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Posts posted by Kierra

  1. Hello everyone.

    We're working on 0.7 update. We was waiting for Parallax Shader made by @Gameslinx.

    Also, some informations :

    KSRSS is NOT currently playable in 1.9.
    KSRSS is compatible with EVE Redux, but we need to tune fog on Titan & Venus to make KSRSS fully compatible with EVE Redux.

    KK-KSRSS will be removed soon, we wont work on it until the final release of KSRSS.
    We won't make a support for Atlas Shader, and that's the reason why we was waiting for Parallax.

    If you need support, please ask directly on our discord where we are much more reactive.


  2. 7 hours ago, BadModder54 said:

    Will the Mars biome changes affect anything currently on the surface? I have a 6-astronaut mission down there currently. And also, will previously gathered Martian science become broken? Also, great work on this mod! I tried to go back to normal RSS while I waited and it just isn't as fun as this.

    Nop, there is any terrain change :

  3. On 5/6/2020 at 3:51 AM, M42-Orion said:


    Can I translate the mod into Chinese?:D

    Of course ! But please wait 0.6.1 release for translate Mars Biome ! Some change on this planet :)

    Some news about 0.6.1 :

    - we've finally fixed the quicksave bug ! 
    - KK-KSRSS will probably not be updated for 0.6.1. We can't place mapdecals properly, so we have a choice : let the lauchpads float and publish a non-final update (working but not pretty), or push back the release of KK-KSRSS for final release of KSRSS. What do you prefer?

    So... all major bugs were fixed. We'll release the 0.6.1 when we have decided what to do with KK-KSRSS.

  4. Bonjour à toutes et à tous !

    Nous vous présentons un serveur discord KSP, où vous pourrez trouver de l'aide concernant le jeu, les mods, ou bien un lieu où partager vos crafts et screenshots de vos plus belles œuvres. Sans plus de blabla, voici le lien pour rejoindre le serveur : https://discord.gg/DDENnkn

    N'hésitez pas à venir y faire un petit tour, nous sommes déjà plus de 400 !


  5. 9 hours ago, BadModder54 said:

    I apologize if this is a known issue, but is anybody else getting Nullrefs when trying to quicksave, switch vessels, go to the space center, tracking station, or trying to quit? Its pretty gamebreaking, and I'd rather not lose my second manned Mars mission currently on the surface to a bug. I can provide logs, if needed.


    Yep, I would like like have your logs. It is a known bug but i still can't find the origin of it.

  6. Little feedback :

    @OrbitalManeuvers : I've fixed your bug with the elevation of KSC. It was an error with the x2.5 config. 

    @si2504 : No idea, for now, about the bug of quicksave. We tried to reproduce it without sucess. Still investigating. Can you tell me if you're playing with Sigma Dimension, and if you are on a old save wich was on KSRSS 0.5 ? Could you tell me to if you can open the buildings of KSC ?

    @Quoniam Kerman :  We've tried to make an entry on Venus, and we can confirm : it is just a visual bug in tracking station. It is displaying the pressure of Duna, which is the template body of Venus. Funny bug, but fortunately not really breaking playability.

    We have fixed which causing drop of framerate around saturnians moons. We are in a good way to release a 0.6.1 soon, with also the release of KK-KSRSS, compatible with stock and x2.5 size. We're investigating about the lasts bugs remaining, and this time, we'll take time to make a proper beta-testing before releasing.


  7. Hello everyone.

    Version 0.6 is officially a dead version of KSRSS. There seems to be far too many bugs and errors on our part, and for that, on behalf of the team, I wanted to come and apologize here.

    We are currently preparing a new version that will fix the problems that you all may have encountered here:

    - inability to quicksave/quickload
    - floating KSC
    - trees present on the KSC or in too high density
    - lag around some saturnian moons
    - Titania inclination problem

    Again, we apologize for this unplayable version, thank you for your feedback, and we hope not to disappoint you in the future.

    PS : @winproof, thanks you for this correction ! We really appreciate :)



  8. @si2504

    You're not the only one to report this bug. You can try it to fix them :

    - Remove KK-KSRSS and dependencies. It is not updated yet for 0.6 and older versions are not compatible with KSRSS 0.6
    - Delete "Cache" folder in KSRSS/KSRSSKopernicus
    - Remove settings.cfg, set preset to KSRSS

    But, there is clearly a mistake in one of the .cfg file. I'll work to fix it as soon as possible and i'll publish a bugfixe release when it will be done. In the time until then, I hope that the above process will fix this bug. Sorry for the inconvenience :/.

