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Everything posted by ValiZockt

  1. The answer to both of your question is no. (Theoretically and technically 2. would decrease loading times, as KSP wouldn't have to parse the CFG anymore, but it's its so small it won't be noticeable or even really measurable). Despite the CFG being disabled KSP still loads all models files. So you would have to change the model files extensions to somewhat else that isn't known to KSP (e.g model.mu.disabled)
  2. There are currently four somewhat maintained Procedural Wings forks (that I know of) JR's Fork, Rafterman's Fork, CarnationRED's Fork and tetraflon's Fork. Keep in mind both CarnationRED's and tetraflon's Fork have a hard dependency on FAR.
  3. @OwariTY, not an error, that’s how it works. Let me explain: Pressure-fed is often misunderstood, pressure-fed means that you won't need any turbo pump machinery. (pumps , pre-burner etc..) Ullage is the concept of having to settle the fuel at the aft bulkhead. That means the pressurant gas could theoretically also settle on the aft bulkhead (microgravity, everything floats everywhere), so when you open the valves (activate your engines) you're now pushing the pressurant out (instead of your propellant), so you'll have to make sure only fuel is sitting on the aft bulkhead.
  4. I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but if you're searching for the altitude above sea level than @peteletroll is right: If you're looking for the altitude above ground then you're probably looking for something like this: double altitudeAboveTerrain = vessel.altitude - vessel.pqsAltitude; (vessel.pqsAltitude returns the height of the terrain below the current vessel position)
  5. Hey all, as a non american I didn't thought this was a big issue at first, still I've come to the conclusion I'd rather rename this mod to something more suitable. I really hope I didn't offend anyone here. Apologies. In addition to a name change I've added support for ResearchBodies. Only planets that are discovered are now displayed now in the dropdown menu. Also thanks to @HebaruSan, this is now available on CKAN. v1.3.0 * Change name to Kerbalism Companion Calculator (KCC) * ResearchBodies support * Indexed on CKAN IMPORTANT: Please make sure to delete the old files first, with this name change the folder name changed too.
  6. Yes. Procedural Parts, Fairings and B9 Procedural Wings do not depend on RO, there just maintained by the KSP-RO Team. Keep in mind that avionics is a feature of RP-1 not of any Proc Parts mod.
  7. @zeant93, you seam to have installed a old version of RealFuels-Stock (pre-v4.0). This is not how the current folder structure looks like. RealFuels RealFuels-Stockalike RealPlume RealPlume-RFStockalike RealPlume-Stock Also please read following note from the OP:
  8. Hi @zeant93 would you be so kind and post your KSP.log? (located in the KSP main directory)
  9. If you need a list of all BUILTIN Textures, the Kerbal Konstruct wiki has you covered: https://github.com/GER-Space/Kerbal-Konstructs/wiki/Builtin-Textures-for-KSP-1.8. If you're searching for specific ones, Kittopia Tech configs on export should also list them
  10. Got around switching from the old onGUI/GUILayout system to a complete new Unity UI. Kerbalism Kompanion Kalkulator v1.2.0 * Unity UI Overhaul * Add version file Small QoL improvments like a real dropdown menu and including/exclude specific antenna types. Also, thanks to Nertea for providing this amazing sprite sheet.
  11. New Release: v1.1.0 * Obey "All SAS Modes on all probes" in difficulty settings * Replace stock SAS module readout * Unset SDA mode on SAS disable * Change MM pass to LAST Until now SDA had a own readout , but I've found a way to include those readouts into the already existent stock SAS module. See below: As usual, available on SpaceDock, Github & CKAN.
  12. Sorry, but I don't get it. I've just gone through the files and nothing changed. Its basically just a re-upload, you also still bundle the old RasterPropMonitor from 2016. Another heads up, you seem to have accidentally included the Source Code of CollisionFX. See below:
  13. Pssst! Calm down. You just have to look at the right place to see that RSS officially supports 1.8.1 since Februar this year: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/releases
  14. Very cool concept! What also came into my mind is the celestial bodies pressure. Currently the atmopsheric pressure of a planet doesn't affect that much. Over time pressure could add to the parts overall stress (saturation).
  15. Could that be done theoretically via MM patch? I’m not sure, but that’s what came in my mind: @PART[*]:HAS[ModuleWaterfallFX,~UseRealPlume[True]]:AFTER[<SomeLatePass>] { (Remove RealPlume effects stuff here) } So if theoretically someone wants to have Waterfall & RealPlume effects in one part they could use the UseRealPlume = True variable to stop RealPlume effects getting deleted.
  16. Depending on what you exactly need you can use GameEvents.onVesselRollout, GameEvents.onLaunch or GameEvents.onVesselCreated (Both onLaunch & onVesselCreated only return a ShipConstruct not a vessel afaik)
  17. Small new update: Kerbalism Kompanion Kalkulator v1.1.1. Kerbalism Kompanion Kalkulator v1.1.1. * Add editor undo event * Fix bad antenna strength calculation @jfjohnny5 Thank you very much vor reporting this issue. This wasn't an issue with the Tracking Station per se, but more of a problem storing and then handling the negatives range value of Kerbin orbiting celestial bodies. Probably wouldn't have noticed, so many thanks!
  18. @jfjohnny5 This is indeed new, I’ll do some test later this day. Also, are you playing on any special settings that do change antenna stats? Even if those are included into the calculation, I’m still curious.
  19. I haven’t tested nor do I know if it already maybe works on 1.7.x, but if not a recompile against the 1.7.x binaries could do it. There are no icons on the navball. I still encourage people to install DPAI CE.
  20. @jfjohnny5, I can't guarantee anything, but I think its worth a try. I did some small changes and while the following is not a proper fix, can you be so kind and test it if it works for you? https://github.com/ValiZockt/KRnD/releases/tag/v1.16.0.9. Instead of populating the variant dictionary just with the variant name, I instead add a additional index to the dictionary key value.
  21. @jfjohnny5, as @Dal said it's a issue with duplicate variants names. To be precise its Medium variants on all structural tubes (Restock/PatchesMH/Structural/restock-mh-tubes.cfg). Kerbal R&D populates the part variants dictionary with partVariant.name, but it does not expect a second variant with the same name one the same part. When this happens following Exception is thrown: [KRnD] Awake(): System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: Medium This means that the attempt to add the second medium variant will fail because a dictionary entry with the name "Medium" already exists. So until there's a fix just renaming all duplicate Medium variants to something else works. Or use following MM Patch, which just renames those for you: @PART[Tube1,Tube1p5,Tube2,Tube3,Tube4]:AFTER[000_ReStock] { @MODULE[ModulePartVariants] { @VARIANT[Medium],1 { @name = Medium-Orange } } }
  22. To determine if game is focused or paused you can use the Monobehaviour.OnApplicationFocus & Monobehaviour.OnApplicationPaused callbacks (there’s also two GameEvents onGamePaused & onGameUnpaused) To check if you’re in fullscreen you can use GameSettings.FULLSCREEN
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