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Everything posted by cukkoo

  1. @Next_Star_IndustriesI thought it not NSI code.Oh i forgot the in,stupid me.also i know some c# so i am going to create plugin that will check for nuclear core if the nuclear detonator are present there will be a button to detonate only the detonator,if the primary core are present there will be a button to detonate the nuclear fission and if the secondary core are present there will be a button to detonate the secondary core both will have different FX and you can determine the power.because when the detonator compress the uranium it explode then the uranium explosion force crush the heavy hydrogen and it fuse and explode once more so there will be 3 more button(the old detonate will be present).You will come in the credit
  2. how about pressure checker like you know on jool it is 200 km so you should use pressure instead.also i want to say
  3. ok i thought you says it not my codeAlso i try to make a space explosion but the particle effect look worse when use the plugin
  4. then who's code is this @Next_Star_Industriesi try to make a space explosion but the particle effect look worse when use the plugin
  5. ok i am new to C# but i know the basic since i create a simple game in unity.green work red don't work [KSPAction("Explode")] public void DetonateAG(KSPActionParam param) { { Explode(); } } so when i press explode it should explode but it didn't public void Explode() { Color white = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); Color whitef = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); weapon.vessel.GetHeightFromTerrain(); blastRadius = weapon.blastRadius; blastPower = weapon.blastPower; blastHeat = weapon.blastHeat; Vector3 position = transform.position; Vector3 direction = transform.up; Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(VectorUtils.GetUpDirection(position)); if (!hasExploded && weapon.TimeFired >= weapon.dropTime && weapon.vessel.heightFromTerrain >= 70000) { hasExploded = true; if (part != null) part.temperature = part.maxTemp + 100; GameObject lightBall = new GameObject(); lightBall.SetActive(true); lightBall.transform.position = position; lightBall.transform.rotation = rotation; Detonator sdetonator = lightBall.AddComponent<Detonator>(); lightBall.GetComponent<Detonator>().enabled = true; sdetonator.duration = 2f; sdetonator.size = blastRadius; //this one work sdetonator.detail = 10f; } This work and the bottom layer show the trigger of Explode public override void OnStart(PartModule.StartState state) { part.OnJustAboutToBeDestroyed += new Callback(Explode); } so the file compile and work but the explode button in gui don't work
  6. I download NKD and it seem that EXPLspace 340 and EXPLAirbust,mirv,b-61,tallboy,Kinetic bombardment weapon is the example
  7. how to make custom particle effect for BDA.simple question long answer
  8. @SnarkPls delete this topic since i am creating a new one because i post it in the wrong section.
  9. yah and i am stuck at it for 3 month now and i am dreaming about the solution.
  10. I ask it twice and I am on risk of being ban by spamming but no one answer both.
  11. so i make a particle effect for BDA i know i ask this for many time BUT ALWAYS THE PART TURN INVISIBLE OR THERE IS NO EXPLOSION pls help
  12. ok the main code debugging is now down to 4 error which are the same
  13. @Next_Star_IndustriesHow do you make custom explosion effect,i want to make antimatter bomb
  14. Oh wow SWdenis showcase my nuke in the first 21 second of the video
  15. but my code require ; at the back so it conflict with the Bracket
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