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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. I have been trying to get KSP 1.11.0 running to finish and test my Starship replica, something I have not achieved (yet), when I first updated to 1.11.0 it worked with no TLAs nearby, but, my FPS were in the floor with 5 FPS max, so I uninstalled all the visual mods and set the Graphics Setting to the minimum, sure enough, my FPS came back up, and came with the TLAs, and I have been noticing some stuff that re-inforces the CPU choking guess, because once the TLA appears and the game freezes, I have music playing in the background, and my media buttons of Skip, Stop, Pause, etc. no longer respond, and another thing is that my RGB profile for my keyboard and mouse freezes, AKA: in Corsair iCUE i set the RGB to show a sliding rainbow in my keyboard and mouse, and while KSP freezes the RGB no longer "slides" so it seems that the CPU does no longer transmit signals to peripherals and doesn't recieve media control, again, re-inforcing the theory of the CPU choking while the GPU has a rampage, and this will not be a polite post if I didn't include some juicy logs!!! https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8jWoAJv9ND3WYct3s?e=uBa9h2
  2. Alright, this is getting weird now, I went into KSP 1.11 yesterday to test some stuff, and since I was making a huge vessel (crane) I used the mod HangarExtender to make my workspace larger, it removed all of the SPH including the lamps, but it still crashed into the TLAs. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8jVmk6UwBXjhbos89?e=VfXXc2
  3. Hey, today I opened CKAN in the version 1.29.2 and opened my KSP 1.11 install to install some mods, but CKAN on the "Updating repositories" part, threw an error or something, the Cancel button does nothing upon pressed, I closed CKAN and started it again to see the same error, therefore I am reporting this here as I don't know if it is a known error or something else. Screenshot:
  4. Hey I was testing KSP 1.11.0 and guess what, it happended again! https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8jU9-C3DAYOtroEXk?e=mpafN6 From what I have been thinking and seeing, it may be a hardware combination that Unity 2019 doesn't like, since the previous cases of other people have an iGPU and a CPU with similar specs to mine, then we can make a list of APUs that will get bitten by this, tho that would need to be tested, but we can make some possible suspects.
  5. Just woke up to see the launch, looks like it will delay even more....
  6. The recommended way to delete a save is by doing it in-game, one by one, andprobably Steam Cloud messed up your deleting so I also recommend disabling Steam Cloud for KSP as it can sometimes mess up the game files (happended to me )
  7. The YT stream has switched to Not Listed, what would happen?
  8. Removing it, the thing works perfectly fine, so yeah, I included a copy of my planet pack as it is right now, for a first time planet pack I expected this.
  9. Hello. I have been running in an issue loading KSP while my custom Kopernicus planet pack is installed, so, once loading is done, the main menu simply is missing, you hear the music, the TweakScale's GUIs appear but there is a black screen and the loading symbol is still spining, I managed to press the buttons blind and loaded a test save, once it loaded there was no KSC, but there was the escape button in the top left, everything else was solid black, any ideas? I tested in both 1.10.1 with the Bleeding edge branch and in 1.8.1 with the official Kopernicus release, in both logs I saw some Kopernicus NullRefs, but I'm not sure. Log from 1.8.1 test: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8jH4psTTf5hcn0t_1?e=LzknpM Pre alpha planet pack: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8jQA7ZD-JrN50isVM?e=uke82U
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