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Space Nerd

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Everything posted by Space Nerd

  1. Is this still active? I'm considering doing a rank 1 mission+dro, with the cube sats if I can pull it off. Just a question, is it ok to use dro for the lander relay when the cube sats fly by?
  2. https://imgur.com/a/3MvSWIo This is my entry with a lot of mishaps XD.(Wanted to do a Mun fly-by, but probably because of poor ascent profile, the dv budget is too tight for my liking. Also I aimed for KSC on the landing, but ended up near the desert air feild, and I tried to fly there and failed.)
  3. Venus lander and triton, because it's about the time to send something to venus surface and Neptune. Although extra budget to include ivo is nice.
  4. Well, the exact same thing happened today when I accidently pressed on the toggle solar panel action group button while flying in the lower atmosphere, so I probably pressed that button unnoticed the day before yesterday.
  5. What's the compatible version of ksp for the current version of fft?(The art looks fine to me, so I will add it with other NF mods when I do a more modded game.) Also, will NF aeronautics work in 1.8?(Probably not, but still want to be sure)
  6. I thought the "lol" was kerbiloid's wish. Granted, but your wishes always ruin your life. I wish for the ability to pause and unpause time whenever I like. when I pause time, my body still works, and I can still move and think, and any object that I want to be in the same state as i am in when I pause time will be in the same state as i am in when I pause time. If the object requires energy to function, then it will get sufficient energy to do what i want it to do, including my brain and body (now I can play games and see the aliens in area 51). light however would not be affected by my time pausation and will continue moving, and any source of light will continue to produce light when time is the paused (i don't know how, just do). And myself is not virtual.
  7. A quick heads up to other users, when trying the current version of the mod in 1.9.0, the button doesn't show up.(at least in my lightly modded game)
  8. Danny Kerman was one day tinkering with cliped parts and a control panel that he found in the R&D building which says "physic settings, tinkering with it may summon the Kraken, so don't do that!" And he is pulled in a space-time rift. Scott Kerman-flying safe.(has this been done yet?)
  9. Granted, you laughed to death. I wish for a kerbiloid.
  10. The case of the broken solar panels is still intact, so that can probably rule out the possibility of I forgot to retract them.
  11. Hi, when I am return my SSTO, I found that I'm going land on water, so I quickly fired up my engines and pulled up to fly to land, that's about the time I got the messege that says my solar panels are broken due to aero forces, but they're retracted before entering the atmosphere, is that normal?
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