  9. Hello there.

    New update ! A lot of bugfixes, but mostly : all the saturnian system is now implemented ! We also add 4k textures and localization. Here is the complete changelog for more information :


    === CHANGELOG 0.6 ===

    Reliefs & colors :

    - New heightmap for Enceladus, Mercury
    - New colormap for Enceladus
    - New reliefs for Venus
    - Improve reliefs for Moon
    - Improve Florida
    - Improve French Guyana
    - Complete Colormaps for Triton & Pluto

    Ground textures :

    - New Steep texture for Venus
    - New Ground texture for Moon

    Bugfixes :

    - Fix MaxZoom for Ryugu, Halley, Chouri 
    - Fix ScaledSpace -> PQS transitions for Ryugu, Halley, Chouri
    - Scatters no longer in water. 
    - Scatters are now diffuse.
    - Fix Saturn rings 
    - Fix rim for Titan, Saturn, Jupiter
    - Fix offset of Normal/Heightmap for Moon

    Scatterer :

    - New config for Mars 


    - Fix DetailDist for Earth clouds

    New bodies : 

    - Add Mimas, Thethys, Dione
    - Realistic heightmap for Mimas, Thethys, Dione

    Gameplay :

    - Fix warpzone for Titan and Venus
    - Add Kourou Launchpad
    - Add support for localization 
    - Add partial french localization
    - News biome on Pluton, Charon & Triton

    IMPORTANT : KK-KSRSS is not updated yet. Coming soon.

  10. 14 hours ago, droper355 said:
    Is it normal that my palms are a little big? 
    Some are generally in the water...

    Answered a few message before :

    Palmers trees seems to have some bugs that we're trying to fix : palmers in waters, bad repartition, and too big distance view without fog, there are too tall... Maybe fixed in next release, maybe later. But, one thing is sure : there will be a big scatter update in future. For now, please consider them as a simple test about creation of custom scatters !"

  11. 1 hour ago, mabdi36 said:

    Hello @Kierra!

    Does this mod support Principa and axial tilts to get rid of the massive inclination of the objects? If not, is it possible to add functionality?


    Not implemented yet. Maybe on a future release, when all the bodies are implemented ! Probably around there 1.0 release.


    7 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    *sigh* sorry, but I have another moon landing failure again, even after a success earlier. Maybe it depends on where you land? This time I fell through the ground at Mare Nubium (23 19 18S, 18 52 18W). I'll just wait until the update you mentioned and try it again after that. Until then, orbit only for me :P 

    I tried to reproduce the bug, but everything is fine for me. Still investigating on this strange bug. Hope that next release will fix it for you.

    Breaking news : there is now a channel on our discord for international supports : https://discord.gg/BmMd8nV

  12. 1 minute ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    No, I flew an Atlas-Centaur from Earth to a direct landing on the Moon. In the initial flight, I saved right before starting the landing burns. Then it crashed into the un-surface. Then I reloaded from the save and flew the landing again, and the same happened. This was yesterday. Then tonight I reloaded the save again, flew the landing again while recording, got the same results yet again.

    At the risk of repeating myself, I flew an Atlas-Centaur to the Moon and (almost) landed the Surveyor probe, all in KSP!! That's pretty awesome, even if there are glitches along the way :) 

    Okay, thanks for reporting ! I'm gonna try with BDB & CoatL if there is a bug with parts or something else. Sorry for the bug :/

  13. Just now, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    I recorded it for you, in case you'd like to see it happen. To paraphrase a countryman of yours ... sorry the video is long, but I didn't have time to make it shorter. :)



    Did you use alt-12 to reach moon orbit ? If yes, probably the cause of the bug. But... Seems very strange, i'm gonna investigate, i'll come back soon if I found the origin of this odd bug.

  14. 13 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    Everything in life is a work in progress, so no worries :)

    One question though: last night I was able to fall through the moon's surface twice while trying to land (at very slow speeds) - the ground just wasn't solid, so my craft was destroyed just below the ground. That happened twice, but I also worked fine once. Is it possible different locations behave differently? Not sure why it worked once (in one location) and then failed twice (both times in the about same location, but a different location than the successful landing). Have any ideas?

    The successful landing:

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    2nd update: indeed, now all lunar landings explode on contact with the (lack of) ground. I have so far only tried the Coatl Surveyor probe, pictured above. Apparently I got lucky with the first attempt!

    Seems strange. Did you was in a place where the altitude level was under 0 ? I had already had this bug on Mars. It is happening with stock parts ? Overall, if it is a heightmap or PQS problem, this is probably fix : i revamped PQS & heightmap for 0.6.

