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Everything posted by Hpl

  1. should the beta have any problems on 1.10? ill test it anyways just in case
  2. Thanks for continuing this! im especially grateful on the wormholes
  3. EVE let’s you do gas clouds tho That is if you want to add visuals
  4. Ashar Kalar Exion Halux name ideas
  5. Im pretty sure this is due to the terrain shader, as ohiobob pointed out
  6. banned for not banning and replying instead
  7. @R-T-B's build does, but im not sure if you can play it instead of test it on its current state with that i mean it can be buggy(?)
  8. i assume thats a modded resource, if so BH may not have compatibility with it
  9. low gravity bodies are generally the best for extracting ore the ore is called ore
  10. You hyperedited to the planet without quickloading
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