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Everything posted by AHHans

  1. Hi @Saiyyajin, sorry fuer die spaete Antwort, aber ich lese das Deutsche Subforum hier ueblicherweise nicht.... KSP erzeugt bei jedem Start einige Dateien neu: z.B. sind die eigentlichen Spezifikationen der Bauteile in mehr oder weniger lesbaren Konfigurationsdateien definiert. Mit diesen Konfigurationsdateien zu arbeiten ist aber fuer das Programm ziemlich aufwendig, also werden die Spezifikationen beim Start in eine fuer das Programm einfacher zu handhabende Zwischendatei uebersetzt. Diese Datei ist dann nicht mehr Bit fuer Bit identisch mit der Version auf Steam, also haelt der Steam-Client sie fuer fehlerhaft. Bis zu ein duzend oder so "fehlerhafte" Dateien koennen so entstehen ohne das es wirklich ein Problem ist. (Die Steam-Verifikation erzeugt aber auch keine Probleme, die kannst Du auch so oft machen wie Du willst.) Hattest Du das Problem mit dem Haenger nochmal oder hat sich das erstmal erledigt?
  2. In case you are wondering: no a claw will not grab onto the surface of Gilly. It is possible though to have a craft rest on a claw on Gilly and keep it straight while you use the ISRU equipment to refuel. (Been there, done that, deleted the screenshot in the meantime. )
  3. It's just a flu they said: Taken from: "Nightshifts as a COVID Cardiologist" by Medlife Crisis (A youtube channel that I can only recommend!) I haven't found that plot on the web as such, but the data is publicly available on the pages of the British ONS: Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales. P.S. Completely unrelated: does anyone know why the forum editor in my browser sometimes detects a pasted link as a link and expands it, and sometimes doesn't?
  4. Someone around here tested that some time ago and posted a number, but I don't remember what it was anymore. Something like one in 15, or 20, or 40, or so will be a magic asteroid. What I do remember is that the asteroid is only really generated when you get it into physics range for the first time, i.e. when you get to within 2.2 km of it during your first encounter. Before that only its class is fixed, the exact mass (with the range for the class), shape, ore concentration, and magic-ness is determined at that encounter. So one way to get a magic one is to quicksave just before you get into physics range (e.g. at 3 km or so), and then quickload and close the distance until you have an asteroid that you like.
  5. P.S. I found the other thread, and in there it was a corrupted KSP installation:
  6. Hi @C.RyanStephens, and welcome to the Forums. Someone else had the same problem a few weeks ago, but I don't remember how that was resolved: either by removing a mod that caused this problem, or by fixing a corrupted KSP installation. (If you use Steam, then the latter can be done by running "verify local files" from the Steam client.)
  7. That's not true! These devious launch clamps hold onto my rockets even when I start the engines and want to lift off. And when I then want to convince them to let go of my rocket, they release the SRBs - which go skyward on their own - while dumping the remainder of the rocket onto the launch pad.
  8. AFAIK you cannot keep the rotors spinning. In my experience it is also problematic to save while they are spinning, because the blades tend to move relative to the rotor engines. But the blade pitch should not be changed when saving & reloading. So what I did with my winged(!) propeller planes on Eve was to hit the brakes for a short time when saving. I also have switching on (on, not toggling) the rotor torque on an action group, so that I could hammer that (and <B> for releasing the brakes) when reloading. I don't know if that would also work for a helicopter on Jool.
  9. What happened was that the two pods got more than (AFAIK) 2.5 km apart from each other. At that distance from the currently controlled craft the other craft are unloaded, i.e. they are removed from the game engine, the physics for them is no longer calculated and they follow ballistic "orbits". If such an orbit gets too close to an planetoid (or too deep into the atmosphere) the KSP just assumes that it crashed and removes the craft from the game. (For Kerbin that is if it gets below 20 km altitude.) Because no physics is calculated for that not-loaded craft it doesn't matter if there are parachutes on it or not.
