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Posts posted by ValiZockt

  1. 7 hours ago, BTAxis said:

    This is pretty nice. Great work, I'll be using it going forward.

    Kerbalism has a toggle for antennas to exclude them from EC calculations in its own planner. Maybe you could use this toggle to exclude them from the antenna planner as well?

    Should be feasible, yes. I’ll take a look, thanks for the suggestion. 

  2. 5 hours ago, NateDaBeast said:

    How well would this work for RO/RSS/RP-0? If it does work with RP-0 would it interfere with the RealAntennas mod for it?


    Otherwise this looks very cool and appreciated.

    Should work with RSS/RO/RP1, the only change that I can think of that matters, would be the fact that RP1 has more upgrades to DSN, but that shouldn’t effect anything. However RA is not supported, they use a own module, which isn’t get read by this plugin. As you aren’t the first person that ask this, I’m gonna have a look on how RA does it’s calculation and see if I can integrate them too.

    And thanks of course! 

  3. Kerbalism Companion Calculator [1.8.x - 1.11.x]


    Kerbalism Companion Calculator (KCC) is a plugin that allows you to plan your antenna connectivity during your mission in Kerbalism. This Calculator auto-adapts its selection options, so support is provided for every planet pack. In addition to that, support for NFeX reflectors and ResearchBodies is also provided. It's fairly simple to use, select the planet you're going to visit, choose your distance (consisting of the minimum to maximum distance to the home world) and get your result:


    But why?:
    This fairly small plugin is aimed at Kerbalism players. All already existing antenna planners only calculate the signal strength and not the data rate, which can be crucial to Kerbalism players, since science points are not immediately transferred as it is in Stock.  


    • GitHub
    • SpaceDock
    • CKAN
    • Installation: Move all Contents in GameData to your KerbalSpaceProgram/GameData



    * Name change to Kerbalism Companion Calculator
    * ResearchBodies support
    * Unity UI Overhaul
    * Add version file
    * Add editor undo event
    * Fix bad antenna strength calculation
    * Add 'exclude from planner' button into calculation
    * Include range modifier from settings
    v1.0.1 - Hotfix
    * Fix UIStyles 
    v1.0.0 - Initial Release
    * K³ implements a Antenna Range Calculator specifically made for Kerbalism.
    * Support for NFeX Reflectors.
    * Support for all kind of Planet packs.

    Source Code

    Known Issues

    • No Issues are known by now, if you find any please report them to this thread or open a GitHub issue.

    Special Thanks & Credits

    • @woeller for creating the Header Image, App Icon, testing & feedback
    • @Jacky_Rabbit for testing & feedback
    • Nertea for the UI Sprite Sheet - License

    This work is licensed under CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


  4. On 8/19/2020 at 7:51 PM, DJ Reonic said:

    It seems that I can't get the reDirect tanks to work with Real Fuels. I don't have the option to switch fuel types with either the painted or bare foam variants. I can get the SOCK Shuttle's MMH/NTO tanks to work

    Good catch, I seemed to overlooked that, fixing this asap. Thanks for reporting. (Also thanks @Bellabong for that quick fix!)

    On 8/19/2020 at 7:51 PM, DJ Reonic said:

    I have noticed the shuttle's payload bay has lost its fuel cell and all my life support resources are gone. NOTE: I use Kerbalism. At one point, RF had the ability to work with Kerbalism and allowed configurable life support resources.

    Im not a Kerbalism Player myself, so Im gonna have to make me a bit more familiar with it, but im definitely gonna have a look at this

    5 hours ago, DJ Reonic said:

    Also, just a note for reDIRECT and SOCK. I believe the KJ10 should be a pressure fed engine, but in game it is subject to ullage

    Yes, pressure-fed is often misunderstood, pressure-fed means just that you won't need any turbo pump machinery. Ullage is the concept of having to settle the fuel at the aft bulkhead. That means the pressurant gas could theoretically also settle on the aft bulkhead (microgravity, everything floats everywhere), so when you open the valves you're now pushing the pressurant out, so you'll have to make sure only fuel is sitting on the aft bulkhead. 

    So now you're asking, why do I don't need to ullage RCS? RCS utilities "bladder-tanks", they a have a membrane which gets compressed by the pressurant, so the pressurant gas is never touching the fuel in the first place. See this image:


    5 hours ago, DJ Reonic said:

    With that being said, do I have to add nitrogen or helium to a part that's meant to be a pressurized tank for it to be considered as such?

