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Posts posted by ValiZockt

  1. 24 minutes ago, theJesuit said:

    Also, looking at this, there could be an argument for keeping this at level 3 and moving the current level three option of SAS following manoeuvre node following to level 4?  Give another reason to send a Kerbal to Duna or Eve!

    I don’t think this is really possible currently, sorry. If I understand right you want to keep those new SAS modes at level 3 and move the existent hold maneuver node to level 4? In Stock  level 3 also unlocks the target markers, which are currently needed for SDA.

    What is possible however is to change the minPilotExperience in the config, so you unlock those two new modes later instead. (So other way around as you suggested if I understand right)

  2. 31 minutes ago, boribori said:

    @ValiZockt The SXT LV-405 Vanguard still has Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer for its additional RCS engine. I wanted to look into how to write a config myself, but I have no clue yet and that would take a long time. I believe the RO engine config just removes the RCS, that would probably be the easiest solution, if desirable.

    I see, appreciate the hint. SXT configs were last touched 4 years ago, so there may be even more. Nevertheless this should be a very easy fix tho. Thank you. 

  3. 1 hour ago, The Doodling Astronaut said:

    I'm very excited to download Parallax in a couple of weeks! As it will come to stock! How often do you plan to update it to current version of KSP? I don't wanna be that guy to poke though so feel free to not answer.

    I guess making promises would only make things worse in the end. So I think it’s safe to say: Updates will appear for new KSP version (if they are needed) when they are ready. Setting ETAs would only result in people pestering more when a „deadline“ wasn’t met. 

  4. @DA299, there are two ways to lower engine mass with RF, choose one:

    1. RF has already an option to apply a multiplier to engines. Navigate to RealFuels/RealSettings.cfg and set under RFSETTINGS useRealisticMass to false. Then you can choose your engineMassMultiplier. (Default is 4.0, this will make your engines 4 times as heavy,  so lower it down to 0.5 to decrease engine mass by half).

    2. You can also do the same by a simple MM patch:

     @mass *= 0.5 // adjust your multiplier value here.

    This will decrease all engines mass by half. 

  5. 1 hour ago, woeller said:

    OK here you go @HebaruSan
    Off course the crafts will chase each other forever :D

    That's hilarious, love it!

    55 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

    @ValiZockt Wow, this looks super useful, it's definitely going in my GameData :D

    Does it have a navball icon? That'd be the only extra thing I need for this to replace the Navball Docking Alignment Indicator entirely.

    Thanks, sadly it doesn't have a navball icon. I didn't wanted to completely copy DPAI, not sure on how either mic_e or @linuxgurugamer would feel about that, tho it would be very cool. Im definitely see what's possible in this regard. 

  6. Is it possible that you could use normal fonts size & colors? It’s very hard to read and look at most of the time. Specifically on mobile. I really don’t want to sound rude, I just want to help out as just by scrolling through it gets very annoying. Not sure if it’s just me, but if the font size/color/formatting changes every sentence I tend to skip those wall of texts. Hope no offense was taken, thank you. 

  7. 25 minutes ago, Goufalite said:


    Along side the "All SAS Modes" settings, beware that when playing default Sandbox or Science mode (and in general when deactivating the "Kerbal XP" setting), all kerbals have full SAS capabilities, confer link below. 

    This should already be taken care of. Sounds like when you enable that setting all kerbals already have their maxed out level (5). As soon as this number is equal or higher than the value specified in the config file the checker for an experienced enough pilot will pass.

  8. LWJbNG3.png5UFs3mP.png

    for KSP 1.8.x - 1.11.x (v1.1.0)


    Smart Docking Aid adds two new SAS modes to level 3 probe cores and level 3 pilots. Most KSP-players know the issue with aligning two docking ports correctly while docking two ships or station parts together. Smart Docking Aid's new mode aligns the player controlled ship's docking port to the target docking port. So you only have to translate your ship in front of the target docking port and move forward until it docks. There is no more weird camara movement necessary to see if you will dock properly or ram your target out of orbit.


