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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. Espoo is a snowball at the edge of the system, and I like snowballs, gilly is a neat looking baked space potato orbiting Eve, it makes a good fuel depot and then there’s dres, it has asteroids orbit, and it has a neat canyon, but that’s kinda it.
  2. Well, we also had a generator kept the house warm while the temperature nearly went into the negative F (-18C), and we fixed a frozen pipe behind my toilet as the pipe was outside the fricking insulation. the pool did freeze around two inches, we broke the ice a bit, it refroze, I stood on the ice lol, and there was like five inches of snow, and when the temp finally got to about 30 and the snow wasn’t powdery like flour, we made snowmen! Also, we had no power for 36 hours, power for 12 hours, then no power for 14, and finally it came back on and didn’t go off lol. If we hadn’t fixed an insulation issue last year, it would have been a LOT worse than a small section of frozen pipe that didn’t burst lol
  3. Banned for banning starship after it exploded, not before
  4. "Touchdown! Starship SN10 is still standing" aged like milk real fast lmao
  5. lmao yes, and now to somehow stick the landing afterwards and have everyone crap themselves lmao
  6. yes, it lit three engines, and shutdown the engine with the least thrust
  7. ok the spacex stream is a lot less nausea inducing, lol
  8. they are getting the rocket and the plume in the shot, the plume is the length of the rocket lol
  9. what nasa countdown is continuing, spacex stopped at T-1min ok resumed
  10. and its still t-1:30 lol *tri vents turn into rockets*
  11. the nasa spaceflight stream chat is going wild rn lol
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