    No (this would actually be a cool concept), if a tank is pressurized or not is set in the configs

  5. New RealFuels-Stock update! Huge thanks to @Bellabong, we now have full configs for Bluedog Design Bureau (up to Development 1.7.0 as of 10/08/2020) and thanks to @TotallyNotHuman for fixing and changing various things & adding support for Kerbal Atomics

    * Bluedog Design Bureau (@Bellabong)
    * KerbalAtomics (@TotallyNotHuman)
    * Fix Vector (KS-25 Plume)
    * New auto-generating RCS configs for unconfigured Parts
    * Move RCS Pass to :FOR[RealFuels_StockEngines]
    * PR: RCS Rebalance (@TotallyNotHuman)
    * PR: Make LV-1(R) and O-10 pressure fed (@TotallyNotHuman)
    Restock Plus:
    * PR: Various Config fixes (Fuel Mixture inconsistencies, new Fuel Configs, Rebalancing) (@TotallyNotHuman)
    * PR: RCS Configs (@TotallyNotHuman)
    * PR: Fix Andromeda Engine typo (@Bellabong)
    * PR: Various fixes (Thrust & Mass Balancing) (@TotallyNotHuman)
    * PR: RCS LFO Configs (@TotallyNotHuman)
    * PR: Fix Hydrolox Config on RD-701/704 (@TotallyNotHuman)
    Huge thank you to both @Bellabong & @TotallyNotHuman 

    And as usual update is available on GithubSpaceDock & CKAN.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Joco223 said:

    Yeah I know about RO, but I wanted to still use non-RO parts if that makes sense. I guess it isn't possible yet

    Their may be another option. RF-Stock is tuned for 2.7x-3.2x, but you can change some values in the "RealSettings.cfg" under GameData/RealFuels/RealSettings.cfg to tune it better for 6.4x systems.

    Change both (under MFSettings & RFSettings) %useRealisticMass = true to false and lower %tankMassMultiplier and engineMassMultiplier (not tested, but i would start at 0.5 and slowly go lower until it fits your play style), this decreases all engine & tank masses, which increases the performance you'll get out of the same tank/engine at default settings.

  7. 1 minute ago, Joco223 said:

    Would it be possible to use this with something like SMURFF so I can use this on RSS scale or Sigma Dimensions with 10x-ish scale? Or is there a config in the mod somewhere for something like this?

    No, as soon as SMURFF detects RealFuels it gets deactivated, but thats exactly where RO comes in. Its basically the same as RealFuels-Stock just tuned for 10.625x Kerbin sized Planets. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Draginea said:

    Sorry if this is not the right place to ask this, but I could not find a more appropriate place. So, I know developing a robust procedural engines system would be an insane amount of work, but does the RO/RP-1 team at any point, even in the distant future, plan on developing something like that? I completely understand if it would be way beyond the scope of the project, but I can see such a system adding a great deal of gameplay and role-playing depth.

    You may want to have a look at SPE, which is already well integrated into RO


  9. Log files for 1.8.0+ can be found in: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log

    Also be sure if downloaded on GitHub always (if not anywhere specifically written down) download the release not the master.

    Thinking more about that issue, im thinking that you have some problem with RealismOverhaul, ROEngines doesn’t house the thrust/fuel configs. RO does that.

  10. On 7/20/2020 at 12:55 AM, NippyFlippers said:

    I am experiencing a bug with the newest version of this mod. The right click context menu to change parameters is not showing up.

    29 minutes ago, NippyFlippers said:

    Still, the right click menu is not showing up with this version. Previous worked fine, though.

    Which fork of Procedural Parts are you using? The Tidal Stream Branch or the RO Fork? If you're not using the RO Fork, please update to that. As Tidal Stream said:

    On 6/7/2020 at 5:11 PM, Tidal Stream said:

    @jrodriguez I second that, the Realism Overhaul fork is the successor of my fork, and everyone should use that one.

    You can download the RO-Fork here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/ProceduralParts/releases

  11. 5 hours ago, Iodyne said:

    So how exactly should the configs look? I guess I'm a bit confused; I get that !tankType might not work but how is the tank switching disabled then? Does it need to target the B9_TANK_TYPE? 

