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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. It will not have a home switch, but it does have multiple habitable planets, however, none are like Kerbin. no new planets will be added. although Correlae is technically habitable, its atmosphere has a bit of chlorine gas, so the most habitable planet is Termania with its unicellular life.
  2. There is not a discord server for this mod specifically, but there is a kopernicus discord for general planet modding
  3. It has been discovered that the game crashing upon SOI change into the barycenter SOI is caused by the new stock maneuver planner. Installing KSPCommunityFixes and disabling the stock maneuver planner fixes the issue by preventing the game from attempting a transfer to and from extremely faraway bodies.
  4. since there is a big bug where the game crashes upon entering the SOI of the contact binary barycenter from kerbol and lags like heck inside the SOI (leaving and entering from planet SOIs are fine), and that idk how to fix it... and that im going to college tomorrow and wont bring my games, i wont be able to work on this mod until christmas, the mod might be released around christmas...
  5. I created Anos, the large cold moon of Ichor Anos is a very cold world that is slightly too warm for methane and is barely cool enough for ethane to be liquid. It is 485km in radius, with a gravity of 0.67g, a thick atmosphere at 2.2atm. This moon's atmosphere has large amounts of methane. hmm i might need to reduce the sheer brightness of its atmorim as it is really far from the stars...
  6. yes, this planet does have an atmosphere, the surface pressure is only about 0.5 atm
  7. I created the outermost planet of the Estrela Dobre system, Ichor. Ichor is a frozen super-kerbin at 780km in radius. Its high elevation colors are very similar to Ieros, as in, the peaks and nearby are pretty much completely white, but the distance from the stars make this a very cold world. It is too warm for methane, but barely cold enough for Ethane, however, there is no liquid on its surface. This planet has 1.87g gravity, and orbits in a noticably elliptical orbit. This planet will have two moons, one of which is big enough for the planet to be tidally locked to it. there is only one large impact crater, but it has many canyons all over. its longest canyon stretches nearly halfway around the planet. Pic of Ichor
  8. What should the names of the two moons that orbit Ichor be?
  9. I made a system map for the Estrela Dobre system the planets are in a row, with their moons below Collait and Culair orbit each other Basa and Altic are barely visible, they are TINY.. Oyst is not in the habitable zone, it is slightly too close, Collait-Culair are barely warm enough for liquid water on its moons. Hados, despite being well outside the habitable zone, has lava craters from recent heavy impacts, that also slightly affected its moon, Ieros. the furthest ice world is now named Ichor, however, I need ideas for its two moons Ichor's large, close moon will have a methane atmosphere. This moon is a cold desert with some lakes of liquid Ethane (just cool enough for Ethane, tho not sure if i want lakes due to the sheer glitchiness of oceans in this pack lol) Ichor's other moon will be smaller, no atmosphere, with some ice flats.
  10. What should i name the 4th (and final) planet of the Estrela Dobre system? It will be a super kerbin between the sizes of Petrichor and Hados, probably at 800km radius, will be a cold ice world far from the suns, and will have cracks in its surface. It will have two moons, one of which will have liquid on its surface, and it will be about 300km in radius. the other moon will be quite similar to Minmus, some craters, but also flat plains, no atmo, and about 120km in size some suggestions for its names? hmm.. im not really that great at coming up with planet names lol...
  11. What should i name the 4th planet of the system? It will be a super kerbin between the sizes of Petrichor and Hados, probably at 800km radius, will be a cold ice world far from the suns, and will have cracks in its surface. It will have two moons, one of which will have liquid on its surface, and it will be about 300km in radius. the other moon will be quite similar to Minmus, some craters, but also flat plains, no atmo, and about 120km in size the 4th planet will be the furthest planet from its suns.... soo.. what should be its name?