    Smart Docking Aid introduces two new SAS modes: Parallel- & Parallel+. Both modes can help you align parallel to a desired target (i.e. orient towards the normal direction of the targeted part/docking port)



    v1.1.0. QoL Improvements
    * Obey "All SAS Modes on all probes" in difficulty settings
    * Replace stock SAS module readout
    * Unset SDA mode on SAS disable
    * Change MM pass to LAST
    v1.0.0. Initial Release
    * Implements new SAS functionality 
     - Parallel - 
     - Parallel +

    Source Code

    Known Issues

    • Part Upgrades resets the module readout to the stock one.
    • If you find any issues, please report them to this thread or open a GitHub issue.

    Special Thanks

    • As usual thanks to @woeller for creating icons, testing & feedback.
    • @Jacky_Rabbit, iron_thomas, Multyino for feedback & testing. 

    This work is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license 

  9. It’s the year 2027, three years after the successful  landing on the South Pole of the Moon. Due to great findings there, the interest in the moon is at its highest again. Both Blue Origin and SpaceX agreed joining together to complete a manned mission to the Moon. Both vehicles (Background: New Glenn, Foreground:Falcon 9 Block 6) are vertical at the pad and ready for the first two launches that will deliver the first modules to support a 30 day Mission. 

  10. 33 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

    Whilst this mod is toggled on, does anyone else experience translucent parts? Seems like there may be some funky shader shenanigans going on.

    Yes, there's an unofficial build from LGG that fixes that issue: 

    On 2/15/2019 at 2:22 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

    For anyone who is interested, I have an unofficial build which fixes an issue with this mod making parts semitransparent in certain circumstances.

    Available here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KerbalFlightIndicators/releases/tag/R18.1

    I made a PR to the original repo on Github.  I do not intend to adopt or maintain this mod, since it duplicates the functionality of NavHud


  11. I’ve heard multiple times now that this is a problem with outdated mods in combination with Kopernicus. Check if every mod is up to date and/or compatible with your version.

    You can find detailed instruction where your log file is located here. Also read through the other steps and see if you have already done these.


  12. On 8/23/2020 at 12:59 PM, BTAxis said:

    Kerbalism has a toggle for antennas to exclude them from EC calculations in its own planner. Maybe you could use this toggle to exclude them from the antenna planner as well?

    Just released K³ v1.1.0 that includes that. Also got around cleaning the code up & including the range modifier from stock.

    Kerbalism Kompanion Kalkulator v1.1.0 
    * Add 'exclude from planner' button into calculation
    * Include range modifier from settings


  13. 2 hours ago, Darkherring said:

    I think I've encountered a strange bug. As I click the mod icon in the VAB it seems to change the skin of other mods for Stock-style.

    LOG: https://we.tl/t-xHAy9edDG9



    Thanks for the report. Just pushed a new release that fixes that issue. I somehow unnoticedly set some UIStyle definitions global. Also fixes the NREs you've had in your log. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Starwaster said:


    Why did you change the mod's folder name? That breaks any Module Manager configs that depend on it. (specifically it breaks NEEDS and it breaks any BEFORE, FOR and AFTER passes)

    While i changed the folder names, i haven't touched the MM passes. All patches i have seen are targeting RealFuels_StockEngines (which the pass where mostly everything runs, i only added some additional ones to move patches to later passes). I haven't seen any patch targeting the old folder name (RFStockalike). Correct me if Im wrong on this.

    6 minutes ago, TranceaddicT said:

    I'm looking at the hierarchy now.  With the exception of additions, nothing has changed since at least v4.0.

    Yes, i took over with 4.0 (Raptor831 latest was v3.2.6.6). Instead of having all engine configs in a single file which was thrown in a single folder, I gave every mod a own folder and every engine own file.

  15. 35 minutes ago, JebIsDeadBaby said:

    As I said - barely possible with a simplest rocket. This Real Fuels example of yours: the rocket has only 400 m/s excess of Delta-V (I assume JSNQ of course) and just 1.12 TWR on launch. I'm willing to bet it will burn these extra 400 m/s just trying to get off the ground. Even if it gets to the orbit it probably won't be able to return. Add Kerbalism and Deadly Reentry to the mix and you're stuck. I don't want to argue about exact values, just want to point out that in a career mode with some realism mods, this can lead to being unable to progress in the early game. Although I understand you can't cater to all possible mod combinations. 

