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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. Hello @mie mie, looks like we have the same problem here, TLAs ruining our space programs, and don't worry much about the mods, it happens to me even on fully stock KSP, unfortunaly, my bug report for this issue has not been answered despite it being now 6 months old, me having the issue started more than a year ago. Me and some other people like @Lisias had broke down everything that could tell us what is wrong, we analized hundreds of logs, tested particles to it's limits, tweaked lots of settings and figured that, transparent particles are the problem, like, see when you hover over a part, that green outline is made of CPU intensive particles, on most computers it's fine, but in certain cases like mine, the unity engine loads it into the CPU and leaves the GPU on "standby", since my CPU is weak, it transfers it the the RAM, that information is in the unity forum talking about the issue, so, it would be good to know what are your system specs, this will confirm our theory and probably do some workaround, but until then, the only thing we can do is not on our hands, sicne unity has fixed this issue already, but KSP has not switched to the fixed version yet. In conclusion, we can't do anything about it considering the non existant response to my report. I personally stopped playing KSP due to this, it's really annoying and frustrating, you are not alone.
  2. From my experience, this happens due to a mod having a broken DLL, you can easily spot those by checking their version, if they are too old (pre 1.4) remove them and try again, an usefull mod called Module Manager (MM) also tells you the broken DLL right away too. If those didn't work, then I suggest uploading a file called KSP.log that you can find on the KSP directory, and upload it to Google Drive or Dropbox or something, then post a share link for us to check the log and point out anything out of usual.
  3. Banned because this thread is not "banned".
  4. I have been testing with the TLAs a bit, 1.11.1 and 1.10.1 fully stock, with the same settings, I observed that 1.10.1 is less likely to crash than 1.11.1, however, today 1.11.1 is the one less likely to crash while 1.10.1 is the one that crashes now, and I was genuely confused, since yesterday I experimented with a CPU setting found in the KSP launcher application called "AMD compatibilty mode", this setting made my computer handle nicely KSP when I had 4GB of RAM instead of the 12GB that I have now, if it's on or off, it still crashes with no peformance difference, so I went to the Unity forums and in the thread of TLA_DEBUG_STACK_LEAK I found a post from a user with the label "Unity Technologies" telling: The last line gives us something that would explain why does it freeze, when the CPU chokes, it gives the workload to the RAM and it waits for the CPU, and I'm confident enough to say that my CPU is not good enough to reach back in a worst case scenario which is the most common, I say "worst case" because sometimes in the VAB I pan the view to those lamps and it freezes for like half a second and then comes back, which of course, it's the TLAs acting, and I would say that my RAM speed is also not fast enough to recieve the CPU's workload in time before it just crashes.
  5. So yeah, I made my whole lineup of stock Atlas V rockets, and I would like to see how much weight they can carry to orbit, the problem is, there are too much factors to calculate like the dV and TWR and a lot of stuff, I even had to lower the fuel of my Centaur stage to get at least 1 TWR at vacuum, and the flexibility of the levels of fuel can really throw off my readings, I'm using the stock dV "gauge" since I can't have any mods at all, so all I ask is someone to post their solution or link me to a calculator.
  6. Even just 2 basic mods is enough to crash this game... In the other hand, I found another way to trigger the TLAs, see, while in the KSC view, if you hover your mouse in one of the buildings they generate particles to highlight them, so I thought, this happens with parts in the editors, so I turned off highlighting but it still happens due to those damn lights, also, I figured out that the offset and rotate gizmos in the editors (mis) behave similarly, since from what I remember, the TLAs happen while offsetting, rotating, or selecting a highlighted part. Logs: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8jiqBd9H1b6HlJa3A?e=bAoOUg Screenshot of when it happended: @Lisias
  7. Ya revisé la página del mod y ví tu reporte, este bug no tiene nada que ver con las nuevas luces de Squad, el solo el mod interfiriendo con las luces de stock porque como fueron parcialmente re-diseñadas, claro que va a ver errores con los mods que se diseñaron para funcionar con 1.10 y no 1.11 Y desde que este es un problema de un mod, no creo que necesites echarle la culpa a los desarrolladores.
  8. I think he means that the challenge must be completed with the space shuttle Dynawing, AKA: The space shuttle that is a default craft.
  9. A qué te refieres con "arruinada", que los desarolladores hicieron algo mal? o es algo que no te gustó? Y por lo que veo en el título tienes algo con las nuevas luces que salieron en la 1.11, asi que podrias decir que pasa con mas detalle?
  10. Still with the visual mods, TLAs are everywhere!! Link for the logs of this and past year: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8jgILevwPDV_SMifY?e=a1FQ51
  11. An addition to this suggestion should be that with the lights, it also toogles their CPU heavy particles, so we can push the FPS to the max!!!
  12. For me honestly there has been a big bug into KSP since the version 1.8.0 added the updated Unity 2019 which consists on KSP having a bugged Unity version which makes the game crash for me, a workaround is installing as much visual mods as possible which also leaves the FPS at a VERY LOW rate, so I guess an update on KSP's Unity engine will fix my bug, but so far nothing
  13. Hey Soupman, I had a quick look into the log and seems like MM intercepted a broken DLL in a mod. [LOG 19:55:36.936] [ModuleManager] Intercepted a ReflectionTypeLoadException. List of broken DLLs: FlightPlan GameData\FlightPlan\Plugins\FlightPlan.dll I had a similar problem with old mods preventing me from entering the main screen so this should be the issue.
  14. I have been summoned. @Misguided Kerbal is my best guess.
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