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Everything posted by Krazy1

  1. I saw that. IDK I'll try it sometime. Yeah, or the longer I play in a session. I made a new save game with 1 ship and it still crashed for that particular bug. I started playing on 1.8... not very optimistic.
  2. Feature request... I'd like to toggle all of the waypoint markers on/ off in the map and tracking station. I sometimes drop a ton of markers to show biomes and they can start to obscure the planet surface. It's also nice to turn them off for a screenshot if you marked the anomalies and don't want a spoiler. Suggest RMB click the tray icon to toggle waypoints on/ off. There's a RMB icon click function in [x]Science! that may be useful. I suppose someone could accidentally click it and complain the mod is broken... so maybe change the icon color. Ship Manifest changes the icon color when the menu is open for example.
  3. You meant did not scale? Unfortunately this is a known issue: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/27
  4. What about the repeatable crash to desktop I reported that wasn't even confirmed? You're not going to fix that? It seems like bug reporting is a waste of time. I want to be excited about KSP 2 but I can't be if KSP 1 isn't left in good shape at the end.
  5. Hi Lisias. One more request... make it work for asteroids. Right now it's showing only a small dot from physics range out to DOE setting for max rendering range. Then it suddenly blinks into full detail at the edge of physics range. With a class A it's probably not too noticeable but a Class E certainly is. It went from about 1 mm diameter white dot to 2 cm full detail as I approached it. It might be an extra challenge for new asteroids because they are "unowned" and KSP might not even spawn the details of the asteroid until it first enters physics range... just a guess. Thanks and good luck with this and IRL.
  6. Could you update the OP: Add change log for last 2 releases and describe the hotkeys in the "user manual". Found it in the gamedata folder changelog.
  7. Me too, especially with clamshell deploy, the bottom of the fairing gets pushed forward into the payload huh how?
  8. Hi. New to Spectra and the sunflare doesn't work at all. I'm not using Scatterer but the Scatterer sunflare is a dependency for Spectra in CKAN. The sun looks smaller and dimmer than stock but no flare no matter where the ship is and same in map view too. KSP 1.12.3. Mod list:
  9. I'd like to share pics of my ion probe in clockwise orbit of the sun but Imgur is all messed up now. UPDATE - I managed to get Imgur to work... I did an almost continuous burn from LKO to outside Kerbin SOI. Here's the post with captions.
  10. Don't stress on KSP. The Kerbals don't have to deal with RLTM so they'll just have to wait. That's not good. Get some sleep. I found this gem in the 1.9 release notes: Fix surface attach node handling on Part Variants Seems "fix" is the wrong word here...?
  11. Hi @Lisias I see you're thinking about this issue complicated issue https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/223 But it's not just my SAS... I think lots of people using TS are in trouble. If we build a ship with side-attached tweaked fuel tanks that have variants and fly it *without reverting to VAB*, there's no problem. But reloading it in the editor reveals the problem. So it must be rebuilt every time it is loaded. I'm on KSP 1.12.2 and TS now. So If I build this thing and save it and reload it... it's OK, because the tanks don't have any variants (I believe that's why). But if the tanks have variants, then the offset is borked when it's reloaded. Building OK: save and reload, or launch and revert to VAB: Note I did not change the variant, it only needs to have them. It still does this if radial decouplers are used to attach the tanks.
  12. So I was a little tired yesterday and I messed up my dV calc... badly. My ISRU ship had to go from landed on Mun to LKO and pick up an ore return probe and land on Mun again. I had about 3200 m/s... I thought that's enough...no! I didn't include the dV for landing or the effect of the extra probe weight. Needed 4000+ m/s. I would have had enough if I just finished refueling. So now I'm back in Mun orbit with the probe desperately trying to dock with the station that has enough fuel for it to land. I'm in nearly identical orbit with the station with 10 ms/ left! 10 out of 3200. And it has Vernors for RCS, no MP. But then I remembered... I pulled a couple baguette fuel tanks out of storage and attached them. Now I'm up to 51 m/s. No problem
  13. I started using Parallax which uses Kopernicus and it has some bizarre shadows, especially when orbiting low. I had to turn "celestial bodies cast self-shadows" off. I wish they worked though. Here's a video. KSP 1.12.2, Parallax 1.3.1 (uses Kopernicus 1.12.1-68)
  14. At high AoA you're at in reentry, it might work. In level flight, I still couldn't get that to succeed. I even tried mounting a Mk1 at the end of the tail (backwards) and it still failed! Yeah, it seems like there should be a high temp cabin option that's heavier and/ or more expensive.
