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Everything posted by VictoryNeverFail

  1. I'm not talking about the N1 I'm talking about the Universal Rocket. Ok guys, I know direct accent is possible in reality, I know what the saturn 8 nova is, what I'm asking is it possible to properly fund such an enormous and powerful rocket. And if it is a practical to do direct accents instead of Apollo style or however other way you can land on the moon.
  2. I know the Soviets designed a spacecraft to do this, but it wasn't built do to funds. But is it actually possible to afford a direct accent mission to the moon, and if it is, do you think someone will actually use this method to get to th moon and back? Personally, I don't think they will, but I wanna see what you guys have to say about it.
  3. I have an electric toothbrush that's blue and white
  4. Jeb not using a parachute sounds about right, but you have completed the "Victory Appreciation" for you excellent achievement. Thanks for the design, it will really help with our... umm... budget problem... -Victory Kerman
  5. basically, this is kind a like the history of spaceflight in the KSP save file. I hope you guys will support this series and I will try to keep this as active and new as possible. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this series! -Victory Kerman
  6. Only Stock unmodded parts are allowed, but I love the design!
  7. Good luck with it! I can't wait to see what you come up with!
  8. I would like it if there was more footage of the mission, but since you have followed all rules, and you used not even 4500 funds, we have decided that you didn't complete the "Advanced Luner" contract, but you have completed the "Victory Appreciation" Contract. This design will truly help us with our umm.. recent dept.. Thank you for making a rocket so cheap and officiant! -Victory Kerman
  9. SpaceY's (Not SpaceX) Falcon 9 booster broke. Since they need it to get space crafts into orbit, they came to us. But Elon Kerman is a very impatient Kerbal and wants the spacecraft up there ASAP. Since our designers won't get off of "Human space program", we asked the internet to design and test a fast enough rocket. There isn't a specific time you have to compete the challenge by. Just try and do it as fast as possible. CONTRACTS: Basic Contract: Get something to space as soon as ASAP Basic Orbital Contractl: Get something into a low Kerbin orbit ASAP Advanced Orbit Contract: Get something into a Kerbin orbit above 400km above sea level ASAP Munar Contract: Get an orbit around the Mun ASAP Advanced Muner Contract: Land a Kerbal on the Mun and return him to Kerbin safely ASAP Minty Contract: Get an orbit around Minmus ASAP Advanced Minty Contract: Land a Kerbal on Minmus and return him safely ASAP Interplanetary Contract: Escape Velocity ASAP Dusty Contract: Get an orbit around Duna ASAP Advanced Dusty Contract: Land something on Duna safely ASAP Victory Appreciation Contract: Impress the Victory Aerospace Program by doing something outstanding in the fastest way possible (Basically Just Impress me) The only rule is no cheats. Good luck! -Victory Kerman
  10. The craft does look like a work in progress, but since you got it to space, I'll give you the "Basic Orbital Rank" good luck on aiming higher.
  11. I mean bit saw a guy on YouTube land on the mun and back using around 6000 funds so ya it is possible The trick to doing this challenge is to use small fuel tanks but even smaller engines
  12. Here at Victory Aerospace, the guy in charge of the money thought it would be a smart idea to waste it at the slot machine. Because of him we hardly have any money to build a space craft. We can't come up with a design for a cheap enough rocket so we asked other space programs to help us out. CHALLENGE: Launch a rocket that cost less than 7000 funds to a specific location RULES: All engines are allowed No cheats (infinite fuel or low/no gravity) Must use stock parts Making history and breaking grounds parts are allowed. RANKS: Basic contract: Fly a satellite into a low Kerbin orbit Appreciated contract: Fly a Kerbal in to a low Kerbin orbit and return him alive Basic Lunar contract: Fly a Kerbal into space, get an encounter with the Mun, and return him/her safely Advanced Luner contract: Land a Kerbal on Minmus and return him safely Victory appreciation contract: Impress me Good luck and have fun with the challenge!
  13. The prototype looks a bit awkward to control, but since you have completed the challenge, You get the Basic Atmospheric Rank for now. You can try the challenge again for a better rank if you want! Good luck with it!
  14. I know making history is mainly made to recreate the Saturn V, but if they are going to put in the Russian capsules, at least add parts so you can make rockets other than Vostok - 1. One of my favorite spacecrafts is Sputnik - 1, but I can't, first of all, the antennas are too short and the wrong color, also, the the unmanned command pod that is supposed to represent Sputnik has that thing at the bottom of it where you attach it, I want to be able to decouple it like you can with the Russian capsules. Plus I want parts that can recreate the N1, it's a cool rocket and I want to be able to make it easier. I really want them to fix this in Breaking grounds or future updates.
  15. Idk. Maybe it's easier for them. Or they are trying to do the impress me challenge.
  16. That's one of many ways you can do the mission, yes So, a lot of people are confused about the no SSTO rule so you are allowed to use SSTOs.I did the challenge and it's hard enough with SSTOs. So SSTOs and space planes are allowed
  17. Ya see I don't have friends, and if I did they probably wouldn't do this challenge with me, and if they did they probably let me win and not play the game because I'm pretty sure they are not spending 30 bucks on something there are never going to use again. I mean it's a fun challenge but it would also be hard to enforce the rules so no one cheats and plays when the other one is not playing.
  18. Here at Victory Aerospace, we think that VTOLs are underrated and want to use them more. But we are having a hard time coming up with a proper design and use. So we did the only logical thing, ask the internet for help! CHALLENGE: Make a custom VTOL and use it depending on the rank you want. RULES: You can't use a stock VTOL, you must build a custom one No cheats (no infinite fuel or low/no gravity) All types of engines are allowed Making history and breaking grounds expansion packs are allowed No mods except for Kerbal engineer The VTOL must be manned RANKS: Basic atmospheric rank: Fly a VTOL Advanced atmospheric rank: Fly a VTOL 60km above sea level or higher Basic orbital rank: Fly a VTOL out of the atmosphere Advanced orbit rank: Get a VTOL in a stable orbit around Kerbin Expert orbital rank: Carry a satellite in a VTOL, get the VTOL in a stable orbit around Kerbin, release the satellite, and return the Kerbal operating the VTOL back to Kerbin safely. Victorian rank: Impress Me. Have fun with the challenge!
  19. Almost forgot, you can use a single stage/booster to get a space craft into orbit as long it's: 1. Only used to get into an orbit around Kerbin 2. Launches from a launch pad, not a runway. Also, space shuttles are allowed and can land on the runway, as long as it follows to two rules above.
  20. Sorry once again that I wasn't specific with the rules
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