  12. I created Ieros, the icy moon of Hados Ieros is 497km in radius, with a surface gravity of 0.67g. This moon is pretty chilly, its entirely covered in ice, except for its four deep craters that actually have a little bit of lava in them. It has a thin atmosphere (it gets to high pressure near the lava, the craters are like 7-8km deep). The general lore is that after the impactor initially hit Hados, the debris from the impact went everywhere, most of it fell back into Hados, superheating its atmosphere and creating oceans of lava. However, Ieros wasnt entirely safe, some of the debris impacted the moon, punching holes through its icy crust, most of the impact craters quickly got covered in warm slush as it heated it, however, four were big enough to actually penetrate the ice fully, and create some lava flows. the largest crater on this moon is the south polar crater.. This moon is the largest and most distant of Hados, orbital period is 6 days. All of the planets in the Estrela Dobre system are large, Oyst is more massive than Jool, Collait-Culair is about half the mass of Jool, Hados is 8 kerbin masses, and the 4th planet will be an ice world that is between the size of Hados and Petrichor (it makes sense for there to be an object in that gap, Hados is nearly twice Petrichor's size). due to its inclination relative to Hados' rings, it does get some beautiful sights as it orbits Hados from Ieros' leading hemisphere crater. Ieros had Termania's oceans in this pic, i am currently trying to make the game load the correct, nearly cooled lava textures instead of the templates oceans lol. More pics from the crater lake! (yes the plane is floating in lava, the terrain is buggy af and its due to kopernicus and squad being glitchy at 0.17ly lol Sunset on Ieros well this one is closer to sunset Sunrise, in this pic, the stars are nearly aligned with the view, so they appear to merge... well... they are KIND OF merging but not merging as they are contact binary lol Hados gets a little less light than Duna gets, it is about twice as far from the system barycenter as Collait&Culair, and is much too far from the stars for liquid water. Hados and Leros is basically fire and ice, tho Leros fits that better, there is fire and ice on the same world, however, the same is not true for Hados, that planet has no water or ice on its surface lol.
  13. Ok, i have created Culair's moon, Neptheis and also updated the main page to include the latest changes to the mod
  14. I just made the moon i said i was going to make around Culair. this is Neptheis, a small moon, that is identical in size to Xaxt, but wildly different geography. while Xaxt is lots of craters, and is almost purely pqs mod generated, Neptheis, is the opposite, it was created only with heightmap and no pqs mods lol. it has two large craters, and a few smaller craters. it is the only moon around Culair, and it orbits far enough from its parent gas giant to not be tidally stretched, however, its orbit (with principia) may precess a bit, as it has some eccentricity and inclination., and it is orbiting the smaller of the binary gas giants, that is, if the entire system doesnt collapse in on itself if principia is added lmao. Neptheis has similar coloring to Xaxt, actually, its similar to Xaxt in several ways, size, color, mass, gravity, etc. its high elevations are yellow-ish, compared to Xaxt's grayish. Neptheis and its parent gas giant, Culair (greenish giant on the right side), with Collait in the background with its new custom texture (i will use Gaseous Giganticus on it and the other gas giants) Neptheis is tidally locked, and has an orbital period of just over a Kerbin day.
  15. the 4th planet, Hados is nearly complete despite it being much too far from the stars for liquid water, it has lava oceans from a recent impact. said recent impact also created its large ring system
  16. I created the third planet of the system, Hados Hados is a large super-kerbin, 1140km in radius, and has a surface gravity of 2.46g (is about 8x the mass of Kerbin) it is also very hot due to recent impacts, evaporating all its water, making the atmosphere thicker at 1.6 atm. its low orbit velocity is nearly 5.1km/s, which is a good 500m/s higher than Eve's escape velocity. it is still not entirely complete, as i need to fix its atmo, temperature, make the lava actually lava texture and hot, and also fix a weird glitch where the oceans tile WEIRDLY heres a couple of pics from a 2000km orbit The largest crater in this pic, is easily 500km in size Hados has four lava filled craters that all exceed 100km in size
  17. Ah yes, I have planted a flag on <rand orbit line> and asserted dominance by t-posing in a <rand liquid>. Only possible for human.
  18. Now there’s way too many! I wish to be able to make a planet glow
  19. I completely redid Oyst and its moons Oyst now has a faint-ish ring system Avon now has a completely rebuilt heightmap, its largest crater is on the trailing hemisphere, i made Avon now tidally locked to Oyst. the large crater looks like a chunk of the moon got smashed off, also, it has normal terrain, it is slightly smaller than Ike. also, it finally has mountains! yay! (lol), the previous heightmap was super smooth and fuzzy, as i literally used a paintbrush to make it lol.. i used a tangram heightmap crater for its two basins, the other basin isnt visible in the pic, and doesnt really resemble the huge crater. Paxt now has a detail map on top of its oblate heightmap i used kittopia to generate its texture without the gradient oblate heightmap, and then used the color map as a vertex color map (left the vertex height color stuff in, its just disabled), and then reenabled the oblate heightmap (and rebuilt the scaledspace mesh) to make it properly oblate. its rotation rate is once every two hours, is about the size of Duna, no atmosphere, tho it is easier to land at its equator since its spinning quite rapidly. here is another pic of Paxt
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