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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. we already ended, if that's what you're asking. But I'm running this now:
  2. Why would aliens invade us? We humans suck as a species. I tried to draw on a paper, but the paper had a big dot on it! IT MUST BE A CIA RECORDER!!!!! AHHHHHHH
  3. I can push back the start date if needed. I don't really think we're all in a rush. When would you have a PC availiable?
  4. Are we still go for a start next week? Also @jimmymcgoochie and @GuessingEveryDay are you guys in or not?
  5. Fish People!? You mean bureaucrat, right? I wanted to scream AAAAHHHH fro no reason, SO THE FBI MUST HAVE IMPLANTED SOMETHING IN MY HEAD! AHHHHHHHHHHH
  6. Isn't it better to cool the Earth? Also, if we had that technology, we'd probably be using it already. Today, I booted up KSP, and I tried to search something. It was SO SLOW! This must mean that THE CIA IS HACKING MY INTERNET AND EVERYONE ELSES, SPREADING PROPAGANDA AND SLOWING DOWN INTERNET TO RETURN US TO THE DAYS OF COMMODORE 64!!!!!!!!
  7. Viking I lifting off Viking I second stage performing circularization burn Viking I deployed
  8. Nah, I feel worse for how he was treated. He is mentally ill, after all, and those people just harassed him.
  9. Why would an assasin want to kill you? And why would they do it by placing rocks? Last night, I got some glue on my hand on accident. THE CIA MUST HAVE ENGINEERED IT TO FALL ON MY HAND, AND THERE'S POISON IN IT. AHHHHHHHH!!!!
  10. Viking I: Looking Forward Another part of KASA's new plan, including the CTV+, and a Mun base, was to have a station in Mun orbit. Years before, KASA had tried to launch a station, called Mungate station, but things didn't quite go to plan. This time, KASA was certain that they would do it right. Viking I, the first module of the new Viking Munar station, rode a SLV to orbit perfectly, with nothing of interest happening. Viking II is slated to launch Soontm
  11. Rule of thumb: you never play a version with 0 in the name. Wait until 1.10.1 comes out.
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