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Everything posted by MK3424

  1. Maybe if we do a Saturn IB test launch? It's not gonna be manned but it will come close to a saturn V launch...
  2. Cool that this great small mod has been made stock for 1.0.5.
  3. What did i do wrong? I installed the houston as you explained it and went to the link and i only get a 404 page not found error.
  4. I'm guessing that there would be more than one guy at a station, we will most likely "work" in shifts.
  5. I'm still interested as FIDO... hmm this means i'll need to use this mod to check trajectories: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76273-0-23-5-WIP-Plugin-Stand-Alone-Map-View-Multi-monitor-KSP This looks like a decent plugin for Telemachus: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132006-1-0-4-Houston-v-1-0-0-A-Mission-Control-UI-for-Telemachus!
  6. I think the mission controllers will be watching a livestream whilst monitoring data send by Telemachus and keep a voice chat (probably Steam voice chat), whilst the astronauts are playing in MP together. But keep in mind that only CAPCOM speaks to the Astronauts...
  7. There was an Aollo AGC mod... but development has stalled: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71470-PYTHON-ALL-OS-basaGC-Apollo-Guidance-Computer-for-KSP I wonder if there is an opening for either Booster or FIDO?
  8. I'm waiting for Alexustas (ALCOR/ASET) to release it's nasa inspired iva props: https://www.youtube.com/user/alexustas22/videos
  9. I have kerbal Launch Failure installed and set it up that in the event of a mishap, the capsule will be seperated automatically. Wich is pretty accurate since in real life the capsule will seperate automatically.
  10. Believe me: it took me an afternoon to get the tank configuration right for the launcher alone... the landers and the capsule... not so much.
  11. Even going so far as testing different tank conditions and clipping fuel tanks to make the center stage burn 30 seconds less than the outer enginas and adding ballast to make shure it's not overkill to get into orbit.
  12. I designed the Saturn V to look as much like the real one with minimal mods. But i have noticed that the 2nd stage engines are a bit overpowered and sepatrons aren't used (yet) i shall add them later.
  13. Hey Zoo, do you have tweakscale and tweakableEverything installed? If so, you can test out an Apollo 11 craft i build not so long ago wich has a functioning center engine cutoff at T- 30 seconds before staging. http://www.ksp-players.com/en/logbook/MK3424/crafts/39 Btw, are there openings for roles? I would love to be Booster and look after the Saturn V's performance.
  14. This will be great with the docking target mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130258-Docking-Target-%280-1%29-July-30-2015 - - - Updated - - - I think you're refering to LAZOR Docking Cam: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220272-lazor-docking-cam
  15. Zoo and others.. you could have asked me if i know a mod that is something like this... Well, there is a mod that adds AI but it's wip: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113016-ALPHA-Space-Race
  16. Don't forget that he modifies most of the mods to suit the mission.
  17. I can't wait to see the new parts being used to (partially) replicate the Apollo Control Panel (albeit only the middle panel)
  18. How everybody is thinking about the DSKY, the FDAI and the NASA gauges:
  19. I don't want to be picky, but are you gonna drop the miniavc from the next release? Since most of the mods are on ckan, there's no need for avc..
  20. I don't think that the fix has to do with your error: it's only a navball texture file.
  21. Not when the sun burps out a massive solar wave
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