    Still, service and fuselage tanks should be adjusted as well. Right now there is no point in using default tanks.

    I’ll have to admit, that small rockets are a bit underpowered and some big rockets are to overpowered. I’ll see what I can do. Same for the fuselage & Service Tanks, didn’t thought that these can be used to bypass the higher drymass. Thanks for reporting that all. 

  16. 4 hours ago, JebIsDeadBaby said:

    Well, heavier tanks are brutal. Mk1 into orbit within 18 t limit is barely possible, and Stayputnik to the SOI edge is straight out impossible.

    I did some comparison between Stock (no RealFuels) and  with RealFuels. I just slapped couple of tanks together, so don't look too closely at this rocket. Anyways these were my results.

    First stage is a LV-T45 Swivel (Eth75/LOx) with three FL-T800 fuel tanks, upper stage consists of a LV-909 Terrier (Ae50/NTO) and a FL-T400 tank. While yes, im over the 18t limit, it's the same as in Stock. In fact, this rocket would actually be a bit heavier as in stock (only by a small margin, so think we can say these weight about the same).


    However if switch out the Eth75/LOx to Kerolox and the Ae50/NTO to Hydrolox, i'm down to 18t with more Delta-V (m/s)


  17. On 8/20/2020 at 10:48 PM, JebIsDeadBaby said:

    Now, this code puts a 135 l service tank into a tiny Mk1 pod (which originally has 50 EC and 10 Monoprop). Ain't it a bit too much? The old value was 50 l, since the old multiplier for EC was 0.0002, which didn't make much sense neither but virtually nullified EC. 

    Imagine you have a pod with only 50 EC in stock. What you want to do is to have the same amount of EC available after adding a service tank to hold it with Real Fuels, right? So volume multiplier should be an inverse of utilization. You use 7 for EC, so it should be 1/7 ~= 0.143. 

     Balancing Command Pods was always a bit of a rollercoaster, lol. But agreed, these really sound too high, I don't even know anymore on how I got to this 1.7 multiplier. Seaching the changes you did below, how does it play with it? Could be a reasonable change, the only downside of this would that bigger capsules with more storage space than Kerbal space would get nullified through this. 


    On 8/20/2020 at 10:48 PM, JebIsDeadBaby said:

    Anyway, for some crazy reason with the latest RF I get not 135 l but 475 l tank inside Mk1 pod. If you have any idea where these extra 340 l may come from, I'd grateful for suggestions. I'm pretty sure it's not from your configs but I've already checked all the other suspects and found nothing that would tweak resources or volumes before RF. 

    Yeah, that's a place you would have to look (or post them in here) in your MMConfigCache & Log.


    On 8/20/2020 at 10:50 PM, New Horizons said:

    Which version of Real Fuels should be used on KSP 1.10.1? RF only has source code in it.

    Hmm, that sounds like you clicked on the source download button instead of the RealFuels zip, but yeah. 12.8.5 is the way to go. 


    1 hour ago, JebIsDeadBaby said:

    Another question: in Fuel_Conversions.cfg since 5.0.0 there is a new basemass definition for Default and Cryogenic tanks

    // set drymass of all RealFuels configured tanks dependent on max volume
        %basemass = volume * 0.00015 
        %basemass = volume * 0.00015 

    The problem I have with this is that it's 10x higher that original RF setting (which was 0.000016 - one zero more). Is this intentional? If yes, why service tanks and fuselages are not corrected? 

    Yes, that was intentional, before that you could easily get 2-3x times the Delta-V (m/s) out of tanks/rocket as you would normally. (Which made sense before as RF-Stock was more thought for 6.4x, which is a bit deprecated by now, as the new 2.7x is taking over). Service & Fuselage Tanks aren't effected as their to small to really get a big effect out of it. 

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