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Everything posted by DNKKING

  1. Improve it and start again. Ok ?
  2. Neil kerman: It's a small step for a Kerbal but a big step for the humanity of Kerbals.
  3. Hello everyone. I am DNKKING, I am new on the Kerbosphère. I discovered the game there is something. This game dazzled me. I would be kerbonaute within two months to varnish. English is not my first language, I use Google translation. So, if you have two or three useful or interesting things about the game, do not hesitate.
  4. You can easily keep the reactors and place the propellers on the sides for horizontal movement. Told Dana and Fox that with this UFO they could visit us.
  5. It's very beautiful. The people of Kerbin must be afraid.
  6. J'ai vu qu'il y avait trois mode: Science, Carrière et Sandbox. Quel est la différence entre les trois ?
  7. Challenges: you've probably heard of someone who claims to have seen a UFO. The witnesses say that they are silent objects, which emanate from the light and have the shape of a plate. With these descriptions, builds a UFO that can stay on the spot for minutes. Equipment: You can use all the playground equipment. Time: You have 9 weeks. begenning: 26/04/2019 end: 29/05/2019 Settlement: Make a photo album or video. Thank you.
  8. Challenge: Built a boat that can go into space. Build something original. Equipment: You can use all the playground equipment. Time: You have 9 weeks. begenning: 26/04/2019 end: 29/05/2019 Settlement: Make a photo album or video. The evaluation criteria, the participants' scores, the winners and the badge will be revealed at the end of the challenge. Thank you. TRANSIT-CITY / URBAN & MOBILE THINK TANK: NOUVEAUX VAISSEAUX (2) TRANSIT-CITY / URBAN & MOBILE THINK TANK: NOUVEAUX VAISSEAUX (2) transit-city.blogspot.com transit-city.blogspo
  9. Mes questions: Si je commence une partie sur PS4 et que je veux passer à la version pc avec mon Windows 7, les progrès que j'ai fait sur PS4 peuvent-il être transférer sur mon ordi ? Quelle est le différence entre les modes: carrière, science et sandbox ? Comment partager ses création sur Kerbal-X ?
  10. Je suis DNKKING, je suis nouveau sur la Kerbosphère. J'ai découvert le jeu il y a quelque jour en étant à la recherche d'un jeu où je pourrait m'entraîner à construire des fusées pour mon avenir. Donc, si vous avez deux ou trois trucs utiles ou intéressant a me dire a propos du jeu n'hésitez pas.
  11. Si les télomères s'allonge dans l'espace, cela veut dire que la vie est longue là bas ou pas ? [Edit] English Translation: If telomere lengthens in space, does that mean that life is long there or not?
  12. Challenge: You must create a machine three in one. It must have the particularities of the following device: Plane (it can fly like a plane into the atmosphere of Kerbin). Rocket (it can go beyond the atmosphere and fly into space). Rover (it can ride on the ground and climbing the Hill). Equipment: You can use all the playground equipment. Time: You have 9 weeks. begenning: 25/04/2019 end: 29/05/2019 Settlement: Make a photo album or vidéo. The evaluation criteria, the participants' scores, the winners and the badge will be revealed at the end of the challenge. Thank you.
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