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Everything posted by Krazy1

  1. "What we have here is failure to communicate." I thought a 2G receiver was enough for a rescue probe inside Kerbin orbit... nope. I have 100G relays at Moho, Eve and others and still managed to find a hole. So I'm going to wizz by at 5 km/s only 15 km away. Edit: Oops... Kerbin is 250 Gm not 350.
  2. I'm mostly wasting time feeding more science to 10 labs on different ships while most of them are on interplanetary trips. I'm using the admin policy to convert all science earned to reputation... at about 50:1 exchange rate, which is further diluted on the asymptotic reputation scale. I'll probably need 20K science to go from 94% to 95% reputation. I'm converting 75% funds to rep too. I took Gigarover from the Mun to Minmus. Added more pics to > photo album <
  3. Welp, the load time is still screwy. My last post was premature. It's usually 84 sec but I saw 21 sec once. I turned Malwarebytes off and it didn't help this time. I rebooted the router and it worked normally once, then 85 sec the next time. Tried fresh CKAN download, no change.
  4. Well, now it's different... normal start time actually. I didn't change anything. Then I noticed Malwarebytes finished running a scan. Then I tried CKAN again... and it went back to the long delay! Well, there's no entry in the Malwarebytes log about it. I added CKAN to allow it to access the internet... no change. Then I added it to the allowed list to stop checking it for malware and now it works normally. So it was scanning CKAN for 84 seconds every time it launched and then decided it was OK... so there was nothing in the log. Well, thanks for listening!
  5. The file loaded in Chrome in under 2 sec. Still 84 sec for the first line in -verbose log. Some firewall/ antivirus issue? It's weird because it's not being blocked, just slowed down. I'm on Win10.
  6. OK... assuming the left number is ms, it's taking 84 seconds to display anything in the cmd window. It's stuck waiting for something. I can't think of what changed except Windows or AV updates. I'm using v1.30.4. I tried the "--debug" too but it scrolled off the window and cut the beginning off. PART 2: So I tried it again with internet disconnected and it did not have the long delay.
  7. I've noticed for the last couple weeks (roughly) when I launch CKAN it shows the black window with blinking cursor much longer than normal. I just timed it at 1 minute 29 seconds. That seems typical now. After that delay, the white GUI launches and it's totally normal, works great. Seems like some server timeout delay? Thanks for maintaining this mod. It makes managing and troubleshooting mods so much easier. Sidenote for others that use CKAN exclusively... there are some mods that can't be installed with CKAN. One of them I just discovered is Sound Track Editor Forked.
  8. Hi Asaia22. If you're fairly certain it's Tweakscale then post it on that thread. Do you have the dependencies installed? Are you using CKAN? Also post your log files and describe it in more detail... are you adding Tweakscale to an existing save game? They disappear from ships in space already or when you move a ship from the editor to the launchpad? I haven't seen this specific problem before.
  9. Planet Shine caused the white bar. had a magenta square. It's fixed in
  10. It's KSP Recall. I already reported it to @Lisias on that thread. I agree it's pretty annoying but it sounds like a complex problem he's trying to fix without breaking other features/ mods.
  11. Have you docked and undocked from that port before? There's a stock bug (I believe) that breaks the parent-child connection for parts when undocking, and that beaks fuel flow. If you only need fuel transfer and your engines still work, then you could try TAC Fuel Balancer - that seems unaffected. Otherwise, you might have to edit your savefile... every time you undock. More here at KSP Recall.
  12. I finally got Gigarover launched. >Imgur post<
  13. Wow @sarbian this Nyan cat thing really liquided me off. It looks like a virus. It's possible a mod got infected. Not amused. Grow up.
  14. Nope. It's 2/22 (which is an unusual date too) Thanks
  15. WHAT IS THIS??? > video < I immediately ctrl-alt-del killed KSP. Nyan Cat? My Steam install doesn't do this thank god.