    4 hours ago, Arco123 said:

    Hey guys. I'm making a video for this mod for the visuals. I just want to let you guys know and maybe you guys can use it as trailer. 

    Yep ! Really interrested ! Switch in DM if you want !

    1 hour ago, merlin2345 said:

    This is exactly what I was looking for! How do the system requirements compare to RSS or JNSQ? Btw, the discord invite link has expired.

    Seems that KSRSS needs less systems requirements than RSS. No idea about the difference with JNSQ. There is here a link to us discord, but we're all french on this. But internationals players are welcome ! https://discordapp.com/invite/27Q8Qpz


    7 hours ago, josselin2196 said:

    Are you interested to make the french Kourou launch site using Aurora Space center Asset?

    And yep, it is on the roadmap :)


  15. 16 hours ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

    I've noticed there are textures for several celestial bodies that aren't into my game. Mimas, Miranda, Rhea, Tethys, Ariel, Iapetus, Oberon and Umbriel.

    I've also checked the Cache folder, those don't have any .bin file so they juste aren't in the mod yet I guess?

    True that having only 2 moons to Saturn and only 4 to Jupiter is quite underwhelming. ANd since the mod number is 0.5, that surely means some other bodies will be added.

    Also, is a compatibility with Final Frontier planned? I compltely forgot about those and so the planet ribbons don't appear since they were for stock planets (and the JNSQ ones because I copied that 1.8.1 install directly from the JNSQ one in order not to have to downgrade my current 1.9.1 install to recopy a 1.8.1 one)

    We decided to not implement all bodies for now, but on next release, we'll implement the remaining saturnians moons. We prefer to implement bodies step by step because we are revamping reliefs, adding or editing heightmaps & colormaps, etc. It is a long work. We've also adding/editing some heightmaps on other bodies already implemented, like Mercury or Enceladus. But next release is for april 20th ! 

    We'll try to implement FF compatibility, maybe on next release, maybe later, depend how long time it takes.

    20 hours ago, winproof said:

    island airfield is not implemented, right?

    otherwise i did not find it :)

    Not implemented, and probably never : we prefer to make alternate launchsites with Kerbal Konstruct. There is, for now, alternatives pads in Florida and a launchsite in New-Zealand. Next step is implementing Kourou and Baikounour. It is also a long work to make Kerbal Konstructs mods (like Aurore Space Center, etc) compatible with KSRSS. 

    16 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    I have a couple graphical glitches I'm wondering if anyone has ideas about.

    First is the palm trees around KSC ... they maintain a lot of detail very high up, and stand out quite a bit. It's like they are not scaling correctly?

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    Any ideas?

    Palmers trees seems to have some bugs that we're trying to fix : palmers in waters, bad repartition, and too big distance view without fog, there are too tall... Maybe fixed in next release, maybe later. But, one thing is sure : there will be a big scatter update in future. For now, please consider them as a simple test about creation of custom scatters !


    On 4/9/2020 at 2:44 AM, Karin said:


    I just downloaded the mod for the first time (clean install). I loved it!

    One of the big reasons I don't use RSS is because RSS by itself it's pretty stressful to my laptop (which is 9 years old). But KSRSS went pretty smooth overall and I'm definitely going to use it in a career mode. My only issue is the textures, my laptop had a really hard time dealing with it (it's BEAUTIFUL, though). I would love it if you're able to bring back the 4k textures. Thank you!

    4K textures will be avaible on next release ! 

    I hope I've answered all the questions !

  16. 51 minutes ago, Jay The Amazing Toaster said:

    Howdy y'all, this planet pack looks hella rad and decided to try it out. I did run into an issue in the 2.5x rescale regarding the KK statics, some appear uhh a little out of place.

    LC-39A and B appear to be inside a hill

    Just reporting these here hoping to see if these can be fixed by next release, that'd be rad

    It looks like we'll have to make KK configs especially for the x2.5 scale. Thanks for reporting this bug.

    Some news about relief revamping : PQS & ScaledSpace view of Mercury are now coherents.


  17. 1 hour ago, BadModder54 said:

    One last thing: Maybe add Miranda to the Uranian system? Thanks for your time! :D

    In addition to what @tony48 said, my goal for the 0.6 is to redo a large part of the reliefs that have not yet been redone correctly, for example Mercury or Enceladus.  I would like to have a rendering of the quality of the reliefs I was able to do on Titan. I will try to move forward as quickly as possible in order to be able to propose the 0.6 as soon as possible.

    So don't worry if some reliefs still look particularly ugly (Mercury, Enceladus, all comets, etc). When this is done, new bodies can be added.


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