    Sorry, I’ve should have been more clear, I mean that only !tankType has to be used, not the other two one.

    5 hours ago, Iodyne said:

    Also, just noticed the main post says not to use RealPlume-Stock (I've had them both installed...); what about all the mods supported there that aren't in RealFuels-Stock? Would it work if I just remove the duplicates from RealPlume but leave the others?

    Yes, just delete the one that RF-Stock already configures. This is marked incompatible to get around possible plume duplicates 

  12. 19 minutes ago, Iodyne said:

    not sure if it applies to BDB but b9 mesh switches that just change tank composition can be made compatible with RealFuels by just disabling the "tankType" line; i.e. see my post here. Of course I didn't write it on RealFuels end but I'm guessing its possible with different syntax. Maybe something like?:

    Looking at the config of MarkIVSpaceplane, it just looks like the !tankType has to be deleted (see MKIVFuelTanks.cfg), thank you for the configs, will test & include them in next update.

    28 minutes ago, Iodyne said:

    Anyway, posting this here: made a 'quick' fix for Coatl Aerospace's ca_torekkaPM engine (there's possibly other engines that need fixes but I saw this first):

    The Coatl Aerospace Configs are still a leftover from Raptors831 Stockalike-RealFuels and were last updated 3 years ago, so there is a high chance there will be more stuff that isn't configured. It's now on my To-Do list and may be included in the next update too. Thanks for reporting this.

    30 minutes ago, Iodyne said:

    Have to do it twice like that because of the two RCS modules with the same name. Just doing [..] only applies to one of the RCSs, not both. Is there a syntax for ALL so it applies it to both?

    Yes you can use @MODULE[ModuleRCSFX],* (the ',' indicates that you want to target a specific ModuleRCSFX (index),  they go numerically up and start at 0; the '*' is a wildcard which means you allow everything in this)

    Also in the next update there will be this change to RCS configs, which means that all RCS thrusters that still have  MonoPropellant  as a  resourceName  will get replaced by this.

    34 minutes ago, Iodyne said:

    Is it better to make these patches RealFuels-Stock side or on the side of the individual mod?

    If a mod already has a own config (not in RealFuels-Stock) than these patch updates should go to the mod that includes that, but in this case neither MarkIVSpaceplane nor Coatl Aerospace has configs in their downloads, so both of them can go to RealFuels-Stock directly. 

  13. @Bellabong, wow, this is amazing. Thank you so much. 

    Just some Notes on here:

    7 hours ago, Bellabong said:

    RF doesn't have a way to switch meshes afaik so a combination of selecting the desired subtype in B9PS and engine config in RF is required without making each engine subtype a new part. 
    The problem extends to resizable fuel tanks, the part retains the fueltank size of the base mesh. Possible solution: https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9PartSwitch/pull/183 

    Are there engines and tankes that change the mesh completely to represent other engines/tanks? Im only away of Paintjobs through B9PartSwitch (that just change the texture) and PartUpgrades through B9PartSwitch, that change Isp & Thrust (which is useless with RF, so with a MM Patch you could delete all PartUpgrades Nodes), but i may be very wrong here, im sadly not a BDB user, would be nice if you could correct me on this.

    EDIT: Okay, just checked ingame, yes there seems to be tanks that change length with a B9PartSwitchModule. Only way i can think of is just disabling these extra option for now or use the B9PartSwitch fuelSwitcher instead of the MFT modules, but for now i think just disabling these extra options is the best way until this can fixed in other ways.

    7 hours ago, Bellabong said:

    The B9 modules in the BDB parts themselved also need to changed to refer to ModuleEnginesRF

    Regarding the B9PartSwitchModules, the engineSwitcher ones can be deleted (which don't change the mesh, but do change the stats of the engine to represent other engines, which can be done with RealFuels ModuleEngineConfigs, not to be mixed/confused with PartUpgrades, they only lift the Isp and Thrust, which can be done by RealFuels Tech Levels)

    So something like this:


    With all this i don't see any others problem regarding B9PartSwitch in combination with RealFuels. (Going to hit up blowfish, for the PR sometime). 

    And again: Thank you so much for doing this.

