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Everything posted by MK3424

  1. Yeah, i've done it for my install. (i have both EDU and regular KSP installed)
  2. While KerbalEDU is DRMed, you can port the KerbalEDU functions without having to worry about the DRM.
  3. You can port these functions from kerbaledu by copy-pasting the kerbaledu folders in the gamedata folder. But yeah, it should be in stock too.
  4. FS doesn't simulate part per part, ksp does, and the upgrade to unity will in fact improve the performance drastically, just like it did with besiege (also a unity engine based physics game):
  5. Don't blame the people for the fact that kerbalstuff is down... I'm amazed that it didn't went down earlier because it's hosted voluntary by modders themselves. I know that they will get it fixed because they are mod enthousiasts.
  6. I'm wondering... is the Saturn VB from the book 'Voyage' allowed? http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn126/belisariusorb/Ares-SaturnVB.jpg
  7. Perhaps, but they did use bigger docking ports for the coupling between MIR sections and ISS Russian sections...
  8. I usually do landings manually, but this mod really helps to not crash onto the surface. Let Alternative Resource Panel do that for you: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/54876-10x-ksp-alternate-resource-panel-v2730-aug-16/
  9. Nice little addition to this great mod! Keep them coming! (Could you perhaps add a distance to target at closest approach?)
  10. Seems like i'm getting an error of maxaltatmosphere for when i'm trying to display the orbit overview... Guess that's the reason why it won't show up...
  11. Ground crew walking and supply trucks driving around the space center in the overview view , just like inside the VAB and SPH
  12. Now,.... if we could make the kerbals walk around the ksc in the space center view and even some of the trucks.... that would be awesome!
  13. From wich program did you get that image from if i may ask?
  14. The link you posted sends us to an error page...
  15. KSOS :http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/62135-090-kerbin-shuttle-orbiter-system-v413/ CSS: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/120007-104-compatible-ssp-space-shuttle-program-on-hold-for-internal-reorganization/ Shuttle Lifting body parts cormorant: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1134/Shuttle%20Lifting%20Body%20-%20Cormorant%20Aeronology TiberDyne R&D: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/92/TiberDyne%20R%26D%20-%20Shuttle%20System
  16. I also tried it to unzip it with 7zip, but even then it was giving me unexpected errors...
  17. You could use the standard zip function in windows (if you use windows...).
  18. The latest release version of KKS, the zip file is corrupted.. again..
  19. A raspberry Pi 2 might be powerfull enough....
  20. More like Rigs of Rods + KSP as the deformation isn't as precise as beamng (beamng is the successor of RoR)...
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