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Everything posted by Clamp-o-Tron

  1. Exception, please? Probably going to be shot down, but beamed power? KSPIE doesn't cut it in the visual category.
  2. Try rigid attachment? Same way of getting to it
  3. @HgoDR that's pretty clearly a problem that can be fixed by turning on autostruts. They are not a mod. To enable them in a stock game, go to settings (from the main menu or by pressing escape) and scroll down to Gameplay. Turn Advanced tweakables on, then go back to your save and the VAB. Find the parts you want to autostrut (probably the side boosters, the main tank structure, and the payload), and right click on them. There should be a button saying Autostruts: Disabled. Click on it to change the autostrut mode. I would recommend Heaviest Part for this purpose.
  4. @Nertea parts??!!?!?!?!??!???!?!???!?!!!??!?!? New scanning modes!?!!??!??!??!?!?!?!?!???!?! Best update to any mod I've seen in quite some time. It's beautiful.
  5. Every stock planet circumnavigated by land, water, or air (including Jool-- by helicopter), and the landable ones mined and colonized. I set up self-sustaining bases on Mun, Minmus, Duna, and Laythe. I have landed on many modded planets, too many to count, when Kopernicus is available. You could say I am experienced . Not to mention the TENS OF THOUSANDS of quicksaves and excessive MechJeb use. I'm really actually bad at KSP, but I play so much and use so many OP mods that I get more done.
  6. It's a simple parts pack. It should work. I'll need to know how exactly it disintegrates. If it kind of implodes or wobbles so much it comes apart, try Kerbal Joint Reinforcement or just autostruts (turn on advanced tweakables in settings). If it's an explosion, I dunno why. EDIT: though of it literally 5 seconds after posting: maybe world stabilizer? Unlikely, but possibly a fix. EDIT again: maybe a mod incompatibility, not with this but with something else?
  7. @lajoswinkler can you add the "wormball" shown during the official livestream to the poll? I actually like it better than the others, and other posters apparently do too.
  8. Do you know of any mods that add more parts in this diameter? Also for 2.2 meters (like contares uses)?
  9. I know you're joking, but can we just take a moment to appreciate ACES and Starliner? I know this is the Blue Origin thread, but whatever. Actually, let's extend it to Rocket Lab and Virgin Orbit and Northrop/Orbital ATK and Bigelow and Sierra Nevada and every tiny aerospace company with space ambitions. We appreciate you . EDIT: also NASA and Roscosmos and China and JAXA and ESA and everyone else
  10. I have 800-ish hours on my steam install. The other 3, which I play a lot more, don't record time, but I'm sure its at least 800 more for each of them. Half of that must be waiting for it to load. 200 mods takes 10 minutes even on a very fast ssd, as well as 2 minute VAB load times.
  11. I literally cannot play without at least some mods, like mechjeb and KER. Those go into my "stock" install (2 mods). Next is stuff like contract packs and tech tree overhauls, as well as restock+. Those fit into the "lightly modded" gane (40). Last is all the part mods and planet packs, into the heavy modded save (200). That's the one I play most, except for lately when I literally ran out of RAM.
  12. Didn't know this existed, will DL. Screenshots make it look great! (Probably is)
  13. Mine is y=a(sqrt x) where a is like 50
  14. That's true. I'll try it. Yes, I have been duplicating the statics. I haven't, however, noticed any disalignments unalignments misalignments of the statics. I do know about those, but @Omega482's statics have nice pylons on the underside. Thanks for the replies everyone! I'll try @Avera9eJoe's idea of editing config files. Update: It worked great! Thanks!
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