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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. I find it hard to bring a spacecraft to low kerbol orbit and then bringing it back
  2. He watched The Expanse so much, that bobby-bill kerman dies from getting too overhyped about doing something
  3. Actually that would be pretty cool, if it posts it in a thread called “live ksp fails” lol tho it may just be filled with millions of reverts
  4. Why did that multiply four times? ok, hmmm... when might sn 15 hop
  5. Yea... you don’t want to go to a planet with a lightweight rocket that doesn’t root to the ground and suddenly get hit by a windstorm or a tornado
  6. That would be a sc- *sees that the flatness is an insignificant problems in scientific realism* o.. k then lol
  7. Disc world? Hmm... interesting edit: ooo interesting book series i like reading lol
  8. Can flat earth be considered bad sci if? wait... there is no sci fit flat earth movie as that would probably kill 99% of everyone’s braincells... hmm there probably is... hmm.. oh hey new page
  9. Also is it ok that some of the transports carry 1000 kerbals lol? if so, then... hmm.. if my game is at 60fps with 300m long nuclear welded ships, then I may make a 100 kiloton ship that is powered by a grand total of Tho that would go into the realm of overkill even for me lol
  10. I’m on mobile and cant seem to search a specific thread... hmm... is part welding mods allowed for this challenge? edit:found that it’s allowed
  11. Perhaps.... the 2d graph of the square root of a negative number results in the imaginary roots being in the third dimension?
  12. Ross just finished painting a giant rocket, when he looks up, and sees an illusion that makes it seem like it’s melting, he has a heart attack... literally. a cute Valentine’s Day heart smothers him Doge Kerman will drown in wealth
  13. Wait the small SRBs used the big SRBs fuel? im pretty sure that’s a glitch
  14. Now the stock parts in the stock game have a limited stock, so you can no longer make big ships! I wish for an economy in ksp
  15. it’s brown i wish that 3d printers could print any objects in under an hour
  16. Hmmm yea.... hmm... I usually cluster experiments right where the scientist is seated so I don’t need to move him around. Soo... idk
  17. There is an option like that in mobile processing labs. It’s the button that says “clean experiments” tho idk if it works with no scientists onboard.
  18. *imagines the SLS with giant flapping wings landing* hmmm.... it’s plausible, but not feasible
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