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Spartan Nat

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  • About me
    Mod Enjoyer, Story Writer (WIP)
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    West Kerbin Federation Space Center

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  1. I deleted those configs and it still didn't work unfortunately. I'd say it's the same issue that plagued me trying to remove Didymos from the DART mod and trying to make some Parallax configs for OPX Inner Worlds which is basically some weird Kopernicus error I don't understand.
  2. Unfortunate, I'm sure not too much was lost in the long run. Definitely adding it to my pack, I'll just... adjust my mission to the DART mod's system to Edas instead because it seems it's finally too out of date to work. It's a shame because that was the highest quality very-small-solar-system-body I know of.
  3. @Exo's Lab Just a heads up, all your images on Page 12 seem to have been borked a bit. Something about Imgur and caches probably, not the forums surprisingly. Edit: Seems you know, I hope I got you that solution at least.
  4. Well as I keep working on my mod setup, good to see the forums are not dead (At least yet, there's always time and a profit motive or something like that).
  5. I'm actually missing anything not in a spoiler on my end. May just be the forums being the forums this past 6 months though. I'm also eyeing this pack up once more as KSS2/GU 2.0. Just got back into KSP with my new computer that can actually function with all the pretty visuals.
  6. Got a question on the camera ID system... how does it work? I'm trying to make a cinematic for the last flight of a rocket but can't seem to get the actual number in which the cameras should cycle through to actually cycle. I do have a Launch Camera watching from a little ways away (Within vessel swap distance) if that's anything to account for.
  7. Alright so with X-15 development I have to ask about skids from a (hopefully not annoying) gameplay perspective: Are they going to work like wheel objects do or are they going to work like the landing skids from I think it's Knes?
  8. Most likely it'd probably start closer to a v1.3 update! I have a long way to go in my current save with the story I plan to tell still.
  9. I mean hey, at least if you step away for 15 minutes anywhere at the KSC you don't build up log spam! I agree it'd be great if somebody looked into it for a revival with the whole "Everybody's looking back to KSP 1 for modding again" thing.
  10. These rings are not a natural formation! Someone built them, so they must have a purpose! Perhaps saving the galaxy from an all-consuming parasite? Either way, as many have said this looks beautiful! I think I know what my next KSP save will be based out of.
  11. If I remember correctly, somebody was looking into remaking this at some point but also it's kinda a goofy mod at the same time in an adoring way so I'd probably look into Kcalbeloh for a big planet pack.
  12. Same here. It's much better performance overall for me but it still sucks real bad the longer I play.
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