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Everything posted by Krazy1

  1. It works on 1.12.3. I have: Contracts Window+ 9.4 Contract Parser 9.0 Progress Parser 11.0 None of them should show compatibility with 1.9+... they haven't been updated since 1.8.
  2. Thanks for the info. Makes sense. It's a linear approximation and just uses the vertical component. But at least it shouldn't display an absurd value. If the suicide burn start time is after the impact time it should not display it at all. Bad data is worse than no data IMO. I doubt it would be terrible. The KSP physics frame time is fixed at 20 ms. A CPU can do a COS in under a microsecond. The big performance hog is the ship part count because there are hundreds or thousands of interactions between the parts which also have springy joints. If you use the Trajectories mod, it does some fairly complex calculations like plotting the path of a ship through nonlinear atmospheric pressure. It shows the calculation time in the last tab and I'm seeing 1 ms/ 4% at the moment. I expect a suicide burn model would be similar. It could use some assumptions like a locally-flat world, constant gravity, constant mass and still be OK. I'm not saying I have it figured out but it's seems doable. Then KER is right but that defeats the purpose of a suicide burn. A landing is a launch in reverse... you wouldn't launch vertical and then turn 90 deg. and try to do a horizontal burn to get to orbit, right? You could but it's not efficient. I'm pretty sure it doesn't
  3. That is weird that it changed in flight. Never saw that before. But you can actually build 5, 7, 9... symmetry with Editor Extensions Redux FYI.
  4. Okey. I did the fresh install. Used CKAN to copy my Steam install (unmodded) and to install FIU. It auto-installed the dependencies. Note it installed zero miniAVC too. Player log KSP log I didn't make a video afterall... I think this is pretty clear:
  5. So I installed Scatterer to get the sunflares to work, and they do work, but now Eve looks like a big eyeball. I think this is nothing new but I didn't see pictures so here's some. It would be great if both worked. https://imgur.com/a/mYp9rM0
  6. You've gone faster than light so time is reversed. You can't know what you did, only what you will do. If we try to help it it will create another problem in your future.
  7. I just did this and it simply restored asteroid spawning. I didn't experience any problems so far... but backup your savegame. (I believe it also eliminated an occasional NRE on screen while warping at 1000x when the asteroids were attempting to spawn.)
  8. Nothing... RL not fun. Checking in before bed. Weekend soon. Can't you always get there faster with more dV ... is that true? I think so, if you use a "reverse bielliptic transfer" dropping to a low solar altitude and back up to final orbit. Or direct cannon shot. I mean theoretically. All kinds of stuff happens when you're playing KSP. Sorry man welcome back it has the air intake inside the engine exhaust... creative . So what happened there? There's a drone and a missile hit it? how what huh?
  9. OK guys. I suppose it has reached a *** ton of mods. I'll do a fresh install. Forgot you wanted player log - no problem (the other dev I pester wants KSP log) And picture won't really work - need a video. I'll try to do it this weekend - long week IRL. Thanks
  10. OK... I have the dependencies and they're updated in CKAN. I used my modded 1.12.3 install with a new career savegame and made a new ship with a Mk1 capsule and a flee engine to test. Here's the log file. Again, with CTB set to "click" it's 100% good. With CTB set to "mouse" on the FIU window there is a distinct horizontal line between the 2 sliders... above the line does not click through and below the line will if you click-release the mouse button. However if you depress-slide-release it will not click-through. These behaviors are true anywhere above/ below the line on the panel, not just on the sliders. To venture a guess... FIU and CTB are not communicating the correct vertical height of the FIU window.
  11. Driving my prototype Gigarover around KSC. I lost a few parts going through the pool. Goal is to be able to fly itself from Minmus to Pol/ Bop then to Tylo. Still a lot of work to get everything assembled, get it balanced, build a booster.
  12. Hello @R-T-B@HafCoJoe I am using Spectra and I noticed there were no asteroids spawning. I need them for contracts. The existing ones in my save stayed, but no new ones came. I found this github issue and simply changing the parameter restored the stock functionality. I hope you could come up with a more direct solution though... asteroids and comets just break without warning.
  13. So I'm rehashing the click-through issue. It's not a big problem but I understand it better now. KSP 1.12.3, FIU 0.2,0.2, CTB 0.10.17 Generally it does block click-through except for very specific cases. CTB in "click" mode works. CTB in "mouse" isn't perfect... My active craft has LF, Ox, MP. So those have sliders shown top-down in that order in the FIU panel. (I'm not showing ore now) Clicking the LF slider is OK but clicking the other 2 sliders might click-through. Either clicking the OX or MP slider so the little marker square jumps to that location or click-release the marker square without sliding it can click-through. However, click-drag-release does not click-through. The bigger problem is that basic KSP editor functions don't work well... we can't press ESC to cancel a move and CTRL-Z undoes all the PAW changes.