  15. It could make sense... the surface parts and the surface of the cockpit are cooling off but still hotter than 1500 K rating for the cockpit core. The temperature indicators are relative to each part's max temp rating- they won't even be visible at 1500 K for other parts. As skin temperature drops, the rate of temp rise for the cockpit core will decrease but the temperature itself will continue to rise until the skin temp drops below the core temp. I haven't played JNSQ but from the Kerbin circumnavigation challenge, I learned the cockpit temp is always the weakness. My solution was to put it inside a cargo bay: A Mk1 capsule inside a Mk2 cargo bay will stay under 1100 K but an unprotected Mk3 will exceed 1500 K. Others have used fairings but I consider that an exploit because the drag is absurdly low.
  16. I plotted a pretty aggressive course for a rescue mission.
  17. Well, I played for a while and came back to KSC and this happened: Restarted KSP and it looks OK again
  18. This looks very good on Mun. Just a general KSP gripe... I wish the transitions in surface geometry detail level changes were smoothed out. In orbit, big terrain features just instantly blink into existence every second or so, combined with a jarring framerate stutter. I guess everyone sees this? The improved textures with this mod just make it a more obvious need for improvement. I suppose it's in the core game and we're stuck with it? Isn't there some sort of geometric detail temporal antialiasing?
  19. Minor issue: in the Here and Now window, the "suppress results window" button doesn't work. It worked in the old [x]science version, but I believe that was also on KSP 1.11 and I'm on 1.12 now. It's nice to have this when you set action groups to run all your science experiments, collect all and reset experiments. With the results window active, you can't reset experiments. So if you've already filled up on an experiment, the sensor stays full and can't run again in a new biome. I'm dipping into Eve atmosphere trying to get maximum science. UPDATE: OK not a bug. It is blocking the science results window when experiments are initiated from the here and now window. It doesn't suppress the results window otherwise (manually running experiments or using action groups). I wish it did but not a big deal.
  20. I'm new to this mod.. confused about the warning when KSP loads that says this version of KSP is not supported. I'm using Parallax 1.3.1 on KSP 1.12.2. CKAN says they're compatible. The OP says: You can download Parallax for KSP 1.12.x here: Parallax: https://github.com/Gameslinx/Tessellation/releases But the latest version there is also 1.3.1. So why's there a version warning? Simple mistake? Thanks. Hope this works - photos look great.
  21. I got a new badge for the first 2 shuttle challenge missions. BTW I suggest everyone put links in badges so others can easily find those challenges. Did some bug reporting on SpaceY. Otherwise felt like garbage but my covid test was negative - just a cold I guess.
  22. Hi @zer0Kerbal thanks for offering to take over. I'm on 1.12.2 using both this base SpaceY mod and the SpaceY Expanded mod and there are a couple issues (in addition to the Vernier engine issue linuxgamerguru mentioned before). 1. The docking ports seem to have too low bending stiffness. Here's a pair of 7.5m SpaceY ports TweakScaled up to 10m size that caused hilarity and eventual explosions until I got lucky on one launch attempt. It seems like it scaled the strength but not the bending stiffness, if that's possible. They didn't pull apart, just bent. I don't know how the game mechanics work - just my impression. I didn't try these without size scaling however. Pics: 2. This is apparently not just a part mod. It seems to have added itself to the pool of available agencies for contracts but doesn't do it correctly. I accepted one of these contracts, and now get an annoying wall of orange errors on screen every time the games saves or I change KSC buildings. The log error is: Input is null for field 'agent' in config node 'CONTRACT' Indeed it is missing the agent: Of course the core game should ignore this instead of painting the screen with orange text ... but it doesn't. I'll try to edit my save file and report back if I can fix it. KSP log file Update: Here's the SpaceY .SFS contract excerpt: Stock contract example: Why did Squad even have duplicated parameters?! Solution seems obvious. Update 2: Well, simply setting: "agent = SpaceY Technologies Corporation" Doesn't work. It's being overwritten and keeps giving the orange text error. UPDATE 3 (12/12): The error message from #2 above is happening even if I don't accept a SpaceY contract - it merely needs to be offered in Mission Control. Issue #3: the fairings seem to destroy anything they touch. If it happens to nick your payload when deploying, or part of the booster beside it... or the launch pad! VIDEO
  23. @LisiasDoes do anything for the tank offset issue we were discussing? Github description sounds like another issue.
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