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Posts posted by ValiZockt

  1. @TomfooleryYT, the action groups are gone, as a new fins module was introduced. So that is expected.

    Nevertheless, It seems like KSP can't find the specified localisation strings. Which game version you're running? There may were some changes on SQUADs side between updates. If that is the case best is to dump localisation and just use english titles for the next update, if that's not the case try verifying your files via Steam.

  2. 2 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    Sadly yes, I guess. The guy who produced them, I hardly seem him online anymore. :( And too few people find it in them to learn to make configs.

    To extend to this, keeping RO patches up to date is a hard task. That's why everyone from the RP-1/RO team mostly (as far as I know) discourage spreading of RO configs outside of the RO repo, it's much harder to keep them up to date (or even keep track of them). 

  3. 3 hours ago, chris-kerbal said:

    @ValiZockt was creating the tracking of his simulated wind and orienting the windmills towards that in Planetside. Maybe that could be reused to orient towards Kerbol? Then relying on stock mechanisms would not be needed. However don't know if it improves drag cubes issues.

    Sorry Vali for tagging you here, but do not want to speculate :-D

    Benjee mentioned, that creating the solar panels was quite some work, so not sure if he has appetite to work over them again. Might be something to consider if there is interest and work for the new iROSA panels.

    To be honest, I'm just guessing at this point as DragCubes are a science on their own, but using multiple PartModules (that also include multiple drag cubes per module) always have been a bit problematic. Pre 1.10, it was not even possible do define multiple drag cubes like that. Since 1.10 they changed some part of that, see following (taken from the 1.10 modder notes):


    Any combination of PartModules implementing IMultipleDragCubes on the same part outside of the two modules mentioned will fall back to using Procedural drag cubes, IF more than one of the PartModules has useMultipleDragCubes set to true. 

    Which means that no matter what you do currently, the solar panel will always refer to procedural drag cube generation (As it includes four PartModules all implementing IMultipleDragCube).  So I guess the only viable solution (to my knowledge, please if anyone knows more that me, I would be happy to be proven wrong) is to separate the functionality into it's own part, so that there aren't multiple PartModules that include IMultipleDragCube per part. If @benjee10 really has the time and motivation to even work on this (I guess he has a long enough list of things to work on),  I'm happy to look into such PartModule, that can indepenently track to the sun (with respect to their child parts). 



  4. 3 hours ago, Tivec said:

    I play with a quite heavily modded game, so it is possible the craft wouldn't load. You can find the craft here. Unfortunately, I don't have the log anymroe, and I temporarily disabled the mod to be able to cut down on the spam in my log files.

    I don't have permission to view the file currently.  Although, I may have already identified the issue, would still be good to double check with your craft file. 

  5. It’s fairly straight forward:

    1) Choose an IDE of your choice. Personally I use Visual Studio 2019. 

    2) Open the Project in your IDE and add references (point to KSPs and Unity assemblies)

    3) Depending on how old the mod is you’re trying to recompile, you have keep in mind that there were API changes throughout version, so you may have to adjust or change some parts of the code. 

    4) Hit the Build Button. 

    For more detailed instructions read through this post: 





  6. 1 hour ago, alberro+ said:

    This looks insane, could it possibly work with 1.8.1, or is it locked to 1.11 or higher?

    The wearable props are locked behind 1.11. They require the updated inventory system that came out with 1.11. The EVA & IVA suits will work with 1.10. For everything below you need to use TextureReplacer and manually have to flip the textures vertically. (Out of some reason, stock flips the textures after being applied to the kerbal material, which TextureReplacer doesn’t do.)

  7. There are three ways major ways to create a UI. First being the legacy IMGUI system, which is a fully code approach for creating UIs. It’s pretty easy to get into, but the performance is really bad compared to other approaches. (As it’s redrawn every frame) Don’t use it for really large complex UIs with a lot of objects.

    Then there’s the uGUI system (unity prefabs). This means creating the UI in unity, exporting it as a AssetBundle and hooking it up via code. Has much better performance and is really customizable. Tho, It’s harder to get into. 

    There’s also ways to do uGUIs but with full code approach, which is damn hard to get right and would require a lot of code. If I’m not mistaken sarbian and taniwha were working on a KSP library for this. 

    Last but not least there’s the KSPs own PopupDialog class. It’s a full code approach, but mostly (as the name suggest) only meant for small popup windows. 

  8. manNode.nodeRotation.eulerAngles is a rotation, not a direction. Use manNode.GetBurnVector(vessel.orbit);

    Vector3.Angle is an absolute value, but you can calculate the polarity by using the cross product of both vectors and invert the angle if y is negative

    Vector3 currentOrientation = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.ReferenceTransform.up; //up is foward
    Vector3 targetOrientation = manNode.GetBurnVector(vessel.orbit);
    float angle = Vector3.Angle(currentOrientation, targetOrientation);
    Vector3 polarity = Vector3.Cross(currentOrientation, targetOrientation);
    if (polarity.y < 0) 
        angle = -angle;


  9. Do you need them separated in pitch, yaw, roll? If not you can simply use Vector3.Angle:

    Vector3 currentOrientation = vessel.referenceTransform.up //up is foward
    Vector3 targetOrientation //your desired direction
    float angle = Vector3.Angle(currentOrientation, targetOrientation)

    If you want to know how much your translating (or rotating) in each direction you can use vessel.angularVelocity

  10. 44 minutes ago, tonimark said:

    i have to say that this is intarelly broken:

    546 issues on github , this mod is a mess

    do your flights manually instead

    All modders out here do this stuff for free, they don’t get paid and completely do this in their free time. Your statement above is just frustrating for the people behind it (or rather dunbaratu, he’s the only developer left). They put hours and days into project just to provide us with free updates. kOS is a huge mod/repository trying to maintain it alone is very hard to do, so please don’t post such comments. Instead we should all thank dunbaratu for all his work on kOS. Just yesterday he released a huge update. 

    And then if you aren’t happy with a mod, provide and post comments that can help the developer(s) to improve their mod, your comment isn’t helping anyone. 

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