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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. It broke when I tried it in 1.10, soo it may not be different.
  2. I worked on it some more, and I used tangram heightmapper for Petrichor’s desert heightmap. I do need to add an atmorim to it.
  3. i THINK 1.12 has been released... but i am also pretty sure this will also work in 1.12.
  4. nooooooooo last update!! it is an awesome game, i have only been here since late 2018, but it has been awesome
  5. over 3300 on steam, and probably around 1000 more on non steam shortcuts... since late 2018 i have REALLY slowed down playing ksp lol...
  6. Most painful? I was launching a fully loaded 2700 ton ship to LKO, and it was at 0.3 FPS at launch, and sometimes, I went too fast and it exploded, then quick loading didn’t work, and I had to turn on unbreakable joints for a second so the phys easing didn’t force the engines through the rocket. I then just gave up and walked away from my pc with all engines on past 15km straight up and it worked lol. and then I launched a ship with engines on robotic parts, aaand ONE FUEL LINE was backwards, had to carefully maneuver it to not nosedive lol
  7. A V8 powered what? Also, I’m fairly new to modeling, hmm.. nope I don’t know how to make epic parts lol
  8. It could be to other star systems or 12 new bodies added to kerbol systems.. hmmm I haven’t looked into it much
  9. Yea... 1000 people in E2E flight is a bit much. Yes the flight will be about an hour, but still.. hmm, also to fit that many people, wouldn’t some in the middle need a screen to watch what’s going on outside? Still really cool, but probably a bit less than 1000 is good. Also, 100 for interplanetary trip? That’s.. hmm a bit much for months, but is possible
  10. Uses it Overclocks by a factor of 15.6 billion by setting both throttle and thrust limiter to about 15 million %, activates engine and breaks the spacetime continuum and sends a Kerbal at such a high speed, they punch THROUGH Eeloo, creating a Kerbal shaped hole. The recoil of the explosion sends the rest of the ship and its crew partially into another dimension, making the situation “No Situation Report Available”, indicating that it has successfully been pushed out of time, but not space. Now that time literally does not exist for the ship, physics start to break down, and as soon as the quantum fluctuations wobble so it is in an opposite state about a plank second later, the ship is ejected into spacetime and is now at a standstill with the universe, but is next to every planet and moon at once, and orbits everything at once, until it fully pops back into real spacetime a few minutes later and is now orbiting kerbin at exactly the same point where it was before, and thus probably breaking some laws of physics as in the end, it had no recoil despite launching the poor Kerbal at a speed comparable to the Millennium Falcon into Eeloo.
  11. In terms of hitting an atmosphere at a high speed, don’t try skimming Duna at 40km periapsis at 15km/s, I tried it once, and it burned through like four heat shields in two seconds lol...
  12. And if you spam like 30 sentinels in the same spot by undocking from a lifter, toooons of asteroids will spawn, and could potentially lag the game.. tho I only found three class I interstellar comets, and several class b-c asteroids in extremely far orbits. All next to kerbin soo... hundreds nearby
  13. Hmm... persistent thrust ftw zoomin to duna in 20 days with Ions lol... wait... how fast could ions get you to Eeloo and back? (Yes, lots of staging)
  14. This is all good advice! Thanks! I am indeed redoing Paxt’s terrain, and using a gradient for its slight oblateness and going to make a new non noise heightmap
  15. Would a hovercraft be a good idea to be able to go and collect the debris? Or is it not wet where people would sink?
  16. dont start a chain that goes on into infinity until this mods universe dies and the kerbals move on to the next one
  17. hmm.. well... if the booster is in atmo just before and just after perigee, the perigee will go down a little bit, and will comparatively make the apogee go down a lot, until it is mostly in atmosphere and decaying faster
  18. no, it just has to drop to the point where a part of its orbit is close enough for reentry, but generally, it will be nearly circular when that happens... but reentry can happen from escape velocity
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