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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. you might wanna change the link to something I can see, such as imgur. :p
  2. AFAIK Kronometer doesn't come with JNSQ, but then again I install manually. I couldn't find an up-to-date version, and not sure it works with 1.9.1.
  3. We're mostly going on game time, so I guess you could be 2 days late... You can find one online, or use a stock flag. Flags aren't that hard to make, in my opinion, you don't need any graphics design thing really. Pixlr.x or powerpoint will work just fine.
  4. nope, It's not a multiplayer. Each one of us has a save. Read the op. Also, to send a PM, just click on the mail thing, and click compose new, and send it to @Misguided_Kerbal. If you can't do that, just post it here.
  5. So... I finally got around to uploading some of the craft in the screenshots: https://kerbalx.com/IAMNICOM/Thor https://kerbalx.com/IAMNICOM/Atlas I always appreciate any suggestions, comments, and insights, so if you have any, please tell me!
  6. "Misguided" (Keep the quotes) also, can i have administrative permissions. I promise I won't do anything bad. If you need guidance I'll be here, and so will Hanson and Minmus.
  7. ??? Pictures and/or videos are fine. If you want to join PM me with your flag and info.
  8. Well, I'm sure everyone has taken off from the launchpad and launched from the runway at least once
  9. huh, ok. editing... nope, nvm. You have to click the "Misguided_Kerbal replied to a topic" text. It's just what it does, I guess.
  10. Wow! That was great! Though I'm sad it's sorta done for now
  11. So, after gathering my best screenshots from my closet, I made this post: Do you guys think I should make a montage?
  12. Ah, ok. Instead, I build the payload, then merge it with a prebuilt launcher and let mechjeb do it. Another reason I launch from the VAB/SPH is because last minute changes, and stuff. But yeah, I understand your thinking.
  13. I wouldn't exactly call them awesome, just good. I've been posting for a while now: Here's some I picked: Ok... maybe that was too much
  14. Vote in the poll. I personally launch from the VAB/SPH only. 2 reasons: 1. Kerbal Konstructs only works in the VAB/SPH if I want to launch from somewhere else 2. My old KASA save was really buggy, so I could only launch from the VAB/SPH. It's not in my new save anymore, but you know, habit.
  15. Orbit, yes. I sent a probe there. Not like that compares to @DunaManiac's thing though...
  16. Woah, this is cool! Suggestion: have you considered VSR or Restock?
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