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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. Banned for putting nothing in your location and also for being Intel user
  2. Oof boi, you would need a better setup for KSP, an Intel Core 2 duo e7200 2.53GHz is VERY old, I think 2008? And your Graphics card is also very weak, 1GB VRAM is barely enough, I recommend better Video card and if posible, a CPU upgrade. Im sorry, but there is no way that that setup could do it in KSP.
  3. Banned because its the KSP world boi
  4. Yes its me!..umm.hmmm... @Commodoregamer118
  5. Ice is so cold that when you touch it you immediatley get boosted 100 blocks, ehrm, meters in the air!
  6. 1.9 added shield which make PvP just holding right cclick From the last 3 days my ping on games is STRATOSPHERICAL!! 500ms of ping IN AVERAGE! AND PEAKS OF 20,000ms! MY ISP SUCKS!!!
  7. Granted, but the digged material loads on your main ship FOREVER I wish a wireless keyboard
  8. That also explains why the lower versins of Threadripper are faster than the max core one.
  9. Hello! I downloaded this mod because its simply awesome. But, I think I encountered a bug or something See, all the TCS tail parts dont connect, if you take a fuselage and try to put a tail of its size, you hold alt to properly place it, and surprise!, it doesnt snap, radial nor with the attachament node. Running KSP 1.10
  10. Granted. But they drink LFO I wish there were more missions in KSP
  11. Granted, but all the parts suddenly get out of stock over and over. I wish NMB had a fixing update
  12. Well, a lot of the props are buggy, I Installed some ´´Handrail fix´´ that somebody did, didnt did nothing, so I took a look inside and there was some people telling diferent things, about the HUDs and the Handrails, so I think I deleted HUD4 and all the IVAs work, but sadly the F-22 cockpit is black, so all the parts are white making the cockpit a broken forgotten piece, in my F-22 thats in KerbalX I had to use the Type 20 cockpit with DSI intake, and older version users use the real one, making people to ditch mine since its not the cockpit. And you may say that I simply change all the plane to black using Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot. See, I want to make planes as stock as posible, maintaining looks, so that is not an option. Also also, this mod seems abandoned, since there were not updates for 1.9.0 and nor for 1.10, and the recurrent issue had no updtaes at all, because I mean a mod that crash the game is serious and no devs had said nothing about it, so it would be discontinued?
  13. Granted, but he will make a law that states that everyday you need to get Rick Rolled or else you are arrested. I wish I had a gaming laptop and not smashing, slipping with it
  14. Imagine if that happended with the 4th gen Ryzen, already announced, then, it will be turn for GPUs, wich a good one is very expensive rn.
  15. We all know Intel for sooo long, they, if they are still alive, would realase a Core Ripper thingy but more expensive excusing that their is ´´better´´
  16. Granted. You have an integrated graphics CPU with no external GPU, so I will grant a Radeon R3 32bits Graphics card I wish I had a AMD Ryzen Threadripper processor.
  17. Ram always gives more performance, but more RAM that you need is useless. CPU and GPU gives performance, an old MacBook has good Intel processors with them including the iGPU, I would say a core i7-4000? If yes that is like a Ryzen 7 from 2019, Im running a 2014 CPU and iGPU so for 20 FPS its not a great difference though. And AMD has been a worthy oponent since the new CEO entered in charge, making the Ryzen line specific for rivaling Intel, see this is how I think it looks. Ryzen 3 = Intel core i3 Ryzen 5 = Intel core i5 Ryzen 7 = Intel core i7 Ryzen 9 = Intel core i9 Ryzen Threadripper = Intel´s death
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