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Everything posted by iGGnitE

  1. Hello, I am running into an issue. My kerbals hab timer is not running down for individual kerbals. The kerbals hab timer stays the same as it was when the craft was first launched, and IF the hab timer runs down, EVA-ing the crew and letting them board again completely resets the timer to the VAB/SPH shown timer. More info on this here: KSP.log here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10pExI0Wa1JeQMpfelBQ86GnorUb4QA9j/view?usp=sharing
  2. This .cfg works indeed, the problem seems to be about not starting life support and habitation on the SSPXR. The following picture shows two exact copies of a craft, the lower craft (in the ls-tab) is a craft that was launched long ago, with a fresh cycle of kerbals. Their hab timer matches the hab timer of the newly launched, identical craft that has not yet started its life support and habitation. The following image is of the hab timer after replacing the standard .cfg with your .cfg. After using your .cfg I could actually activate the hab and life support on the SSPXR modules. The MB2 tabs on the hab modules now have both a start habitat and stop habitat button after starting the habitats, normally there is only one button, that changes to the opposite of whatever state the module is in. Also, here's my KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10pExI0Wa1JeQMpfelBQ86GnorUb4QA9j EDIT: I found more problems: The hab timer doesn't actually seem to go down for either kerbal, or only one kerbal at a time. EVA-ing and boarding resets both hab timers.
  3. I don´t know what addons you´re talking about and can´t find them in the context since I´m no programmer/software dev. Could you point me to the Add'Ons and how to install them? What do you mean by this, I don't know what to say about the bug you found, I'm not able to recognise it or its characteristics. I am however eager to help you out so just give me a little more specific instructions so I can be of more use to you and the other MM devs.
  4. Here's the download link for the ksp.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UEO6LsCL_FonP1w2_siYA5YVguEJ06y0/view?usp=sharing
  5. I downloaded and installed the most recent release. However, It doesn´t actually seem to do anything: What am I doing wrong and what do you need from me to find out what I'm doing wrong?
  6. I´m also confused, I don´t see where this link mentions the installing of the KSPAPIExtensions-master.zip
  7. Hey, what's up with the community resources on the planets and moons? And does the pack work with SCANsat? Thanks!
  8. Hey man, I´m experiencing the same issue you responded to here. I´m not a modder or software developer so I don't know how to go about fixing this camera issue but it's a game-ruining glitch for me. Could you help me out in setting different camera clip values?
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