  16. It also does it on the launch pad without a probe core, Win 10.
  17. It's doing it in flight, in my save game with ships that were launched many months ago. Load and save in the editor wouldn't help I think. It's not too bad though.
  18. Hi Lisias... I'll add another little one on the "pain train"... stackable cargo parts are not stackable in flight scene. They stack correctly in the editor. I know you worked on this before. Maybe regression. Using TS on KSP 1.12.3. I tried it in stock and it works correctly. I've got about 50 mods but TS it's highly likely. Update: Actually it's OK with a new ship. I'm seeing this on old ships so I guess that old TS issue is now embedded in the ships/ parts in flight. Well, at least it's not a regression.
  19. It's good now thanks. I did try F5 yesterday but it looked the same. I'm using Chrome. I've rebooted now and it's good. FYI it shows up like this on parts in the save file: It might be tricky to avoid "false positives" on stock craft because it pushes that on every part even if the fuel wasn't switched.
  20. Here's what it looks like after I alt-click copied the rear (left) hard points with wheels to the front (right). They're in mirror symmetry. > craft file < UPDATE: I did a little testing on the alt-click copy problem seems to involve node-less parts with children. The small hardpoint and GP-156 grip pad with children attached failed but then oddly the structural pylon did work OK... then I tried the small hardpoint again and it worked! What the... I'm doubting everything now. If you can't reproduce the problem, I'll try with a clean install. I do have about 50 mods. Thanks for working these bizarre problems. Cheers UPDATE 2: So if I build the the rover in the pic above vertically, without rotating the root FL-T800 part then it works normally. But if I rotate that tank, it doesn't work. And the structural pylon also has this problem. I changed the root part 1/2 through update 1... that's why it started working.
  21. Couple things... it did not update my thumbnail. It doesn't match the image shown in the craft edit preview. https://kerbalx.com/Krazy1/Shuttle-1B-40t-v23 It also does not recognize the mod SimpleFuelSwitch. It is listed on CKAN.
  22. Lisias you said you're a masochist on the DOE thread so I want to "help" I've had a really annoying bug that causes fuel flow to break every time after undocking certain ships. Fuel transfer and engines that attached to that same branch stop working. KML actually identifies the problem "part not attached to parent part" but I have to edit it manually, like this: I believe it has always happened with truss parts. I'll try to make a test craft to demonstrate. But in the meantime... I just found a weird problem with ALT-click copy. I copied the probe at the left to the center and the core "trunk" parts are not rotated (you can barely see the "octo 2" labels in the 2nd picture) but the branch parts are all rotated 180 deg. I'm guessing this is a Recall issue...? I have v0.2.2.1 installed. Also the copy in the air is angled oddly. I restarted KSP... and it's different! Now the solar panels are not rotated I completely rebuilt the probe and same result, except the copy in the air is not angled. Welp... hope that's plenty of pain for you. Thanks! EDIT: here's another example of Alt-click copy not right... wheels on small hardpoints offset:
  23. I have had some struts do this after installing them in EVA construction (I'm on KSP 1.12.3 now) but most of them work fine. The ones I've seen that detach when reloading had very little clearance as they passed by an object. You know how sometimes you place a strut in the VAB and it appears to barely clear something between the strut connectors and it "snaps back" when you try to attach it? I think something like this is happening, at least in my case. It seems like it needs more clearance around the struts when loading the ship than it did when placing the them initially. Also in my case they were placed across docking ports - some OK, some detached.
  24. I just realized there are 2 planetshine threads... I'm not going krazy. Reposting feature request here just so it doesn't get lost. Thanks for maintaining this mod. "I have eclipses active in Scatterer 0.0831 and I'm orbiting the Mun and Kerbin is eclipsing the sun. That works, Mun is dark, but PlanetShine is still illuminating the Mun side of the ship. It would nice if it integrated with Scatterer eclipses so it's totally dark. "
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