hope it helps
  9. For me Material Kits are from the USI/MKS mod from RoverDude. There are 3 levels of production : Duna, Tundra and later Wolf. i don't know if you use this mod Have you watch the video on the OP ? it seems you can produce MK from ore. How do you install the mod ? Manually or with CKAN ? Don 't be afraid to aks. KSP has a great community and lot of people will try to help you.
  10. when you create a new game in carreer mode you can deactivate entry purchase https://imgur.com/JqMSgxh In this case you do not have to pay 7600 credits for unlocking the MK1-3 once you have the sciences points to get the corresponding node tech. And when you build a rocket the mk1-3 still cost 3800 credits https://imgur.com/yFDGcszhttps://imgur.com/yFDGcsz
  11. Version 1.1.1 is working nice for me now. Thanks for your work Halban. Advice : maybe disable the purchase entry when it s not enable in the difficulty options. CKAN it Very nice mod
  12. Hi Halban. i test the mod. I didn't change any value. I mean the default "Mouse2" in the settings.cgf. My MMB isn't working so i simulate it with cliking the MMB on the left side. i checked the keybinding in the main interface of the game and didn't see any conflict. In the VAB all is right : the double MMB for displaying info and with the ALT key to focus on the partlist. But not working with a vessel loaded. maybe useful : in the game settings, layout tab, i choose "french azerty keyboard". Never have issue for years.
  13. Wow a real quick answer ! Thanks you a lot. Your mod is a perfect tool for little memory space head like mine :). i often lose many time to go back to VAB to check what i need. All precious time i could use to crash my kerbals
  14. Hi Halban. Thanks for your mod. It seems very interesting but i have an issue (NOT a bug from your mod) with my mouse :). So would it be possible to have a different keybind ?
  15. For me i never use the steam instance : i have mutliple copies of ksp on other drives and all is working very well.
  16. Hi RedAl1en1. With steam it nearly the same thing. Do some search in your the main page of the game on the same line of the green button "play" there is a gear. "manage" it until you can select "local files"
  17. Hi stephensmat. if you play with usi mks mod there is an icon in the toolbar where you can transfert ressources betwen different vessel in the same place. With another mod KAS, you can physically connect them (they become one vessel). maybe it can help you. maybe i miss something include in this mod as i don't deploy DIY kit for the moment in my actual save.
  18. Hi dIrk i use the latest dev version too. I don't use cryo but i have the dv issue with monopropellant tank. As soon as i add one the delta V panel stop giving me information.
  19. Hi dIrk. i think it depend where you are and what ressources are available. Mulch is only a waste product by supplies. check this : https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Life-Support
  20. Hi Villain Vibe. The solution seems to be in the post right above yours. So, Edit your persitent fille and delete the line relative to windowPosition. Of course you ll do a backup of the persistent.sfs file before
  21. Nice mod. I use Filter extension for years now. Can i use them both safely ?
  22. Hi W.O.P.R. One possible reason : you re too low in the upgrade of buildings at KSC. it depends on your game mode.
  23. Warp dragging seems a great idea. I never get an asteroid on orbit around Kerbin or Mun. Tx for your work Angelo.
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