  14. That's from the OP. It seems almost impossible to have another cause for that very specific problem... right? My Duna looks good (I'm not using Scatterer). So... I suppose you didn't properly nuke the related mods and redownload them. Did you delete the mod folders in the Gamedata folder? If that really doesn't work then you need to post a KSP log file. I personally can't help further but nobody can help without more details. Are you using CKAN?
  15. After feeling unfulfilled by landing at runway 06, our 2 restless pilots set off on a truly death-defying flight with a landing that may never be topped. KSC is still buzzing about it... "The sonic boom broke half of the windows in R&D!" "The only damage to the plane was the bent needle on the G indicator!" "Are they in trouble, or getting a statue?" "Gene just went to the beach and paced back and forth." >>> VIDEO LINK <<< It still makes me grin every time.
  16. A pair of bored pilots couldn't resist another attempt at R06. The decided to go for 06 center this time... a bit longer but many more buildings on either side. They took a Mk2 plane with dual Whiplashes... took off, pulled up, broke the sound barrier - vertically - finished the Immelmann, cut the throttle at 500 m/s heading west and glided down for the landing. They touched down at 70 m/s and stopped "very close" to the Mk1 statue.
  17. There will be more attempts. But right now I've been experimenting with complex Duna - Ike orbits. I set the conic patch limit to 6. Here's a Duna capture with a triple Ike flyby. Graphic content... Maybe I should load Principia but I have so many ships heading out to planets, I think they would miss their targets. It also changed the Jool moons for stable orbits and I have a ship heading out for a Jool 5.
  18. I made a new 6 crew spaceplane. In the first test, it reached orbital speed below 37 km and almost burned up... perfect. Second test - I tried landing this thing with full fuel on the infamous 06 runway (I think this is 06L... I can see 06C between buildings and maybe 06R south of the buildings?) Ended about how I expected... Then back to business... delivered 4 tourists to Shuttle Lander #4, this one is waiting for a window to Dres. So it's a tour bus now to pay for those big NERVs. Well, that was fun... while it lasted. After undocking, one of the 4 engines on the lander did not work. I've had this problem twice before. When you dock to a symmetrical branch of the structure model "tree" that has an engine, it breaks a parent/ child in that branch and the fuel is cut from the engine. So many bugs... Time for bed. I'll have to try editing my savegame with KML again tomorrow.
  19. So I had some debris today and it disappeared after it was out of physics range and I went on EVA. Found this in the KSP log: [WRN 19:19:07.449] [Flight Persistence]: Too many vessels in scene - skipping save for Shuttle Lander Dres Debris I found this from an old post: So it's not just the quantity of debris that the slider sets... it's the total number of objects in your save file. I had the slider at 150 objects and I do in fact have over 150 objects (mostly flags and asteroids). So that's why it started deleting debris. It apparently is not working as intended. The Wiki description does not match reality: I just bought and used this part for the first time today and I did notice that. Weird coincidence.
  20. I've been using KAC through KSP 1.12 despite the max compatibility listed at 1.9 and it seems to work well. I've seen some NREs when loading ships in solar orbit but they seem benign.
  21. Well that's interesting. There's a couple stock settings for debris- the max persistent debris which defaults to 250 and the checkbox for cleaning up debris at KSC. Any way persistent debris got set to 0? Maybe it's already in the KSP bug tracker - didn't look. KSC runway 06-24... holding Jeb's beer.
  22. Status report: I finished 300 contracts in 300 days in my present career save! Almost all in Kerbin SOI Pushed a class E asteroid into Mun orbit... that was tedious! I just made it to Duna orbit the first time. Getting science. I completely borked a 45 km hop on the Mun ... overshot the target on the near rim of a large crater, hit the wall on the far side at 150 m/s. The lander module survived and slid up the slope like a half-pipe and achieved 2 km above ground before crashing again 15 km past the target. Don't get cocky kerbonauts! I have a mod that is clearing my debris too (at least I assume it's a mod). Some undocumented feature maybe. I didn't figure out which one... [x]Science maybe? Did you add mods lately? Here's my mod list - maybe we can figure it out. I crossed out the ones that I installed after I noticed it was clearing debris.
  23. Me too... I believe they were trying to improve rovers rolling over when driving by making the surface much more slippery in 1.12. It's like driving on ice now. Problem is everything slides around when parked. Everything slides downhill... all the way down until you get below a couple degrees slope. AND if you're sliding too fast you can't save your game or change ships! Ugg. I had to use RCS on my lander to stop sliding so I could change ships. That was on the Mun. Bigger planets are probably worse. What if the RCS trick doesn't work? Just wait 10 minutes until you slide to the bottom of the valley?
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