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έķ νίĻĻάίή

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Everything posted by έķ νίĻĻάίή

  1. I mean, it does say 1.9X (Although I am using 1.8.1)
  2. I'm getting some strong Cupcake landers Hatbat and Nassault vibes 0:17 Wait. NO. IT CAN'T BE! IS MATT USING MODS?!
  3. This. Even though Kerbal as a thing is already recognisable, I'd rather have it be KSP2 because it's just more recognisable
  4. Good lord, this is amazing! Kudos to you for actually doing this!
  5. No microtransactions (phew!) and no pressure to add or remove anything? I can rest in peace
  6. Since I'm pretty sure that all our fave youtubers will be onto the game pretty fast, I'll wait for the reviews then take my step.
  7. I'll be honest, I'm basically open for whatever the devs throw at me. Just make all of the features moddable and I'm a happy man
  8. I still like the original HUD arrangement more (although I'll probably get used to it), but If there's going to be ways to rearrange the HUD in game I'm sold Also, custom shortcuts would be cool
  9. IMO this would be rather confusing, because you're gonna have to timewarp to get to places so is it first in game time or first IRL? Still would be cool though
  10. Do not clip a magic boulder into another magic boulder
  11. I'm gonna be honest, I don't care. As long as we get something that's worth our waiting time, I'll wait. Give them as long as they want as long as it's not ridiculous.
  12. I'm all in for the Orion drive, why wouldn't I be It's one more way to destroy the space center!
  13. If KSP2 has too many fuel types to manage and I can't even start an engine, I'm out. This is what I'm talking about: I HATE trying to manage many small modules and fuel types. It's probably just me though
  14. I'm still going to submit here if I've got time and hope they notice since this is meant to be the official Ksp forum (right?)
  15. This is mildly infuriating but let's hope they notice us anyways!
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