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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. Solo asegurate de no sobrecalentar todo, mientras desiendes muevete para causar arrastre y asi aerofrenar, para que los paracaidas se desplieguen tienes que estar no mas de 50 mil metros debajo de 600m/s y que las cosas no se pongan calientes.
  2. So that combination of mods has no duplicated Assemblies, when I added NeistAir things gone wrong, it may be that its assembly is similar to APP? And when i deleted it, installed AARS, ACA and Carrier Vessel eXpansion ( VesselMover and Hyperedit) things gone wrong again, maybe ACA and Carrier Vessel eXpansion? I am just assumming they use similar Assemblies, because they are from the same theme, . Lets call the CSI then Yeah, I think i will do that. And if a mod has the problem, then how we or the author fix it? Or they will alredy know how? I guess that if for example i have Mk2 expansion, and i install VesselMover, nothing will happen untill i add another similar mod and its Asemblies start a dogfight, and the winner, stable or not stable, will run leaving the other one behind, so the one that runs messes everything up with KSP and Unity Leading into the debug TLAs.
  3. We need a Railgun-like thing to launch SSTOs with 200m/s of initial speed Hows the weather?
  4. Until then i just upload and upload more and more logs ? If you didnt know if that works or not, yes it does ( at least with Panther engines ) And about using the logs to find the old Assemblies it will be a mess of all diferent versions, and examinating a whole log would take an entire day, so a lot of time will be wasted to just disregard a simple mod, its not practical, thare needs to be a simple way, Since the Reflection system lies, we need to find a location where are the assemblies and the pool section. From what I understood, everytime you install a mod its Assembly either is old or new, it takes first position on the list of assemblies to load, and that old Assembly makes a mess leading into the TLAs. So I have an idea, lets select a mod that has an estable Assembly, then when I want another mod, uninstall the selected mod, put in the other one and reinstall the stable mod, that way the stable Assembly will always stay on first place and so no TLAs What do you think?
  5. Oh, now i get it. Thats why removing MiniAVCs worked, now the Assemblies of the mods have different versions and KSP and MM select an old code to run and the Unity engine code doesnt accept the old code leading into the TLAs wich frezee the game, so we know how the TLAs are produced, this opens up some paths to fix it, either every single mod updates its Assemblies, somehow teling both KSP and MM to run the most recent code, modifying some codes to make the TLAs to dissappear, or making the TLAs to not frezee the game. Or identify the old Assemblies to make them not to be inside of the Pool to prevent them to be loaded. Wow, i just wanted to make a 787 and look where are we I know absolutley nothing about C#, C++ , Lua, Phyton, etc. I just know to code in Scratch code, lame i know, so if the fix requires programing, some of you guys could help me?
  6. I had been speaking english for too long that i dont remember how i learned it on the first place, I remember that i started with Duolingo, then my school started to teach english and somehow i was the best one in the class, ( at wich point my classmates wanted help from me and not asking the teacher, literally thaey were making a line to ask me things ) And now, all videos that i watch are in english, when i search something in google its in english, most of my games are in english, i never use translate, Basiclly its becoming my first language.
  7. I have no idea of what are you saying, no DLLs are duplicated on all 3 installs, what is an M.O? what assembly pool are you talking about? Yeah i dont got the entire mesagge, ( the only thing i know about coding is editing .cfg files and light texture editing, i know nothing about DLLs, assemblies, game engine )
  8. The logs say that it is a related problem with the allocations, and also the main menu crash is also the same, and the things different is that KSP is not consuming that much resources and that sound mod I never heard of it, I agree in that it could be a glitch from Unity and some CPP code error, Since you are using Mac i dont think you can recreate this one. Me too, you as a developer that have to load KSP like 10 times in a day to test a mod that if something is not correct it blow up the entire game, it is such a pain to wait for the game, if me that launching KSP for 3 times im already exhausted installing and uninstalling mods to see if i can play KSP. Since they updated it i started with the problems, and i read on the update window in 1.8.0 main menu that when you crash a ship it would be quick, sadly that thing just bringed the error and did not enhace the destruction in any way, so 1.8.0 is just 1.7.3 just kinda faster, new parts, and a deadly and very annoying error.
  9. I deleted NeistAir, and installed AARS,l Aircraft Carrier Accesories and Carrier Vessel eXpansion. Result: TLAs everywhere Result after removing them: ALso TLAs Status: Stability broken. No KSP soon.
  10. A good stock concept that involves flags to do a Instrument Landing System- like thing. This is how, go to a rover, deploy it on the runway, and perfectly lined up place flags next to the runway, you will need like 10 or so, place them separetley and lined up with the runway. How it works? Using the tageting system, target the flags, first the farthest one from the runway, line up with it, then when you are close enough do it with the next one and so on. This will assist you to line up with whatever runway you want, just be sure to place them centered and lined up.
  11. Hmm, I have been doing some research, in my 1.9.1 install the TLAs appear less times than with both 1.8.1 installs, and i have noticed that @Lisias was correct! The less mods you have, the less posibility of the error to come, and also the combination of mods also matters and a lot, for example the list of mods that is estable in 1.9.1 is this: https://imgur.com/FzeGJoL.png Plus SXT and TweakScale, MM. Everything is great till i add a mod, **IT DOESNT MEAN THAT THE MOD IS TO BLAME** and the mod is NeistAir, I know its a WIP but i dont think it is causing the problem, due to the 1.8.1 installs have not installed NeistAir still have the problem, Conclusion, the amount of mods and some specific ones changes the possibilities of the TLAs to show up, but we need a work around. ( if the developer of neistair is reading this, try to fix it, your mod is wonderfull, there are alredy logs )
  12. Ah ha! I got the log! https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8iFAyrUj5NdLROz5S?e=gXMDFz I also checked the log, at the end of it there are also TLA_DEBUGs Im starting to think that my PC is the problem, the logs say that the current allocation is 7 frames old, so i dont know if my PC is fast enough to keep the frames in sync. -Commodoregamer118
  13. Things that drive me mad, - The darn TLA_DEBUG_STACK_LEAK -That FSX keeps resetting all the controls once i unplug a thing -That the cat meows for me to open the door when im busy -That i mess up so badly with my keyboard Example: nvver¿¿¿' (never) -That a Lego falls on 3 AM -Sometimes my chair wheels get stuck and dont roll -Thath someone has a potato microphone in voicechat
  14. From the time that i had returned, i see you on a lot of threads 4/10 due to just metting you
  15. Either without BDArmory, SXT and FantomWorks it keeps happening, from the instrucutions for SXT i have never seen problems with it, and its installed from CKAN, I am unable to get the Player.log due to the install is a copy, not my main install, so the Player.log is from my 1.9.1 install, and the log that you saw was from the less moded 1.8.1 so it wont make sense, i dont know if the copies overwrite the 1.9.1´s logs, if so i will carefully check if they are from the same match, if not, the is there a way to say to the KSP installation the store it to an specific place? if also not, how do i get that log? Waiting for quick answer -Commodoregamer118
  16. I think uploading more logs is useless due to everything is normal except the TLA_DEBUGs on the finals, i guess the logs cant help any further.
  17. Such a nice welcome from 3 months not active, i was looking for the score of my good old squadron.
  18. Pretty good idea, i had never tought that Squad would destroy the dreams of submarines.
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