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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. Instead of quitting, they become really fun, but after you graduate... I wish I knew how to do gravity assists to get a ship with very little fuel back to kerbin
  2. I am curious, as to how much delta V a K-E-K-K-J gravity assist combo saves on a trip to jool compared to a direct burn from LKO
  3. where do i find the custom version of the modulemanager? is it on github?
  4. 30m cylinder tanks would be kinda crazy, if there will be tanks that size, they would likely be spherical. but bigger parts than ksp1 will be awesome
  5. This Thread is similar to the other neverending story thread, but this thread, the parts of the story you add, has to be related to the previous user's avatar or user banner in some way. Since im the first in this thread, i dont really have anyone lol, so the first person to reply adds to the story that relates to my avatar or user cover banner thing lol. Ima start Jeb is in space...
  6. 10k chonker planes? Oh no hmmmmmm since try are Sabre powered, I colonize all atmospheric bodies
  7. Tortoises are good at going across land, but turtles are better since when they swim they easily reach a quarter the speed of light launching themselves to exact destinations like Proxima Centauri in about 16 years thanks to someone who funneled the entirety of Niagara Falls through a straw. Could you destroy the moon by funneling Niagra falls through a straw and hitting the moon?
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