  14. 53 minutes ago, Ricovandijk said:

    Hey all, I'm back from a long break from Kerbals, and newly installed RSS/RO/RP-1 in KSP 1.8.1. 

    I've noticed the old segmented runway bug is back (in my install at least). but the fix that was working a while ago is now supposedly included in the latest RSS, so the fix is removed from github.

    (source: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/186244-wip-rss-runway-fix/)

    Is it just my install or is this a known issue, with perhaps even a known fix?

    Thanks all!

    It's not longer necessary to download this runway fix anymore, it was integrated into the RSS download directly. However the runway fix only fixes the collider not the model itself, so you'll still see those segmented holes. 

  15. 42 minutes ago, 某事不过三兄 said:

    so,who can tell me what did this mod do ?


    On 1/5/2018 at 3:10 AM, Tidal Stream said:

    The features include

    • Everything accessible by tweaking
    • A broad range of shapes including cylinders, truncated cones, filleted cylinders, bezier cones.
    • New part shapes are easy to develop and plug in, so cuboid / pill shaped / whatever else you want shaped will be able to be created.
    • Most stuff configurable in the config file, including resources and fill ratios, tech levels, available shapes
    • Diverse support for career mode - tank shapes, dimensions, and contents all limited by researched tech
    • All supplied parts are carefully designed to be as 'stock alike' as possible in their tech level requirements - You can't create a monster tank before you've discovered basic rocketry for example.
    • Other mod support - tanks for RealFuels, Kethane, Extraplanetary Launchpads, and TAC. Heat shields for Deadly Reentry. (thanks to OtherBarry)
    • Plays nicely with Ferram Aerospace Research
    • Multiple textures available for part surfaces. These are fully compatible with StretchySRB textures.
    • A Module - TankContentSwitcher that can be applied to existing tanks (with say module manager) and allow their contents to be tweaked. Tweak any tank in the VAB into a Liquid fuel only or oxidizer tank.
  16. 2 hours ago, Cade said:

    The convertatrons still have selections for lf + ox and monoprop, i cant do any of the real fuels has this not been implemented yet or am i missing something?

    1 hour ago, TranceaddicT said:

    I just grep'd for convertatrons in all files and came up empty.

    I don't think there are configs for what you seek.

    That's actually something I haven't thought of yet. I'll take a lock at that for the next update.


  17. 1 hour ago, MoonTruther said:

    i have an issue with the mod, SRBS seem to work fine, but when setting up a liquid fuel tank, it wont let me select any fuels, and the ui is bugged, it shows the help menu, and other weird stuff.

    Never encountered this, can you share an image of the bugged UI? Also could you please share your player.log, you can find it at: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log. You can upload this file to any file-sharing services (Google Drive, Dropbox...)

  18. 2 hours ago, Cucco-Master said:

    Restock also breaks the stock fairings in 1.10.0. Apparently there is also an issue that can't be fixed by mods and would require a stock fix in 1.10.1.

    It can be fixed, it's just not worth it. In 1.10.0, KSP now expects the fairing base to be named "Mesh" in the Model file. The KSP Devs already announced that they will revert this change.

  19. New Update! While the commit list isn't very long in this update, this update "fixes" the balancing issues, that mostly affected stock users. 

     * Include Parts from 1.10 Update
     * Fix too low mass on MK1-3 Pod
     * Rebalancing
    * Fix Near Future Launch Vehicles B9PartSwitch Tanks Warnings
    * Basemass/Drymass now dependent on volume
    * Added Xenon Tank Conversion

    As always, available on GitHubSpaceDock & CKAN 

  20. 1 minute ago, Ciko said:

    Can anybody tell me  how to make RO engines turn on and off instantly? Which parametr I must to modify?

    maybe @useEngineResponseTime ?

    Did this a long time ago, but it should be something along this:

    @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngine*]]:FINAL {
          %useEngineResponseTime = True
          %engineAccelerationSpeed = 10.0

    Increasing %engineAccelerationSpeed  makes it ignite faster, a value of 10 should make it pretty instant.

  21. 43 minutes ago, Ciko said:

    IS there a way to disable the fuel pressure function in the engine? I mean, that the engines can be turned on under any conditions, even without traction which gravity drives fuel into the lower part of the tank...Which line of code is responsible for this?

    Go to the RealFuels folder, open the RealSettings.cfg and set simulateUllage to false. 

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