  10. It's not included in your short clip, but that part is in my experience the important part: those two vessels launched from Kerbin in two different launches! At that distance the other craft gets unloaded from the game, i.e. the physics for this craft is not calculated anymore and it is put "on rails". And apparently the game partially forgets that you have that selected as a target. This distance is also important for the "rendezvous around <planetoid>" contracts: you have to be at least that far apart and then get closer (again?) and match velocities to get these contracts done.
  11. As @AlamoVampire already hinted at: you cannot. If a vessel has a direct connection to the KSC then it will use that, even if using a relay would result in a better connection. (I had the situation that one of my probes got a better connection to the KSC once it got in the Mun's radio shadow.) But if another craft is using that "90 deg relay" then it will use the best connection, even if it means adding more hops to the connection. So it should give you the better connection through the 90 deg and 30 deg relays - in case that will indeed result in a better connection.
  12. Kind of what I meant. As long as you remember to make that in two separate launches, it should work.
  13. How about launching two vessels, docking them together in Kerbin orbit, transfer to Jool, undock them again, transfer crew, transfer crew out of one of the vessels, and then dump the "empty" vessel into Jool's atmosphere and and return with the other.
  14. Ah, good. That saves me trying to come up with two badges. P.S. One idea would also be to create the PotatoRoid as you mentioned, and the use the cheat menu to move it off the launch-pad or runway.
  15. Jupp! Isn't that what KSP is about? I'm aware of this, but it is possible - and IMHO more fun - to catch an asteroid and convert it to an airplane. If you use that to "dump" and asteroid somewhere close (or on the grounds of) the KSC and then use other craft to mount the airplane parts on it, then that's fine. (Rolling a PotatoRoid out of the VAB and detaching all non-PotatoRoid parts leaves you with a craft that is not actually different than catching an asteroid and landing it next to the KSC.) But if you rely on the parts that you added in the VAB (or SPH) for it to fly, then you'll only get a honorable mention.
  16. The Convert-O-Trons will deposit newly created fuel to any fuel tank on the craft. They are also ignoring the crossfeed rules, so they will fuel a tank on the other side of a heat-shield or Klaw.
  17. It's a bug, see my answer in here: how to complete asteroid tracking mission
  18. [Shameless self promotion on]Feel free to have a look at my Basic Quadcopter ng on KerbalX.[Shameless self promotion off] If you run up the rotors but nothing happens then the obvious question is if you have the blades angled so that they generate lift. You can check that by pressing <F12> which switches on the display of the aero-force-vectors (yellow and magenta are actual forces, green just shows the direction of rotation). You want these vectors to point upwards, like here:
  19. Oh! That's not what I expected. It doesn't happen often that my gut feeling is that wrong. Well, you live and learn.
  20. IIRC these kinds of parts are classified as "unkown", i.e. the "?" symbol in the map - or tracking station - screen.
  21. You're welcome. Well, copy&paste is a thing. Also when writing code.
  22. It needs the ECs when you use it as the transmitting antenna on the craft where you are transmitting from, in contrast to relaying data that is being transmitted from another craft. From your screenshot I can also see that the Go-ob has shut down after finishing the experiment but without transmitting all the science. Have a look at my explanation here: Go-ob ED lost connection And, yes, with a relay network like that you should have round the clock connectivity to the KSC. I don't know why you got the "no connection" messages. I've seen that you have two experiment stations on Minmus. That's not needed the experiments are only planetoid specific not biome specific. And maybe (maybe!) this message is what KSP generates when you try to transmit deployed science that has already been transmitted from another station. You can check in the archives in the science lab if you got all the science from the experiments.
  23. If you want to build one that uses the collective and cyclic control schemes that SQUAD introduced 1.9, then you can have a look at my Basic Helicopter on KerbalX. If you have more concrete questions then please ask.
  24. It's neither. It's <Right-Shift> + <F12> (<Left-Shift> is throttle up, like I believe it is on Windows.) P.S. Sorry, I think you meant the right one, but to me that was just funny.
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