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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. I personally feel like KSP is one of those games where you buy the base game, and that's really it. Maybe a few paid DLCs, sure, but KSP is definitely not suited for stuff like, I don't know, buying skins or something.
  2. On boy have I been busy (procrastinating). But I'm back, with plenty of more image spam missions and stories to talk about! (all conveniently shortened and put in a spoiler to not invoke the wrath of the mods).
  3. Oh boy, it's been a while eh? But in the pursuit of documenting the history of my save, I shall continue on my quest of uploading to imgur albums and copy pasting links. And boy, have I been busy. Really busy. I don't think I've ever had this many pictures (I had 705 items in my screenshot folder before the usual cleanup, which is translated into 21 imgur albums of screenshots. They could be consolidated into less, but I split them up into missions/parts of missions. Mods, if you have a problem with all these images, please let me know. Anyway, here's a quick recap of what happens: - Voyager Station, Molniya Station, and the KISS all get deorbited. They've been in orbit in a long time (look back through the pages, everything has been documented here). - The Koviets finally land on the mun (for reals this time). - Kerbin Station, and the Koviet counterpart Molniya II are constructed and brought to full operational capacity. - A new crew shuttle is designed, tested, and flown, and subsequently used for Kerbin Station. - The Koviets construct Nauka station, a station in a highly inclined Munar orbit. (Soon they'll also build one at Minmus). Jeez even that quick recap seemed long. Let's get on with it. (Everything below will be in chronological order). First, probably the most minor thing, a quick rover excursion. (I was inspired after reading some of @king of nowhere's delightful mission reports) Next up, Voyager Station is deorbited. We're only getting started. Next up, the assembly of Molniya II. Of course, with its successor in place and fully operational, the original Molniya Station can now be decommissioned and deorbited. Now let's get to arguably the most exciting stuff here, the Lunik campaign. Not to be outdone by the Koviets, the KEC presents their latest project: Kerbin Station. Due to Kerbin Station having an unprecedented crew capacity, the KEC debuts its next spacecraft: the falcon. With Kerbin Station completed, the KISS is decommissioned and deorbited, to befall the same fate as its cousin Molniya. With the new generation of Kerbin space stations complete, the Koviets launch a new station.. to the Mun. If you somehow read through all of that (or just didn't bother to read everything), then wow, thank you for making it down here. I've been wondering if maybe I should turn this into an actual mission report, if the two people that read this think that's a good idea. Anyway, that's it to probably my longest ever forum post. More will come soon (and in much shorter amounts).
  4. If I can't think of names, I usually go with acronyms such as MMEV, or Munar Multipurpose Exploration Vehicle.
  5. Holy- I didn't realize that until now. There's only one sun in the solar system, what the??
  6. I finally stopped procrastinating and tried something new, compiling all my recent missions into a mission report-esque thing. Obligatory eye candy: Mm, nice weather outside.
  7. I've been busy (too busy, in fact, to even post here apparently). So uh, let's try something new: time to turn this into a mission report (ish). I've always wanted to do a finished mission report, but of course you can't really just go ahead and start a mission report in the middle of a save (unless you're doing a Jool-5 or something, which hopefully will be soon). But anyway, why not do it here? First up, GalaxyComm, a new super powerful relay system: The EV-3 Scorpius leaves Duna after a long and productive expedition, being the first crew to successfully land on Duna (it's all in here, just a while back. The pain of running parallel programs.) Of course, the Koviets are not to be left behind. Meet the Leonov, the Koviets' (admittedly, inferior) response to the ANTS nuclear tug: However late the response may be, the Koviets aren't willing to simply sit around while the other united KEC nations march on forward. Meet Lunik, the Koviet Mun landing project. Of course, the Koviets aren't going to just let the Lunik disappointment forever hinder their progress. Officials claimed it was 'just a test of the surface hardware.' Meanwhile, the Koviets have a new surprise up their sleeve:
  8. Wow, this has been an amazing journey from the start, and a great read too! It's been incredible reading through the report and how you managed to pull it off, even if in the end A'tuin wasn't recovered. Really, I think this was 6 months well spent. May I suggest another expanded Grand Tour, including MPE? Maybe you could try and pull the whole mission off with no resupplies of any kind (which, I daresay, is probably impossible).
  9. Forgot to post pics here again (honestly, I'm not sure why I still post here. Maybe for the sake of record keeping?) To summarize - (I'm pretty lazy, if you can't tell)
  10. Finally, exams are over and winter break is here! And you know what that means.. rampant procrastination more KSP!
  11. I've been in need of a new project. After receiving a stroke of inspiration, I present: 'Kerbin Station Mockup' yes very exciting. 10 modules at the very least, it'll keep me occupied for a while. Also a random thing I call 'Thumper', inspired by Little Joe II.
  12. I might have forgot about this. Not that I've maken much progress though, either. Anyway, here are more pics that nobody will ever see To summarize - The old Mungate Station (launched in Year 2 of the save, it's currently Year 9) is upgraded with a new fuel module in preparation for the new Percheron series lander. The venerable Pegasus Heavy is also pulled out of the shed to launch a new rover design to Homestead base, which I am quite proud of. I totally didn't crash the rover into the side of a habitat due to loss of power, nope, not me. Finally, the new Percheron lander takes to the skies, and for some reason the poodle's plume doesn't work.
  13. A mod that makes mods. speaking of mods.. @adsii1970
  14. I kinda look like a muppet right? @ColdJ mm car go v r o m
  15. I have be submoned @adsii1970 time for you to show up ree
  16. I finally revamped my Mungate Station, which has been sitting around the Mun since Year 2. For reference, my save is almost at year 10. With all my focus on the Mun again, this old station really deserved some love. Like usual, an ANTS nuclear tug brought the new station segment to the mun. Docking in the dark (has anyone ever docked in daytime?) The old station segment is removed and moved out of the way (it was hard to see anything) And, docked. The ANTS is moved to another docking port to open up that port for a future lander. The old station segment is deorbited. By coincidence, it happens to crash on the rim of the exact same crater as homestead base.
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