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Dr. Omicron

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Everything posted by Dr. Omicron

  1. Me: is scrolling though the ksp forums at 9:30pm in the night on winter so its really dark and sees a intresting mod and clicks on it.
  2. did you wake up one day after watching a sci fi space movie with super cool space craft overlay huds? seems like you went over the top. Great mod anyway.
  3. I was like 97m from my Space station and it still did not show.
  4. http://prntscr.com/pa2uvu I have already smashed my f4 key but it still wont show the box in non map screen
  5. So I went and removed Scatter and svt then I reinstalled svt and svt is causing this black ground I have spectra in too.
  6. http://prntscr.com/p69nr3 here is my game data http://prntscr.com/p69p8e http://prntscr.com/p69pbr http://prntscr.com/p69peq
  7. So I tried installing ubio welding a while ago but it was not working so is ubio welding still working and if no is there a mod that does what ubio welding does?
  8. well it works and I cant bear the pain of doing it any more so ill keep it. Now I got a new problem......(why kraken WHY)
  9. I got the files from and its working thanks for your time.
  10. http://prntscr.com/p1iax1 When ever I go and install EVE and SVE the graphics never change... What do I do?
  11. Im using the EVE mod with scatter and SVE and SVT but I have no clouds in the sky no nice atmosphere no nothing so why is that?? A
  12. http://prntscr.com/p0jq9o is this how its supposed to look like with SVE med, SVT, Scatter, and EVE installed since no matter what new visual mod I put on it stays the same ever since I installed spectra however I uninstalled it so it should not be like that. Also why does it keep on saying this http://prntscr.com/p0jrwq even though I dont have the mod and I reinstalled the game today.
  13. kk but man it feels good without all these mods making my simple 20 part craft take 5 min to load now I can launch a 127 part pretty fast Also where to I insert start /wait ksp.exe -popupwindow -force-d3d11 in?
  14. so its --popupwindow ? @linuxgurugamer still does not work
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