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Everything posted by alverro

  1. Works alright, but some things clip above/below the ground in both KSC and TSC. Apart from that, works great.
  2. Nope, it's me. Will @VoidCosmos appear? Tune into the next episode!
  3. Ohh, that makes more sense. Thanks for the clarification. P.S, I hope it doesn't break the RSS textures.
  4. Good luck in your lengthy endeavour my friend!
  5. Looks rad! Also, what exactly does "fit the stock dimensions" mean"? Also#2, Will this break existing crafts?
  6. Oof, I'm afraid i'm not qualified to resolve any of this, but I have a suggestion. You could try and verify the integrity of the game files through steam. Other than that, maybe try changing your resolution?
  7. Hm, I've never had it happen exclusively in some bodies. This might be a stretch, but what render quality are you using?
  8. I think this happens in all planet packs to some extent.
  9. Everything works fine for me, I think I can safely say it's not broken. Maybe try reinstalling?
  10. On the topic of revamping, Is there any chance that the N1 gets revamped?
  11. Looks great! Really reminds me of the SpaceX suits. Installing now, by the way.
  12. I know that there are quite a few variation son the Gemini capsule, but how exactly do I build it with the new revamped parts? I can't help bu feel like i've missed something.
  13. Speaking of volumetric clouds, what do I have to do to disable them entirely? I like playing with EVE, but it gets too resource-intensive sometimes.
  14. Out of curiosity, what problems has FireSpitter caused?
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